Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes

Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes... Setting the standard for excellence in temperament. Well titled dogs with extensive health clearances.

Dogs that actively compete in Conformation, Agility, Rally, Obedience, Hunt Tests, and Tracking. Breeding, training, and competing with some of the most versatile Chesapeakes in the South. Our dogs can be seen competing in Hunt tests one day and the conformation ring the next and curled up in the bed with 'their person' at night! We do extensive health clearances on our dogs and title them in a va

riety of different venues. No other breeder in the south has dogs as versatile as Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes are! Visit the rest and see what makes Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes stand out from the other breeders. Few Chesapeake kennels compete with their dogs in the variety of tests, trials, and events that Whiskey Creek does. We take pride in the versatility of our dogs and work hard to make our dogs 'stand out' from the other kennels by producing dogs that not only look good, but are smart and easy to train. Visit the rest and see what makes Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes stand out from the other kennels! We welcome guests, but please call before coming out as we are often on the road doing what we do best...showing our dogs!

BIG Congrats to Ginger (Forest x Quill) and her person Heidi for landing in the FIRST position for the fastest Chesapeak...

BIG Congrats to Ginger (Forest x Quill) and her person Heidi for landing in the FIRST position for the fastest Chesapeakes running Fast CATs!

They ran their first two runs a month ago with me down at an event in Union, SC. They ventured out a few weeks later and did four runs at an event in TN. With six runs under their belt they have snatched the coveted “Fastest Chessie” ranking. It’s still very early in the year, so things can change, but its nice to see Ginger following in the pawsteps of her sire, Forest, who held the “Fastest Chessie” for two or three years!

And congrats to 7+ year old Kale (Rascal x Violet) and person Michael (Heidi’s father! We love it when our puppy buyers ‘keep it in the family!’) for his 3rd place position! Not too shabby for a dog who did his first run a month ago!

But wait! There’s more!

Sage (Gauge x Evin) another WCC dog owned by Michael (Seems like WCC dogs are like potato chips…you can’t have just one!) is in the 11th position! She also just started running a month ago!

Bert is tucked in the 5th position, and Frigs is bringing up the rear in the 12th position.

These times are changing weekly, so it’s nice to see us currently holding the top honor!

Frigate also had a good weekend doing Coursing and Fast CATs!  I think it is fair to say that Frigs will NOT be attempti...

Frigate also had a good weekend doing Coursing and Fast CATs! I think it is fair to say that Frigs will NOT be attempting to do Coursing again anytime soon! She says she is NOT A FAN!!!

She is SO MUCH like her half sister Reid it is FRIGHTENING!!! So many of the same mannerisms, behaviors, likes, dislikes…it often takes me by surprise!

With a LOT of effort on *my* part, Frigs managed to earn her Coursing Ability (CA) title. I kept telling all the VERY NICE and VERY UNDERSTANDING judges and lure operators with Time To Fly - Performance Dog Sports that Frigates ribbon should actually have *my* name on the tab and not Frigate’s!

I’m sure the pictures when they become available are going to be HILARIOUS!

So Frigs did her three runs for Coursing and finished out her weekend with two FCAT runs that weren’t her best times, but also not her worst!

She also took her CGC and CGCA tests and passed them in “Frigate style!” OMGosh! She truly is her half sister Reid made over in SO MANY WAYS!!!

And just like her sister Reid…
We get the ‘beaten dog look’ when it comes time for pictures. I swear, she really is a very pretty girl with lovely ear set and expression, she just HATES it when the camera comes out!

Pending AKC…
Frigate is now formally known as…


Big Bertha did a thing this weekend…She earned her Coursing title at the Pembroke Corgi Club event at the Horse Park in ...

Big Bertha did a thing this weekend…

She earned her Coursing title at the Pembroke Corgi Club event at the Horse Park in Tryon, NC! This girl LOVES to chase a baggie bunny and looks like a lioness while doing it! Stretched out and running full speed- an amazing athlete!

I need to buy pics from the Brooksville event and this one, but keep forgetting! Im sure there are some awesome pics as the photographers really are great at these events!

She also was able to do a Fast CAT run that her bestie, Peak the Border Terrier, gave to her since she was unable to attend. I cant recall off hand, but i think it was in the 7+ second range. I don’t think she’s going to be able to ‘catch’ her mom, Quill’s, fastest time which was in the 6 second range.

And for kicks and giggles we earned our CGCA and our Farm Dog title!

