🐶🐶🐶 🐾 🐾 🐈 I suspect it’s hard to love anyone in the Veterinary healthcare field. We get up early and don't have time to drink coffee over the newspaper. We come home late and are too tired to cook or it's too late to even start a meal for our family. We work extra hours because we know there are sick animals who need us and we are all that they have. We miss events, holidays, birthdays, and our children's school programs or sporting events. We think about our patients even when we leave the building, wondering if we helped them in any special way. We don't want to talk when we come home. We’ve talked all day. We don't want to move when we come home but there’s still LOTS of work to do. We’ve moved all day and we’ll keep moving until our own animals are cared for. It may seem that we have left all our caring, our heart, and our love at work, then have come home to you empty. We probably have. But we don't tell you that many times at work we’re mired by anxiety and we’re scared; very scared that we’re missing something. Scared we will let our patient down, or worse. Our patients are our families, too. We don't tell you how some of our patients are dying and this makes us sad. We don't share with you how our hearts melt when our patients give us that loving kiss or tail wag that makes our day even though we still know they feel terrible and can't tell us why, we just have to use our experience and do our best to treat to the best of our ability. I suspect it is hard to love a Veterinary healthcare worker, but know this: your Veterinary healthcare worker needs your love, your understanding, and to know that you get it. We need to be the one taken care of every once in a while. We need someone else to take charge of the details because doing it ourselves constantly is exhausting. I would like to thank those of you out there who love us! I also would like to thank those hardworking Veterinary healthcare professionals out there that have sacrificed and will do it again without hesitation. 🐶 🐕 🐾 🐈 🐈⬛
🌴 Aloha 🌴