Radish Mama

Radish Mama I'm Brandi! Foodie Mama, Lifestyle photographer, and Homesteader. Connecting people to foods directl

The egg on the left is what I refer to as “smallies” they are laid by our younger hens who have just began laying. It ta...

The egg on the left is what I refer to as “smallies” they are laid by our younger hens who have just began laying. It takes awhile for them to start laying medium to large eggs. These are eggs I do not sell.
So in the spirit of giving, I am giving away 5 dozen smallies to who ever wants them! Free of charge but I am only giving one dozen per person/family… that way I can spread the love a little further.
I sometimes give them away when someone comes to buy our regular eggs. Just because each year we get so many!
They are perfect to hard boiled snacks, if you are baking and it calls for two eggs I suggest three of these.
The egg to the right is a normal size egg.


Up at the crack of dawn for Miss Laverne to get her AI done. She was a pretty good sport about it for the most part but since she is such a big girl it took a bit longer than expected. Grateful for the help from Dr Burrows and his patience with her!
Fingers crossed things will go our way!

I opened a can of worms yesterday. It was pretty humbling. I know how stiff and hard I can be. But on the flip side, I a...

I opened a can of worms yesterday. It was pretty humbling. I know how stiff and hard I can be. But on the flip side, I am generous and kind. My personality isn’t for everyone and I get that. But I am not a hateful person. I really had to take pause and accept that I invited these opinions in. I am ok with that but I also want people to know who I am. Come here, meet me, watch how I do things. I am not cruel but I am practical. I also have such a hard time understanding how people can just assume you don’t have a heart or are just cruel because they don’t see how you see things differently.
I always want to be the person I want my kids to be. Be generous, be kind, be willing to be vulnerable.
I am genuinely sorry my RBF is so strong.

Ok here we are Monday! I had an insane week last week. I think I had driven more miles collectively last week than I hav...

Ok here we are Monday! I had an insane week last week. I think I had driven more miles collectively last week than I have all year. And honestly, that doesn’t say too much because I never really leave my house. 🤣 But last week I was able to drop off some meals, pickup two truck loads of wood, and still manage to drive over to Cave Creek to pickup my hide and skull from my butcher. Did I have time for any or that?!? Not really. But here’s the thing. There is the same amount of time in every single day. It’s up to us with how we use those hours. I made the time. When I tell my butcher I can come grab the things he can’t store, well it’s a “good morning” and rearrange my day kind of text. I am not here to make things more complicated for my people. And when I see someone in need, I am happy to drop some food off to help lift the burden.
Now that it’s a new week… I will be strapped to the kitchen for 90% of the next few days. I could always use some extra hands if someone feels so inclined to help. I actually have a few things to knock out.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Oh hello there, it’s me Brandi. I know I probably don’t look like a Brandi but here I am. I am your full time homesteade...

Oh hello there, it’s me Brandi. I know I probably don’t look like a Brandi but here I am. I am your full time homesteader who left a corporate office job to get down, dirty, sweaty, and stinky full time. It was truly a hard decision and transition. But I couldn’t be more grateful for it.
I have spent the past few years working hard and striving to make this lifestyle work. It’s not easy but it’s definitely fulfilling. My cup runneth over constantly. I also drop a lot of cups and they shatter so there’s that too.
I am just making this post for some new tag alongs to my world.
I am a very quirky gal (like OCD) who processes the world in a very different way. I don’t shy away from hard work and will always show up when someone within my community needs it.
I am also a pretty straight shooter, so if you ask me my opinion, that’s absolutely what you’re going to get. I do wish I was a softer person but ya know, it kind of weeds out the people I struggle to deal with. I do love hard though.
Welcome to my little space and thank you for being here. I will try my best not to offend you. I just want to continue to be me authentically.

For those attending this weekends dinner, here is our Menu! Please contact me for address, food allergies, or any questi...

For those attending this weekends dinner, here is our Menu!
Please contact me for address, food allergies, or any questions you may have about the menu or dinner in general. I am looking forward to spending the evening treating you to an amazing meal.