Pending AKC…
Bert can now be called…


Have YOU filled out the HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE from the American Chesapeake Club???

You don’t have to be a member of the ACC or any club, you just need to have a Chessie or had a Chessie anytime starting 2004.

Please take the time to fill it out! In doing so, we help improve the health of the breed we love so much!


We use cutting edge qualitative and quantitative market research technology to help you make successful, informed decisions that will grow your brand.

This is what CDDY/IVDD looks like.This girl will be four years old in less than a month.  Her owners tell me she came in...

This is what CDDY/IVDD looks like.

This girl will be four years old in less than a month.

Her owners tell me she came in from outside two weeks ago and “wasn’t acting right.” The next day they brought her to the vet where they did a CT scan and brought into surgery the same day.

Four ruptured disks

Don’t think this is a test you need to test for? You can buy the test on sale many times throughout the year with many if the genetic testing companies. There is even a discount code through the ACC you can use with one of the companies.

$25-$50 dollars a test (there are two…CDDY/IVDD and CDPA) versus doG only can guess what the surgery for this active dog was. I’m just so thankful that her people have the financial means to have been able to do the surgery.

If we thought DM was bad…
DM is painless (except for the owners who take care of the affected dogs).

CDDY/IVDD is painful. It’s ruptured disks. It’s bowed legs.


It only takes ONE COPY of the gene for dogs to be AFFECTED!!!

I bred two different girls that produced puppies that ended up having about HALF of their litters being affected with CDDY/IVDD (luckily they did not also have CDPA, but out of the two conditions, CDDY is absolutely the worst) I didn’t tell anyone about having dogs with CDDY/IVDD for a long time because I felt guilty for producing dogs with the issue. It wasnt until one of the buyers hugged me as I was crying saying how horrible I felt that their dog had the condition and that I would have never intentionally of bred puppies had I just known about the condition and that there has been a test for it. He said to me “It’s hard to test for something you didn’t know about. If this is an issue in the breed, why doesn’t the Chessie Club list it as one of the test you need to test before breeding?”

Why doesn’t the ACC list CDDY/IVDD and CDPA in the lineup of tests that should be done before breeding? What could be the reason they don’t add it to the necessary tests to do before breeding? How hard is it to change the CHIC requirements? Is there a bunch of hoops that need to be jumped through or can the parent club give the information to OFA?

I recently got on the ACC site and saw CDDY/IVDD and CDPA listed under the ‘Health’ tab (Added on Oct 24). Three and a half years too late for me. But I will keep talking about it and trying to get the word out as best I can until CDDY/IVDD & CDPA are tests that breeders wouldn’t ever consider breeding their dogs without having BOTH sire and dam clear before they would consider breeding them.

Please feel free to share. The more people know about these things, the better the breed becomes!


Happy to have finally gotten all the tests submitted for Frigates OFA ‘CHIC’ certification.

I’m proud of doing my part to ensure the puppies my kennel produces are free of inherited genetic disorders and I have attempted to reduce the risk of orthopedic conditions by testing my girls before breeding.

While these tests are not a guarantee that other conditions that we commonly see in ALL dog breeds today that we can NOT test for or predict dogs might develop (cancer, seizures, stomach issues, allergies), I feel that ALL breeders of ALL breeds should be attempting to improve the health of the next generation.

We are excited about producing our EIGHTH GENERATION of extensive health tested, well titled Whiskey Creek puppies this spring!

Interested in bringing home your next adventure? Contact us for more information!

Click link below to see all of Frigate’s health clearances.

Another 100% owner trained hunting dog!  Aspen (Gauge x Lucy ) and her person getting it done!

Another 100% owner trained hunting dog! Aspen (Gauge x Lucy ) and her person getting it done!

Frigate wasn’t the only one to earn a FAST CAT title this week…Bertha ran her first FCAT and did it in the blistering sp...

Frigate wasn’t the only one to earn a FAST CAT title this week…

Bertha ran her first FCAT and did it in the blistering speed of NINE miles per hour! LOL! In her defense, I believe something caught her eye and made her stop running, so there was a long pause between her taking off and her crossing the finish line.

So I tried Big B again and the second run she sped up a bit…
Just over 22mph.

I just feel like she hasn’t REALLY opened up yet…

By run #5 Bert was running a cool 26mph and earned her first Fast CAT title…

Big Bertha- BCAT

She doesn’t know what all the fuss is about, she was just doing what comes naturally to her!

