As any and all efforts, for families, friends, medical especially those homeless , displaced for whatever reason, to keep up with the ability to provide basic needs and care, are becoming increasingly difficult in the disastrous price inflated economy, crippling the most diligent efforts throughout this nation's economy.
It's been my understanding, for the past 30 years from all I have talked to in the medical field in and the Supply industry
Both human and veterinary,
That that both medical insurance as well as large pharmacological corporations are the most crippling, tripling and most cases quadrupling prices with greater than 10% increases every single year . This will not end, nor reverse. Laboratory testing has gone up 25% in the last two years alone.
Process of being low-cost sometimes escapes me.
Even reasonably cost for most other clinics and veterinary hospitals for what the public can be expected to bear for their companion pets. Results in more end of life decisions that would normally not be made. As well as other lower cost decisions of treatment that May not be as effective or curative in therapy.
 when we started in 2009 during the last recess depressed economy, it's come full circle 15 years later now even worse .
This September will be 15 years for us.
 some say the destination is awesome me I'm just enjoying the journey the ride is what makes it cuz you may not care for the destination, even if you've been there before because of what its become or it may not care for you allowing your return. 
It is what you make it. Never Ever for me is it " it is what it is" while I live breathe and stand.
My head is an animal. Do you think your companion pets care bout where they're going with you unless of course you turn it into the veterinary office. They recognize where they are instantly. They just be happy being with you and they will cling to you a lot closer when you make that turn right?
Sometimes, if you let go that illusion of control, anxiety and worry, what s to come what is to be what you have what you don't have , can turn things around in itself.