Off social media until Tuesday. This holiday is and always has been a hard one for me. I will be spending time hanging a...

Off social media until Tuesday. This holiday is and always has been a hard one for me. I will be spending time hanging around home and just overall taking a break from my usual jam packed days.
I am so thankful to be a mom to my children. I truly feel like I continually strive to be what I wanted and needed and I hope my kids know that. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. And I don’t try to be either.
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone deserving.
I do have a scheduled post for Monday so all replies or comments will be handled Tuesday.
If you really need me than you probably already have my number, just text me. If not…. BUG OFF until Tuesday.

Thank you all so much for the chicken love! I was almost up to 20 dozen eggs last week and we cleared out. Our hens are ...

Thank you all so much for the chicken love! I was almost up to 20 dozen eggs last week and we cleared out. Our hens are so loved! We continue to have quite a few chicken eggs but we are also swimming in duck eggs! Hit me up if you’re allergic to chicken eggs or have plans to do some baking!
I am making a second batch of cowboy candy this week and have one new first time freshner goat to get on the stand to train. (Wish me luck!)
Today and Thursday I will be filling tallow orders.
We have a sweet (and smelly) Nigerian Dwarf buck here visiting some of my ladies for fall kids. So we’ll see how that goes!
The days are long but I am continually fulfilled with what our hard work produces.

Dinner is SOLD OUT!

Dinner is SOLD OUT!

Looking for a wonderful scratch dinner on a beautiful homestead? How about a Mother’s Day gift for two? Well I am openin...

Looking for a wonderful scratch dinner on a beautiful homestead? How about a Mother’s Day gift for two?
Well I am opening up our homestead to bring you an experience to remember. May 18th from 5:30-9:30pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30 and appetizers as you come. This is going to be a four course meal. Menu will be finalized after consulting with my local growers past what our homestead provides. But I can tell you now, you won’t want to miss out. There will be 16 seats available. Some items will be made table side or over an open fire. I will be your main chef and will accommodate any food allergies or sensitivities.
This is not a stock photo. This picture was taken at the very first patio feast served on our property in 2019.
Seats are $75 each. Please PM for any additional questions or how to sign up.
There will also be tours available during cocktail hour (byoA) by my sons.
Come see what we do and enjoy not just the fruits of our labor, but those around me. I have spent years curating a community of makers and growers locally just for special events like this.

Here’s the thing about living the “slow life”, it doesn’t mean I sit on my porch in the mornings sipping on a hot coffee...

Here’s the thing about living the “slow life”, it doesn’t mean I sit on my porch in the mornings sipping on a hot coffee, taking in the breeze, and singing to my animals by the garden.
It means I take the long road. The hard road.
I treat my homestead like a 9-5 job. The difference between a 9-5 in this lifestyle is that when things or opportunities come up, you have to be ready to drop everything you’re doing to either problem solve or in this case, go pickup a heifer. 😂 And that seven hour trip means all those things I had scheduled to accomplish were still there waiting for me when I got back. In this lifestyle, you are not expendable. You are wholeheartedly needed and relied upon.
Self sufficient means, I am going to complete these things as I said I would. Not matter what. That’s the job. But the timeline changes frequently.
Grabbing this beautiful Holstein heifer should have been more like a four hour job but I had a trailer tire blowout on the freeway. She was just such a champ! She, for the most part, remained calm the entire time.
Loosing that time for a darn good reason means late nights, texting people their orders aren’t ready yet , and that I need just a bit more time.
So far so good, people can ACTUALLY WAIT! I mean some do and some don’t. Y’all will see real fast who I will take orders from in the future. I don’t always have time to explain myself, nor do I care to.
That is the slow life. Go with the flow, prioritize, be ready for the next adventure. And as always, live with purpose and intention.
Welcome to Radish Acres Laverne! She is seriously the sweetest gentle giant!

This week I have eggs galore, as well as 8 oz cajeta (goat milk caramel sauce) available. I will be making cowboy candy ...

