had to download the video separately
And a short clip of puppies feeling grass for the first time. The barking is their Mom wondering why she is NOT in the yard with them.
And last but by no means least: Snow's new family sent a video of her and her new "buddy", Lola, their 2 year old BRT. Photos to follow.
The puppies turn 4 weeks tomorrow and they have been on a mix of formula and wet puppy food for a week now. Mom still nurses a few times a day, but those needle puppy teeth are coming in and I think she appreciates the relief. They can really get loud when lapping up their meal, I had to take a video to show. PLUS when they do nurse, the milk bar is really crowded now. Posting a picture of when they were a few days old and today.
My husband managed a good clip of the puppies up and walking! (hard to get when the puppy wash mat is charcoal and they are black, lol)
I had nearly forgotten this: Nicky came home from getting a "Best of Winners" and unwound by playing tug with new arrival "Kat". They still play tug now and again, but Nicky pulls too hard for Kat, he can even pull me over! Video taken by my Niece with her phone.
First real snow fall: Nov 2020
Blackies loving what they were bred for.
First time trying "Brace". Best in Show competition, with Misha in full heat.
Working a "Best in Show Brace Class" December 2019, with Misha in full heat.
Nicky and Kat Dec 08 2019 unwinding from a show weekend
Nicky (the NO one gets to beat me playing TUG!) letting the baby win!