Playtime with Marshmallow
Visiting with Waffles and Tia
Sully waiting for food lady at the door
HAPPY NATIONAL VET TECH WEEK! Let’s talk bot flies 😖 So what happens is, a bot fly (found all over the US, except for Alaska) comes by, and lands on an animal and lays its egg. It borrows under the skin and stays there for about 30 days until it hatches from the skin of the host. The whole time it’s growing and painful and moving around under the skin. You will see a hole and under it the cuterebra moving around under the air hole of the hosts skin. If not removed some more serious symptoms can arise like Neurologic Damage. Cases in which cuterebra enter the nose, mouth, eye, anus or vulva and migrate to the brain or spinal cord leave the patient with a guarded prognosis. Enjoy the video of the team removing one from a patient a few years back.
Frankie has his own kitty go-gurts! I’m the Oprah of kitty go-gurts today😂🤣😂 You get a kitty go-gurt, and YOU get a kitty go-gurt!
Pia the tripod and the kitty go-gurt