I wanted to have a little fun with REO. #goodboy
I’m talking to you Simon
Watch the video without sound and see if you can identify when I say Simon’s name. It’s more than once. Then go back and watch with the sound. Did you get it? It’s subtle and can be missed if you aren’t present.
Being present requires you to be fully aware, without distractions. “Present means being fully conscious of the moment and free from the noise of internal dialogue (Natalie Buchwald, LMHC).”
It seems like it is getting harder to be fully present when demands find avenues that make it easier to consume, us. Expectations are that we always be available, to everyone. Can’t turn the phone off or leave it, it’s an umbilical. Being forever accesible has changed our expectations. “Why haven’t they answered my text?” after only a couple minutes.
Maybe I’m getting old and getting sentimental for the good old days.
#livelovelaugh Beautiful Uno and the winter night sky
Snow and cold cold cold! It’s just starting. Navajo is in good spirits #herewego
We keep working on REO. Will set up another PEMF treatment for him when the next arctic blast passes. #keepgoing
#whatisthis Navajo! It’s an apple! 😂❤️
Poor Simon. Enter the mare and #gameover
Blankets on again. #newyear
Lover boy Reo #youretheone #loveislove
This is what winter can be like. Blankets on, blankets off. Wash, rinse, repeat. Meanwhile, laundry and dishes are piling up 😂 #washrinserepeat
It’s the winter solstice! Enjoy the sound of crunchy snow and the swish swish of my snow pants ❤️ #wintersolstice