This week I have eggs galore, as well as 8 oz cajeta (goat milk caramel sauce) available. I will be making cowboy candy and pickles this week as well!

Hoping to find the time to list the various tallow lotions, soaps, and candles I have as well. So if you are looking for something homegrown and handmade, I am your one stop shop!

Now that May is sneaking up on us… what workshop do you want to see next? I will be hosting another dinner on the homest...

Now that May is sneaking up on us… what workshop do you want to see next?
I will be hosting another dinner on the homestead on the 18th. Menu will be out later for that.
So I have the 25th open for the next workshop.

Tell me what you want to learn!

I will be packaging the last of our meat birds today. Some are already sold but I do have some extras. It isn’t cheap an...

I will be packaging the last of our meat birds today. Some are already sold but I do have some extras. It isn’t cheap and if you have been to one of my workshops you know why. They are $6 a lb. If you buy three I will break them down for you otherwise they’ll be frozen as a whole bird.
I am so thankful to do what I do and have so many people enjoy the fruits of my hard work.
Things that fuel me to keep going is seeing messages from people sharing their chicken dinners and telling me how awesome it was.
I am just thrilled to be a local farmer/homesteader who can share the goodness of fresh food.

Not every day is butterflies and rainbows. We lost a goat kid yesterday in the midst of me processing chickens. Sometime...

Not every day is butterflies and rainbows. We lost a goat kid yesterday in the midst of me processing chickens. Sometimes as hard as we try, we lose the battle. I had been working on this particular goat for a few days. And when I saw he finally crossed that bridge to the other side it wasn’t something I could immediately handle. Only because I was already knee deep in chickens. So when I had a small break I dug a hole (much deeper than the photo) to compost him back into the earth to nourish an old ironwood tree on the property. Where there is death, there can also be life. I talk about that a lot in my meat bird workshops.
After I took care of that I went right back to processing. In this kind of lifestyle it’s important to take a pause when you need to… but the work is still going to be there waiting for you.

Having a homestead has truly brought the kind of people into my realm that are unmatched. Cultivating a community of lik...

Having a homestead has truly brought the kind of people into my realm that are unmatched. Cultivating a community of like minded individuals is something I strive for. I really feel like (in what feels like a small amount of time) I have achieved that. I have friends in my community that show up. No matter what the task, what season, the dirty chore… they simply show up when asked. I really try my best to also be that person. When I connect with someone in person I will also become your person. Community is so important and I love that I have that.
Show up, be present, and love hard. Your life will be better for it.
Also, for authenticity… I kinda don’t like people generally speaking 😂

Me, just doing the thing I love most. Cooking a scratch meal for others, farm to table style. I had just the best evenin...

Me, just doing the thing I love most. Cooking a scratch meal for others, farm to table style. I had just the best evening last night with some wonderful ladies who trusted me to feed their bellies and their souls. There is magic in being outside with animals and a garden. Eating locally grown and handmade food. And of course I must give credit to my two sons who are constantly helping do ALL THE THINGS! I couldn’t be a prouder mama.
When you can give, you will have a life well lived.

In a world that’s loud, sit still in silence. In a world that is messy, learn to keep your table clean. In a world that ...

In a world that’s loud, sit still in silence.

In a world that is messy, learn to keep your table clean.

In a world that is quick to cancel, be prepared to go without.

In a world that says you need to be perfect, spend your time wisely.

Don’t chase perfection. Learn to be the kind of person that inspires the goodness in imperfections. I get asked about certain things related to making my products looking beautiful. IE “You don’t mind that blemish?” I love that I get asked these things. And I carefully respond. Sure I could take extra time to make certain things look picture perfect but when I know it gets the job done. (Soaps, lotions, not labeling everything) Why spend more time to please people?
My point is that we can make great things and they don’t need to look perfect. They can still bring so much joy and serve their purpose. No one cared about these silly things 150 years ago.
If you’re in your “sourdough era” I am here to tell you to bake that bread. The scoring all comes out the same.
Happy Hump Day!

There are still available spots for this Saturday’s Workshop! It’s all about food preservation! 1-4pm $65 a person and y...

