Hi all!
I haven't checked on this page in a hot second. I originally created this as an account dedicated to my dog training life! As many of you know, I no longer work for Petco. I absolutely love the staff at the Port Richey Petco and was sad to leave all my students! But unfortunately, even if I were to have booming business every moment of every day at Petco, the most I'd ever make would be around $40k a year. Reality is closer to $28k a year due to the economy around Port Richey Petco.
I got my health and life license to sell insurance, and found out the hard way that entering that industry is a huge gamble!
At the moment I am between things.
-I do work at Ulta in Trinity part-time currently.
-My family is just starting a new business I will be active in, "Your Tropical Oasis", which will begin by specializing in detecting pipe leaks with cameras (minimally damaging the surrounding concrete to find the leak), as well as branching out into other restoration work, sealing pavers, painting pools, murals, landscaping, etc. anything to make your own tropical oasis everything you imagined!
-AND.... I am also contracted with a young company called "Dog Academy" for in-home dog training! https://dogacademy.org/
So if you have anymore dog training needs, request me!