Hello my pet friendly peeps❤️ I hope your new year is going pretty good? Just going to give a bit of D’Shed news for the new year……
🐾Pricing is going to stay pretty much the same for another year. I have been trying to make it bit more consistent so a few of the bigger dogs may fluctuate up or down a few dollars just so I can try and get my prices regulated.
🐾My customer base is growing rapidly (YAY!!) That being said, I may have a harder time getting you in right away. I know some of you are used to getting in same day or next day, and I will continue to try to do that, but it might not happen?
🐾To accommodate my growing clientele, I have been working with an already skilled groomer. Sarah has ran a grooming shop in southern Idaho for a veterinary hospital. It has been a little while since she did that, so she is brushing up on her knowledge by helping me. She will be here on Fridays to do bath and brush dogs, toenail trims and light trimming. I will be booking some of you with her on Fridays so that I can focus on more detailed grooms and we can get more in on that day. Hopefully she stays and wants to expand into a few more days!! She is really good with the dogs and is friendly and enjoys the grooming business.
Thank you all so much for all your kindness and business!!🐾❤️ I can’t believe we are coming up to being open for 2 years already!! I couldn’t have done it without God and all of you!!❤️🐾