There are still available spots for this Saturday’s Workshop!

It’s all about food preservation! 1-4pm $65 a person and you won’t walk away empty handed!

Well we are finally here… Friday!! And honestly I have trouble keeping track of the days because I don’t usually “have a...

Well we are finally here… Friday!! And honestly I have trouble keeping track of the days because I don’t usually “have a day off” between raising kids, animals, managing a home and a homestead, creating awesome products from our homestead, there is little time to waste. Don’t get me wrong, I find plenty of time for friendships, tv shows, reading, and I (for the most part) sleep 9 hours a day.
But I am not here to chat sleep. I just want my local friends and loyal supporters to know I have a vendor event this week I have been gearing up for! It will be at the ALA Queen Creek High School campus Saturday from 5-8pm. If you need to get out and stretch your legs please come by and support me and my boys, even if you just want to say hello. I will have so many homestead items available and we are going to be there to answer all your questions about what we do and why we do it!
If you have questions before our event, shoot me a text or DM me. I will do my best to answer!
Happy Friday!

Baby quacks are hatching! And the boss says I can’t keep these soooo… who needs ducks?!?

Baby quacks are hatching! And the boss says I can’t keep these soooo… who needs ducks?!?

Next workshop is Canning & Food Preservation! We will talk about all things in the food preservation realm. You will lea...

Next workshop is Canning & Food Preservation!
We will talk about all things in the food preservation realm.
You will learn more than just pressure canning and water bathing. But those two things will be done hands on with all attendees! You will walk away with those shelf ready items!
Class is April 20th from 1-4pm. $65 per person. This is a great class to come with a friend so share away!
There will be a $15 dollar non-refundable deposit required to hold your seat. Total remainder will be due the day of the class.
Total seats available will be 15!
Happy Homesteadin!

I just wanted to take some time to really highlight how much it means to me and my entire family when we get help in str...

I just wanted to take some time to really highlight how much it means to me and my entire family when we get help in stressful times. My first shoutouts go to my in-laws for raising these amazing and truly inspiring young women. Your parents have done a great job teaching you but what you have done with those lessons are not the norm.
You both are extraordinary women who are capable of so many things. I can’t even express how proud or appreciative I am of you both. (And all my nieces and nephews) You both have given so much time and love back to Aunt B’s Homestead and it will never be forgotten. Thank you so much for showing up for me in so many ways. You make me laugh, you make me smile, and you let me criticize your gentlemen friends cooking. Haha, but more over… you always make me feel how important family is. I absolutely love that about you both. You drag your other cousins here to do hard things and I love that too.
Dana and Jill, thank you for your kindness, your grace, and for putting up with my lippy nature. You are gems in my world and I can’t wait to show up for you when you need it. ❤️
Yesterday’s word of the day was Solidarity. And it made me reflect on the affects of others. And these two world wonders came to mind. They are not the kind of people to let someone feel alone or without. That is a super power if you ask me.

This homestead/farm life is tough y’all. And it isn’t for the faint of heart. Last night a friend needed some support wi...

This homestead/farm life is tough y’all. And it isn’t for the faint of heart. Last night a friend needed some support with a lamb and I showed up. I didn’t want to be pushy about coming over in the wee hours but I know that song and dance all too well. I wanted to be there for her. Help in any capacity that I can. And I am just so grateful for all those people that have shown up for me. We are a community, we are a tribe. Things didn’t go the way we hoped but none the less, I was able to share an important skill I had to learn in a pinch and it didn’t land the way I hoped either.
Be the kind or person you want your kids to be. Reliable, accountable, respectful, and caring. I am hands down, the kind of person that will come “guns a blazing” at midnight to help you manage the hardest times.
We all have to acknowledge that learning is often harder than we expected. I have learned so much from failure and struggle than success.
If I am in your proximity, never hesitate to reach out to me. I will do my best to help. I have had so many amazing mentors and friends help me navigate all the things.


