Horse Whisperer Deborah has been working with her own horses for over 50 years and has won numerous competitions in both Western and English!
The Horse Whisperer University is here to teach you all about Horses, (Big and Small) What you need to know before owning them, providing for them, learning tips, lessons, Tips and techniques from the Southwest trainer....
Deborah Lyndsey (horse whisperer) she is the "Best" teacher from the Southwest in Prescott, Az. where she has her Ranch! She is an Expert and so knowledgeable in every aspect of horses from many years of owning her own! Most importantly, she teaches with a kind, loving heart and believes in safety first for you and the horse! She specializes in just knowing what a horse is thinking! She knows God helps her to understand how they feel, what they are thinking and how to help them and their owners! All these tips from the Horse Whisperer University are strictly based on opinions and many years of learning from the horse! These opinions are in no means affiliated with facebook and please note you are entering here at your own risk. The Horse Whisperer University and Deborah Lindsey are in no way liable for any harm to you or your horse! Phyllis Bradd from The Bradd Group LLC will be bringing you all Photography and Video for you to learn from at which holds all copyrights to photo's and video's! All restrictions apply! Which means nothing can be copied, duplicated, used or sold from this information we are giving you. Prosecution is a serious offense! We intend to follow through with this strict restriction! Please enjoy and feel free to share with your friends and family all of the great information you will be provided with here! It would be a blessing to us if we could help just 1 person to better understand a horse and what it takes to take care of such a loving spirit