Oh! And since we were there and it was something else to do, Bertha tried her hand at doing the Temperament Test and CGC and passed both of those with flying colors!

Big Bertha BCAT, ATT, CGC

Hopefully I can share some professional pics of the girls once the photographers post them!


Was looking up stats on Coursing and FCATs…
Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes is the only kennel to have produced dogs that have BOTH the FCAT and CAX titles. Those two dogs are:

URO1 SHR U-CA USJCH U-CH CH Whiskey Creek's Purple Mountain Majesty CD RE CAX FCAT DSA

And Primage…

I think that’s kinda cool! I only run my girls in CATs and FCATs when they are part of a show or if they are close to my house, so I’m impressed that they are the first and only Chessies with both those titles as I know the popularity of both events has grown tremendously in the last few years.

Whiskey Creek has had dogs ranked as the ‘fastest’ dogs in FCATs several years and MANY dogs listed in the ‘Top Ten’ fastest.

The versatility and willingness of my dogs always puts a smile on my face!

Frigate and her DCAT ribbon she earned yesterday.She’s less than excited about having her picture taken, as you can tell...

Frigate and her DCAT ribbon she earned yesterday.
She’s less than excited about having her picture taken, as you can tell!

There are now 41 Chesapeakes to have earned the DCAT title.
Out of the 41, seven of them are Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes, more than any other kennel. Whiskey Creek was the FIRST Chesapeake kennel to run and title in FCATs. We were the first to earn the BCAT, DCAT, and FCAT titles.

I’m happy that Frigate is carrying on the tradition of ‘bunny chasing’ Chessies!

I love this picture!Five month old Hae (Bodie x Quill) is looking (and acting!) like a big dog with his person during th...

I love this picture!

Five month old Hae (Bodie x Quill) is looking (and acting!) like a big dog with his person during their duck hunt the other day.

Hae is 100% OWNER TRAINED and is a solid and reliable hunting partner!


Got an out of the blue phone call this evening from someone who used to have a Whiskey Creek dog. They currently have a dog from a different breeder. The person kept telling me how they have never had a dog as nice as he was. “The best hunting dog I have ever had.”

That was an unexpected and very appreciated compliment.

Do you know what day it is?  It’s ‘Nail Day!’Trying to get the ‘Dobe look’ before show season starts.  Nothing ruins a p...

Do you know what day it is?
It’s ‘Nail Day!’

Trying to get the ‘Dobe look’ before show season starts. Nothing ruins a pretty dog than seeing them with long daggers!

Why does Bertha look like that you ask?Well!  Bert looks like that because after a fun day of running around the farm sh...

Why does Bertha look like that you ask?

Well! Bert looks like that because after a fun day of running around the farm she came into my husbands office and proceeded to CONSUME a COTTON GLOVE. One minute she was playing with it, tossing it in the air, catching it, pushing it around the floor, and then the next minute I looked up to see her swallowing that glove just like a snake swallows an egg; head back and BIG gulps! By the time I realized what she was doing, the glove was GONE!

Note to self:
Bring a bottle of H2O2 up to the farm along with a syringe.

People complain about dogs inthe shelter and puppy mill dogs, but have you thought of the reason WHY there are dogs in a...

People complain about dogs inthe shelter and puppy mill dogs, but have you thought of the reason WHY there are dogs in a shelter and puppy mills?



Woke up to it flurrying!
The two elders aren’t too thrilled!

Bertha and Ginger wish their littermate brothers and sisters a very happy FIRST Birthday!(Forest x Quill)

Bertha and Ginger wish their littermate brothers and sisters a very happy FIRST Birthday!
(Forest x Quill)

Two weeks ago Quill and I ventured to her first Scentwork trial in I can’t tell you how long it’s been for her!  And eve...

Two weeks ago Quill and I ventured to her first Scentwork trial in I can’t tell you how long it’s been for her! And even worse, I can’t even tell you the last time I trained Quill! She’s been busy with mommy duties for the last year and now that she is ‘retired’ from breeding she can get back to the activities that she enjoys! So on a whim I entered her and she did not disappoint!

Pending AKC Quill has added two new titles to her repertoire…
Scentwork Interior Advanced (SIA)
Scentwork Exterior Advanced (SEA)

Hopefully Quill and I can catch up with our training and trialing in the upcoming year!


1045 Wilson Road
Pisgah Forest, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm


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