As promised scheduling of dogs will now begin. Here are some IMPORTANT items to remember when requesting appointments.
1. Our priority will be for large dogs, or puppies that will become large breed dogs. Our category of small dogs is less than 40 lbs and large is over 40 lbs.
2. We seek to serve those families and owners who are economically challenged. While we are not currently checking income status, we believe that the system used by similar organizations doing the same work is fair and should serve as a guideline for our clinic as well. Here's what those income guidelines look like as of today. 1 person $30,350, 2 person $41,150, 3 family members, $51,950 more than three people $62,750
3. Breeders will need to see private practice vets.
4. Dog having flat faced features such as boston terriers, pugs and similar looking dogs are best served at private practice vets where their airways are maintained by multiple staff members for their complete safety.
5. Small breed dogs will be served but we will assess availability of spots to allow most of # 1 above to be served. Small breed dogs should be at least 5 pounds and 5 months prior to surgery. We do want to help everyone!
5. Pricing: Dogs under 40 lbs are $50 41-70 lbs are $60 and over to 85 are $70 This includes surgery, nail trim, go home medications, a cone collar, liquid dewormer and a distemper/parvo at time of surgery. If you do not have a current rabies on file at your local vet, $10 extra will be charged for this item as it is state law that all animals over the age of 4 months be protected against rabies. WE WILL NOT CALL YOUR VET TO GET THIS INFORMATION> It is your responsibility to have this ready at checkin.
6. If your dog needs a hernia repair, the cost is $15 extra, undescended testicles are $15 per side. The extra cost is due to the extra required time for the procedure.
7. Cash only at time of checkin.
8. Your appointment is not reserved until we confirm it within our system. You will receive an email asking you to sign the consent form and be provided details on preparing your dog for checkin which is at 7:30 am