Your dog has to trust and believe that you are confident and in control with navigating and leading them. Without that, you end up with a dog who becomes the one to take control.
Bisbee was here the last 12 weeks for a behavior modification program. He learned and was displaying incredibly dangerous behaviors to control situations when he was uncomfortable and/or stressed. From things like people/dogs being near him, putting the muzzle on him, trying to do his nails, hearing certain noises, others invading his owners space, etc resulted in some pretty intense feelings and inappropriate reactions. His owners were walking on egg shells with this dog and after a scary situation in the home that resulted in him getting in one of his owners face, he needed help asap before a bite happened. This dog did not know how to deal or cope appropriately with any form of stress.
Over the last few months, I worked my butt off on cultivating a relationship with this dog. Super simple things like approaching his kennel or taking him out to just use the bathroom resulted in a fight. He was not an easy dog to work with but the process and where he is at now has been SO rewarding to witness and be a part of. His owners now have the tools and skills to mend their relationship with him, create new boundaries and expectations, help him cope and work through stressful situations, and what they need to do to show him that he doesn’t and isn’t going to be the one in control anymore. Bisbee has a leader that can now help him navigate through life in a healthy and appropriate way. His owner is incredibly dedicated and Bisbee is so lucky to have them.