Please tell others about this service so they don’t have to put off their medical needs. Let us help you and them get things taken care of.
Call or text (850)529-2227 to get scheduled
*Disclaimer:This is a NON-Medical providing service
Have you been putting off having a procedure or outpatient surgery done because you have nobody to take you, stay as your responsible adult aka Medical Companion, and take you back home. Please let us help you get taken care of. Don’t put your health off.
These are just some of the things we’ve already helped clients get done:
*cataract surgery
*spinal injections
*other injections
*pre-op/follow-up appointments
*regular Dr appointments
*and others
If you or someone you know need us please call or text, let’s get you scheduled
$15 an hr
Have had clients referred from The Surgery Center and Center For Sight