ARFARFARF! Calling all Arizona Pups and Handlers!!
Who: Rocko, DaddyKenneth, Cuix23 , tazicus, FelixThompson & anyone who identifies as or wants to be part of A-PAH
What: Cuix, Rocko, Daddy Kenneth and A-PAH invite you to join us for some fun and frivolity (snacks and drinks, games, hanging out, sniffing each other, being silly) and also to discuss some ideas for how we can improve A-PAH and our little corner of the pup world!! We will meet at 11am when we will form a circle ⭕️ (bring blankets, please) - together and chat! This is not the last time we will meet as a group, ideally, we would like to meet at least once a quarter moving forward.
Where? Encanto Park (specific place tbd)
When: August 31 at 11am
Why: Our monthly bar night is fun, and we plan to continue doing that for the foreseeable future, but we would like to make sure we are growing and adapting and serving our needs as our communities grow, and we want to include YOU in the discussion about what it means to be a member of A-PAH and what we want for the direction of our club. Rocko, Cuix, and Daddy Kenneth will be leading the discussion and are excited to hear *your* voices and perspectives!
How: Just show up with and engage with the group. We will have name tags for everyone to wear along with their hood (if you choose, remember, it’ll be HAWT) and we will have everyone introduce themselves as part of the discussion, do an ice breaker, and establish ground rules, to help is get to know each other better. We figure the discussion will take about an hour and we want to discuss what A-PAH is and isn’t, who is part of A-PAH, and what things we want to do as a club moving forward.