It’s “Lab Day”, rainy day schedule at our house means all yellow Labs turn chocolate. 🙃
Today’s new adventure from inside the box…..
-We started eating solid food😎. Our molars are officially through the gums 🥳 (less fussy now)
-We are turning 4 weeks old, tomorrow the 16th.
-We also learned how to use the black pig rail that was inside our box as a stepping stool to escape our box in the middle of the night when human mom was sleeping 😵💫so that’s been removed😳. No escaping allowed until we are a little older, human mom feels much better if we stay in our box a lil longer😱.
I swear they grow and change over night. Look how active they are this evening. Getting cuter and cuter by the minute🥰.
**See why I can’t get anything done around here, I’m very distracted by these adorable babies.**
Pups 1st pan of goats milk. 🥰
The Labs have their own washer and dryer in the garage. When i wash their toys this is what i hear🤣
Liberty’s 5 big beefy blocky stocky babies (plus the ylw cousin) are lots of fun now that they are starting to run around and play.
They will be 5 wks old tomorrow.
Black bears, a Grizzly bear, and a Polar bear 🤣
Lacey’s bunch of 7 are 3 1/2 weeks old. Starting to interact with their toys and each other.
Thx to everyone that wanted to see Lacey’s puppies in action. They keep me very entertained. They’re growing like weeds and getting cuter by the minute. 3 weeks old already.
Lacey’s 2 week old polar bear light cream ylw English Lab puppies are starting to walk on all fours, starting to hear me, starting to see me and they decided use their new found voices to protest against getting a clean blanket🤣. it’s a lil crazy to watch, taken mostly for their vocal protesting more than anything else.
Liberty had her fabulous fantastic 5 chunky monkeys on Friday 3-22-24 They are 4 days old today. We hv one blk boy and one blk girl avail. These fur babies go home May 17th. Text me for info Tamra 602-741-4185
Lacey’s English white Labrador polar bear puppies are 11 days old. Big beefy blocky stocky babies. Only one male and one female avail at the moment. Text for details on puppy adoptions 602-741-4185 Tamra.