Ultimutt Training

Ultimutt Training Hello I’m Dani! Obedience, behavioral mod, and Off-leash, K9 trainer. All breeds, ages, and sizes! Obedience, Behavior Modification, and Tailored Training.

Meet Kayce! A red lab who I get to be glued to for the next week!! Miss Kayce is here for basic obedience plus some e co...

Meet Kayce! A red lab who I get to be glued to for the next week!! Miss Kayce is here for basic obedience plus some e collar and off leash training. She’s super sweet and knows some basics but her owners are wanting it to be a little more spot on! All puppies have a little bit of that selective hearing so our goal, as always, is to be one and done with our commands. Stay tuned for this peach!! ❤️


Please train recall with your dogs! It helps with confidence, impulse control, respect, and boundaries. Really everything if we’re being honest. I keep a drop lead on until I’m 100% certain they’ll respond correctly to every recall - and with puppies and their brains you need it here and there depending on your surroundings.(Until you don’t) takes thirty days to create a habit, and it’s only day 7, so soon enough, with the hard work of her and her owner, say goodbye to the lead ✌️ However I will say, miss max barely needed that leash 👏🏼 we’ve really got her in tune with the e collar for those offleash manners and she is doing phenomenal. She loves training and it SHOWS. So proud of my girl ❤️

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Not the heel to a drop lead heel!!!
Also, does your dog STAY when you go get the mail? It’s such a big deal for your dog to have self control, one with thresholds because it’s SUCH a big danger, and two, to listen with dangerous distractions around, like CARS and traffic. She is backtied for safety and training purposes but didn’t move a muscle. Eyes on me, respect, focus, and great communication between us got us thus far! The impulse control is controlling y’all she is the goat 💁 we’re in the midst of still tackling recall but if I do say so myself, these Ultimutt dogs will show yours up 👏🏼

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Hello all! I was wondering about doing a weekend class for clients. One weekend for those already trained and just need a little re-up, and then a class for new clients, who want better leash, manners! If you would be interested in either, send me a PM, or comment on this post! 🤍🤍🤍

Got this sweet little 5 months old Dane here for some training this week! Miss Maxi! We’ve been doing some one on one tr...

Got this sweet little 5 months old Dane here for some training this week! Miss Maxi! We’ve been doing some one on one training over the last few months but she needs some tune up, *consistent* tune up I may add so we’re gonna get to rockin. Life can be crazy busy, and sometimes we lose that core time to train with our dogs and my board and trains are just the way to fix that. The 247 work, field trips, and modifications make such a difference and I can’t wait to see the growth with this baby this coming week! We semi started on some e collar training already but are really going to dive into it now so mom and dad can have a fun full summer without worry! Welcome sweet girl, let’s get to trainin! 🤍


If you haven’t seen the story of Jessica Kippen, I advise you to go read on it. This is why it is so important to know your dog trainers, boarders, and overall dog care. Same goes for any care! Kids too. So sad….

PLEASE SHARE AND READ. Stop walking your dogs on hot road. If you can’t comfortably place your hands on the street for 1...

PLEASE SHARE AND READ. Stop walking your dogs on hot road. If you can’t comfortably place your hands on the street for 1 minute, your dog shouldn’t be walking on it


Hello everyone!
Big news!

I am pursuing a job in the dental field starting Monday! A job I’ve been wanting for some time now! My hours are AMAZING and will still leave me more than PLENTY of time to train, play, SNUGGLE, and be with your fur babies, or meet/train with you all, but it is most definitely a big change to my schedule, so please bare with me and be patient!

Dual income is needed In these times of life amiright !!???

My main training / go home hours are going to be tuesdays - fridays in the evening and I will be opening my weekend morning schedules. ***And for boarding clients, it’s pretty open! 🤍 it’s not a goodbye by any means to this part of my life, just a hopeful and most blessed new beginning.

