It didn’t take long to find Cookie another home ❤️
Wish her luck today as we drive her to Daytona to deliver her to her new family.
Scone, my keeper puppy, showing that there should be more to a show prospect than being pretty. I’m setting a foundation for a fruitful future! Scone is pretty fearless and I’m having such a fun time working with her. Beauty and brains.
Training never stops! Touching up on Cookies skills before she leaves.
The most important exposure our dogs/puppies get is children! Children are loud and unpredictable and in my opinion, you can tell which puppies were raised around them and which weren’t.
Here is a video featuring some of our kids and Cookie (our girl going to Arizona to be a sports dog) chasing the dirt bike in excitement. Peep her little jump off the hill at the end.
Daddy Bayou is staying with us while his mom is on vacation. Him and Versace are so cute together and my son adores the poodles.
Location Florida.
Cookie! Standard poodle.
DOB: 7/23/23, from the bakers dozen litter. Parents have all the things including full health testing, titles in conformation and some sports.
Temperament wise, you couldn’t ask for a better sire and dam.
UGRCH Illuminations Calling from the Bayou BCAT TKI CGC
UCH P-B’s I’ve Got Standards BCAT, CGCA, CGCU, TKI, ATT, FDC
Do you need your next demo dog? Your next hiking partner? Or your next sports dog? Cookie is all that and more!
Pros: crate trained, potty trained, leash trained, started on basic obedience. Exposed to all the things and will continue to do so. Raised with ENS, ESI and avidog and puppy culture protocols. Has been groomed since she was tiny. I started exposure to the clippers as early as one week old.
Her granddam on the sires side is a high level obedience and agility dog! Her grandsire on her dams side is a successful upland hunting and therapy dog and all four sets of “grands” are highly successful in sports and working with drive for days. Sire and dam are more mild and easy to live with, which is why this cross is so successful.
Cons: will need more on preventing separation anxiety. As it stands she does NOT display this with me but in other households (stud owner, and trainer friend) she did show some signs. She does get mild car sickness like her mother did at this age but Dramamine does help and counter conditioning her will work (as it did her mother).
A majority of her siblings went on to service dog homes, but because of her “cons” I’m not currently offering her as such unless you have experience with these things and are willing to work through them. She is tiny and mighty.
I would love to see this dog in a sports home or with a dog trainer that will use her to her potential. She has so much potential and I’m excited to watch her develop. I put all my energy and love into these babies and did absolutely everything I could to ensure they were set for success and w
Meeting strange kids at the playground
Part 3 and last video update of our new experiences today. Here the girls are coming down the stairs, which is much different than going up them. Once Scone figured it out, she was running ahead of me.
These babies are amazing. Cookie is still available and will continue going through training while she is with us so feel free to inquire if you are interested.
Part 2 from new experiences!!
We climbed the water tower to the top. I believe it had six different “floors”. The girls did fantastic. So much natural confidence and fine tuned confidence as well.
We had new experiences today! Scone has been to the beach before but this was Toothless (GSD) Cookie and Quinley’s (formerly Pretzel) first time!
The business page will only let me post one video at a time so you will see multiple posts from this excursion. But they had a blast. We focused on FUN. Training is vital for any puppy, but you can’t forget about fun. We did not implement proper leash manners or force any kind of obedience beyond the occasional recall when they got too far or when we saw people coming. Of course, natural check ins were highly praised. Puppies need time to simply be puppies, so hikes and adventures like this is what we focus on. It helps build confidence and also gives your puppy a ton of natural mental and physical stimulation. These babies are exhausted.
Scone showing for best of breed
Contact us today for your puppy training needs.
Moka practiced confidence today! This may seem like a silly way to teach that, but Great Dane puppies notoriously don’t know where their feet are, and Moka in particular, lacks confidence in most things. It may seem like I’m holding her here, but I was simply providing stability since the tree was quite skinny and uneven.
After this exercise, Moka offered to climb a separate tree by herself.
More leash walking/confidence building with baby Moka.
Moka wouldn’t walk on a leash for her mom — we have been working on that and this was our first time in a strange environment and she acted like she had always done it.
Working on leash skills and confidence with this little unsure Great Dane puppy named Moka. She is only 10 weeks old.