Answering your questions about separation anxiety tonight!
You can join me and ask in person if you like when I go live on Facebook to answer your questions about your dog's behaviors. If you can't make it, just pop a question down below and I'll give you an aswer on 2/10 at 6pm! #SeparationAnxiety #separationanxietytraining #separationanxietydog #separationanxiety
There is so much to be grateful for in our lives. Today I’m geeking out over how small computer chips improve our lives and our dogs’ lives! What are you grateful for today? #SeparationAnxiety #separationanxietytraining #separationanxietydog #gratitude
My Alone Time Training package includes everything you need to help your dog feel more calm and comfortable at home alone. When you are ready to get out in the world, this package gives you all the tools you need to leave guilt free. #SeparationAnxiety #separationanxietytraining #PositiveDogTraining 👣
Separation Anxiety training made easy! #separationanxietytraining #separationanxietydog #SeparationAnxiety
Celebrate the new year by helping your dog be comfortable at home alone. #separationanxietytraining #SeparationAnxiety
Happy Holidays!
Tango always gets me socks for a present. 🎁
The best Christmas present is the gift of being comfortable at home. #SeparationAnxiety #separationanxietytraining #HappyDogs #FearFreePets
Halloween can be a scary time for your dog. Here are some ways your dog may be showing their fear.
A relaxing afternoon break by the river. Cricket and I are watching the people and dogs and one cat on a scooter enjoy a beautiful afternoon!