Thank you guys for your continued support and let me know if you have any questions or concerns 🤍


No more yanking me to Canada!!! These strong boys can finally HEEL.
We also have been doing an intro to the prong collar and since we’ve mastered that, an e collar intro afterwards! When I do both of these intros I like to work with the basic commands to start so I’m not over complicating or overwhelming. Once I see they understand the leash pressure alone, I then throw in the e collar stimulation. You can’t just slap an e collar on a dog, it has to be properly introduced and if you have enough of a relationship with your dog, you’ll know when they’re making way and understanding it. Start slow and work your way up to the big stuff. Training can’t be rushed… Working with Dual pressure, meaning the prong and e collar simultaneously, we are battling through those basic commands and even trying some drop leash work to see how they do with the e collar alone. It is a hit or miss situation the first few times you try it but you can’t improve if you don’t fail and try again!!! Consistency and repetition are all you need. And ALWAYYS end on a good note at the end of every session to set the tone for next time☺️

For a reward, SNNOOOOWWW. Much needed after a day of hard work for these boys. ❄️🤍


A reminder for if there’s snow on the ground this week, careful walking your pups on the roads with salt! Can cause a horrible chemical burn and it’s very painful for your pup… give them booties or let them walk out in your yard versus the roads with salt!!!

Two babies who live to party!!! Welcome Ryder and Cash.Ryder is the red lab and around 9 months old, while Cash is the b...

Two babies who live to party!!! Welcome Ryder and Cash.
Ryder is the red lab and around 9 months old, while Cash is the black lab and running in at a year old!
Both males!
These babies are obviously siblings in their household and here for the week. They opted in with e collar training because when they’re on go mode, THEYRE ON GO MODE YALL. The owners are looking for leash manners, public manners, recall, sit, stay, off, and just to have a CHILL button so they can get some relaxing in after a long day. Both haven’t really stayed anywhere since they were welcomed home as puppies so dogs going into a new experience can be very nerve wrecking, but it’s my job to help them find comfort in me, and confidence within theirselves while we train. Stay tuned and let’s start with these lovely labbies 😇🤍‼️

PLEAAASEEE advocate for your dogs. Hugs and prayers for a happy and safe new years weekend to all!!! 🤍🤍

PLEAAASEEE advocate for your dogs.

Hugs and prayers for a happy and safe new years weekend to all!!! 🤍🤍

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight 🤍

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight 🤍

Hello all! I wanted to make a little Amazon list to purchase things for animal fosters and rescues around the area. I’m ...

Hello all!
I wanted to make a little Amazon list to purchase things for animal fosters and rescues around the area. I’m currently still adding to the wishlist but feel free to purchase things and keep rechecking to see new items added! Don’t feel pressured at all to buy; if you have any older items in your house from previous animals that aren’t useful anymore, feel free to send those my way as well! (Pm me!)
So many animals are left bored, overwhelmed, overstimulated, tired, sad, and they deserve a happy holiday just like the rest of us.. in or out of a home. Fostering helpers give so much of their time and money and they really do gods work so I can only hope to give back as much as they give to those fur babies!
Please reach out if you have seperate things to donate! 🤍


PLEASE LEARN about prong collars before you slap a negative connotation on them. If they’re used CORRECTLY, they’re harmless and more helpful than any other collar. For those dogs that are so used to pulling and need that extra communication, this is the best tool for you. See how relaxed I have this leash and she’s just cruising beside me? The prong is barely being used, it’s for CORRECTION ONLY. Contact your local trainer if you’ve got a bad Walker and open up your mind to ALL training tools, do yourself a favor and learn to enjoy your walks with your dog, without them walking you 😝😁🙌

Happy 9 months old to this Goldie girl MILLIE! Millie is here while her mom is traveling in the big ol Texas state! She ...

Happy 9 months old to this Goldie girl MILLIE! Millie is here while her mom is traveling in the big ol Texas state! She is here for basic puppy obedience and e collar work and so far, she’s a great listener! Just takes the right trainer!!! (But what golden ISNT perfect you know? 😌😉) she’s highly and easily distracted and just has to say hello to everyone, selective hearing is an issue, jumping up for hugs, and controlling the walks!!! Let’s get to work Millie mil!!!



the 5th through the 12th, and the 7th through the 14th December!!!

Willing to give a free leash / collar to whoever books these by this Sunday the third. Please share and let’s book this up and train these babies before the holidays!!! ☺️☺️‼️‼️

To all my local and semi out of town clients, swing by!!! The coffee, drinks and little snacks they have will not disapp...