Yesterday’s harvest was the last of my purple cabbage, some artichokes, and some kale and chard varieties.
I have a jam packed weekend coming up between workshops, everyday life, and a small side gig help with a friend. So somewhere in between those jobs I will be pickling the cabbage and cooking up my artichokes.
Garden days are the best of days.

I tend to post more personal stuff on my instagram so if you missed it… my oldest son asked for my herbed focaccia recip...

I tend to post more personal stuff on my instagram so if you missed it… my oldest son asked for my herbed focaccia recipe that we have on most holidays. As he is away at college and can’t always make it home he still appreciates those traditional tastes he has grown up on. He text me a few days ago so he could make it on his own. Nothing makes a mother more proud than to know your kid’s love those traditions. He made this bread with a friend and it looks delicious.
My kids all know how to cook. They all learned at the ripe old age of six. All of our adult children now cook on cast iron, from scratch, and even on open fire. It makes this mama’s heart explode.
After Easter dinner, cooking a homestead raised chicken, my daughter took home the carcass to slow cook her own stock.
Slow life is meaningful life. Please excuse me while I spend some time reflecting on what in the world I did to deserve these amazing kids of mine.

Happy Easter from the Hansen family! Enjoy time with your loved ones today. Not everyday is promised so be the best vers...

Happy Easter from the Hansen family!
Enjoy time with your loved ones today. Not everyday is promised so be the best version of yourself today and always.

When I decided I wanted to live this homestead life full time (and replace my income) it was more than scary. It was ter...

When I decided I wanted to live this homestead life full time (and replace my income) it was more than scary. It was terrifying and brought on so much anxiety. Because you just can’t predict the outcome. When you have a steady income, you know what to expect and can plan accordingly. So when I made this shift I knew I was going to be running hard in one direction.
And ouch, it hurt, often times it still hurts. But with all growth there is pain. We shouldn’t try to avoid it.
Here are some pictures from our very first Kune Kune litter! Our sow Ginger is a champ, she has given us five litters of beautiful full bred Kune Kune’s. I plan to breed her again in Nov.
We are waiting because we ended up with five from her last litter in May of 2023. We will be offering meat shares by the quarter or half shares come the end of the year.
Back to the topic at hand, don’t be afraid to dive in. I am big on plans and goal setting. When you take the time to plan things out you are going to be closer to success.
Success looks different for everyone but to me it looks a lot like making things happen.
It’s Friday so go out and make things happen!

Let’s talk food storage for a moment. Here is a tip on building a food storage system. For $20-25 a month you can grow y...

Let’s talk food storage for a moment. Here is a tip on building a food storage system. For $20-25 a month you can grow your food supply and more.
These are basic staples we all need and use in so many forms. Sugar, flour, salt, rice, & beans. If you notice the total doesn’t hit that $20 mark. But if you plan well you can add other items you know you love and use a lot to reach that monthly. Examples; peppercorns, dried herbs, garlic powder, the key is shelf stable items. And on occasion, switch up those extras for things like toilet paper, cleaning agents, or medical supplies.
Before you know it that $20-25 a month has built you a solid supply to help when things are tough or when grocers maybe out of stock.
Things to consider while building your supply is to set it aside and store appropriately. This shouldn’t be your main meal or resource.
If you have questions on how to build a food and emergency supply let me know!
Also, when things are going well, buy more than you need of these items!
Becoming more self reliant can be overwhelming but being better prepared shouldn’t be.

I can’t even begin to explain how much I have learned in 22 years. But if I had to sum it up, it would be that you have ...

I can’t even begin to explain how much I have learned in 22 years. But if I had to sum it up, it would be that you have to have patience first, so you can learn to understand. Next is that you need to learn to listen, because understanding is how to truly know someone. Lastly, you have to forgive, that’s how you grow. All of these things make a marriage.
I am more and more in love with “The Boss” after all these years for doing all these to the max. We have a special kind of bond. And I love him to pieces.
Having someone you know is always in your corner is more than I could have ever imagined or asked for.
Blessed beyond measure.
Happy Anniversary to the Boss for hanging on this long! 🖤


Queen Creek, AZ

Opening Hours

Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm


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