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Gypsy is a purebred AKC registered blue merle australian shepherd and Louie is an AKC registered black tri Australian shepherd. Together they will have beautiful puppies that will have the looks and intelligence. Gypsy is a natural herder and is already very interested in our livestock. And VERY smart! They have been so fun to train because they just pick stuff right up
! Nicknames Aussie or little blue dog
Country of origin United States
Weight Male 50–65 lb (23–29 kg)
Female 40–55 lb (18–25 kg)
Height Male 20–23 in (0.51–0.58 m)
Female 18–21 in (0.46–0.53 m)
Coat straight and may have curls
Color Tri-colored(black/red), Bi-Colored (black/red) ,blue merle/red merle
Litter size 3-10 average 7
Life span 12-15 years
The Australian shepherd is a breed of herding dog that was developed on ranches in the Western United States. Despite its name, the breed, commonly known as an Aussie, did not originate in Australia. They acquired their name because some of the Australian sheepdogs arrived in the United States with boatloads of Australian sheep.The breed rose gradually in popularity with the boom of western riding after World War I. They became known to the general public through rodeos, horse shows, and through Disney movies made for television. For many years, Aussies have been valued by stockmen for their inherent versatility and trainability. While they continue to work as stockdogs and compete in herding trials, the breed has earned recognition in other roles due to their trainability and eagerness to please, and are highly regarded for their skills in obedience. Like all working breeds, the Aussie has considerable energy and drive, and usually needs a job to do. It often excels at dog sports such as dog agility, flyball, and frisbee. They are also highly successful search and rescue dogs, disaster dogs, detection dogs, guide, service, and therapy dogs. Temperament:
The breed is typically highly energetic, requiring a great deal of exercise and attention. Sometimes they can be calm and easy-going. An Australian shepherd enjoys working, whether it is learning and practicing tricks, competing in dog agility, or engaging in any other physically and mentally involving activity. Dogs may show reserved and cautious guarding behaviors. They are kind, loving, and devoted to those they know. They are very loyal to their owners, and are rewarding dogs if treated well. Because the breed was developed to serve on the ranch, a job which includes being protective of its property, it is inclined to bark warnings about neighborhood activity, but its barks can be very annoying and unpleasant. However, it is not inclined toward obsessive barking. The Aussie is intelligent, learns quickly, and loves to play.This means that a bored, neglected, unexercised Aussie may invent its own games, activities, and jobs, which to a busy owner might appear to be hyperactivity: for example, an Aussie may go from being at rest to running at top speed for several 'laps' around the house before returning to rest. Without something to amuse them, Aussies can become destructive. Aussies also do best with plenty of human companionship: they are often called "Velcro Dogs" for their strong desire to always be near their owners and for their tendency to form intense, devoted bonds with select people.