Public Warning About Saskia Boisot aka Saskia Kumar, aggressive, terrorizing, menacing doctor Sued for Medical Malpractice and Gross Negligence, Faux Pit Bull Rehabber Behind Underdog Alliance. Numerous people have asked us why Saskia Boisot is not in jail for what happened out at Underdog Alliance out in Acton, California, Boisot should be, although Boisot has not been charged criminally yet, Boi
sot has Unclean Hands. Updated September 8th, 2022:
Saskia Boisot received a Kick Out Order from the court to be removed and out of the family residence effective October 31, 2022. Boisot lost custody of her two children, her ex husband has sole custody. Boisot tried to paint her ex husband as an abuser and Boisot as the victim of domestic violence and attempted to falsely seek a permanent restraining order against her ex husband, Boisot failed in her attempt to paint her ex husband as an abuser and to be granted a permanent restraining order. Here Are Some Of The Highlights:
Saskia Boisot AKA Saskia Kumar the now disgraced and notorious wanna be celebrity pit bull rehabber activist and the founder of Underdog Alliance who was merely and desperately seeking the limelight and fame among the upper echelon “no-kill” folks like Castle, Jefferson, Hassen, latched onto Steffen Baldwin and sank her claws deep into Steffen Baldwin as an in to animal rescue and to achieve her dream of becoming a wanna be limelight seeking No Kill Elite, Boisot used her non profit Underdog Alliance Rescue as a tool for that purpose, the limelight seeking Boisot states her love for rescue caused her to lose everything, no that would be your wannabe desperate desire for fame and the limelight among the upper echelon "No Kill" folks. Bosiot's now notorious and disgraced nonprofit charity Boisot co founded along side Steffen Baldwin raked in over $500,000 that's right over half a million dollars in two years, all the while euthanizing some of those behavorial dogs Boisot and Underdog Alliance took in Boisot even had the gall to claim some of those behavorial dogs that she knew had been euthanized were adopted out. Boisot's Medical License is under Medical Review for medical malpractice and gross negligence the public records documents can be viewed at the San Diego Superior Court website Case # 37-2015-00029118-CU-MM-NC. There are some serious current accusations agains Boisot including multiple inpatient psychiatric admissions, Bipolar 1 diagnosis, potential PPP fraud, Charity Fraud, Animal Abuse, Violent Behavior, Boisot represents a clear and present danger to her children in public court document filings by her estranged husband soon to be ex husband. Boisot has had Child Protective Services called on her twice. Boisot's own teenage daughter denounced Boisot on Boisot's non profit Instagram page commenting Boisot was a Lying and Manipulative person and that her and her brother were victims of their mother Saskia Boisot, Boisot's teenage daughter also denounced her mother on Boisot's personal Instagram page commenting Manipulative as always. Boisot has court ordered supervised visitation with her teenage son once a week, Boisot is not allowed to be alone with her son!