Copied from a another forum:
"Matted dogs. What do you tell the owners when they say they are acting funny after an extreme shave down? They aren’t themselves, they are shaking, they won’t play, etc etc. This has worked for me for years to drive my point across. This is exactly what I say. 👇
Imagine wrapping your body in duct tape. It’s so tight you don’t have full range of motion in your arms and legs and you get used to it. You get wet and Bacteria starts to grow under the duct tape making you itchy but you can’t scratch it. You get used to the air never touching your skin. Then you get all that duct tape removed. The air is suddenly hitting your skin making you cold, the trapped bacteria is exposed and washed away leaving your skin tingly, you now have full range of motion in your arms and legs making you sore. All of these things happening at once can make you scared or depressed if you don’t understand why it’s happening.
Then if I have to, I say “is it my fault for taking the duct tape off... or your fault for leaving it on so long?”
Credit to/Author's note/ dedicated to: "If you do post please give credit to my teacher, she has full blown Alzheimer’s and won’t know but she taught me that" : Wanda Dewberry of Gulfport, Mississippi ❤️