BIG Congrats to Ginger (Forest x Quill) and her person Heidi for landing in the FIRST position for the fastest Chesapeakes running Fast CATs!
They ran their first two runs a month ago with me down at an event in Union, SC. They ventured out a few weeks later and did four runs at an event in TN. With six runs under their belt they have snatched the coveted “Fastest Chessie” ranking. It’s still very early in the year, so things can change, but its nice to see Ginger following in the pawsteps of her sire, Forest, who held the “Fastest Chessie” for two or three years!
And congrats to 7+ year old Kale (Rascal x Violet) and person Michael (Heidi’s father! We love it when our puppy buyers ‘keep it in the family!’) for his 3rd place position! Not too shabby for a dog who did his first run a month ago!
But wait! There’s more!
Sage (Gauge x Evin) another WCC dog owned by Michael (Seems like WCC dogs are like potato chips…you can’t have just one!) is in the 11th position! She also just started running a month ago!
Bert is tucked in the 5th position, and Frigs is bringing up the rear in the 12th position.
These times are changing weekly, so it’s nice to see us currently holding the top honor!