To all my local and semi out of town clients, swing by!!! The coffee, drinks and little snacks they have will not disappoint and it’s all for a good cause!! 🤍

Holidays can be the best time of the year and the hardest as well. The fantastic community of New Kent work selflessly year round to help every member of our county where its needed. Let us take the opportunity to make a couple families holidays extra special. This year we are collecting toys and non perishable food items to distribute to families that could use some extra holiday cheer. Our entire business model is centered on community and the small businesses within, We ask if you are able to, to help us reach as many families as possible and make memories that'll last a lifetime.
Early Bird Cafe will be donating 100% of Sundays profits towards our cause 🎁🎅⛄️🎄


Hello all!
I want to start off by saying I appreciate you all so so much for supporting me and having such a personal relationship with me, truly you all mean the WORLD.
I would love for you guys to leave a review, comment or UPDATE me on your sweet fur babies!! I hope you all are having a great week and looking forward to an even better holiday week next week!

Thank you all for being here and I hope to hear from all my past, and future clients soon 🤍

Chessie girl JOEY. Miss Joey is actually moving to Charleston after the holidays so she’s with me to get her transitione...

Chessie girl JOEY. Miss Joey is actually moving to Charleston after the holidays so she’s with me to get her transitioned and ready for the big move. There is not a yard at the new house so we’re working with the e collar for off leash manners and Charleston is a lovely place for scenery so walking and impulse control is going to be HUGE. She is such a doll, truly. Chessies are known for being hard headed but we spent a whole day building that trust and bond and miss thang is ready to work!! 👏🏼

**PS my last post with the rottie as you noticed there isn’t an updated video, she has a very sensitive tummy so was having some episodes, so we are getting back into training Monday when she is feeling better. She is well and all is good, we just needed to make sure she was feeling her best self for continued training. Love you all and thanks for the support!

Kali! A six month old rottie who is a handful and a half YALL! She’s a counter surfer, love to play bite with her baby s...

Kali! A six month old rottie who is a handful and a half YALL! She’s a counter surfer, love to play bite with her baby shark teeth, jumpy, and just always in her own little world. Her owners have semi started her on a prong and e collar - we just need to help the communication between the tools be more comprehensible. Otherwise she *will work for food* and lots of snuggles. Boot camp starts now 🤌🏼


Announcing that if ANYONE is wanting to give their dog up to a shelter, please contact me personally and I will give you a starter session for free. No matter how long that session takes. I will be a guide and an ear to make whatever you need to work, work for you. If you are still considering giving your fur baby up, I will do my best and contact the rescues I know to help find it a home before living in the shelter life.

It’s the holiday season and no one deserves to be struggling with their animals nor that decision while trying to afford to give their kids and family the best holiday mornings, dinners, lunches, whatever it is.

Don’t let the shelter be a place where a piece of your heart lies… let them lie with you at home, in your comfort.

God bless 🤍


Please stop letting your dogs react and get away with it. If your dog is like these first 5 seconds of the video… you need to start training.

Is your dog going to be nervous and overwhelmed? YES. Will it improve their life overall to accomplish these battles? YES. Will it increase your respect between you and your dog and better the relationship? YES. If you don’t know where to start, start with this.

Walkbys from a distance are the best thing to get going. If they’re over triggered, correct it, walk away, take their brain off the trigger, and when you see they are beginning to calm down some and relax, go back and try it again. Slowly increase to how close you are with the trigger, each walk by. The dog will tell you what they’re comfortable with by how they’re reacting. LEARN TO KNOW YOUR DOGS. Their body language will tell you all. It may take you a good while to really knock these battles out but that’s what training is. Patience and consistency. This isn’t something that will be fixed in a day, maybe it’ll take a week, maybe it’ll take a month, but if you’re putting in the correct amount of effort and clearly having that communication with your dog, the quicker the process will grow.

You ever go on a walk with your dog and go “oh god they’re about to go crazy…” they already feel your nerves and read your body language just by doing that.. and they feed off it. Learn about leash correction, learn about basic commands, learn about NOT OVER REPEATING commands and that one time commands (most of the time) should be enough, and GET TO WORK. You won’t get anything solved by doing this once a week or “when you have time.” Make time. Dogs are investments just like your children. You are their advocate, you are the pack leader, so act like it.

My inbox is always open for clearer tips and any questions you all have. I offer one on ones and evaluations as well to discuss behavioral modifications as well as the basics. Give your babies what they deserve.


Quinton, VA



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