League Rules
Each K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch League Season consists of 5 weeks of Toss & Fetch competition between multiple disc dog Clubs from anywhere in the world in a fun, friendly and competitive league environment.
Each Club determines their own day, time and local field location for each five-week League Season.
On each Club’s weekly League day and field, all Club Teams (a Handler & a dog) play two (2) rounds of K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch to establish a Weekly Score for each Team. Scoring is cumulative throughout the five weeks and teams will be ranked in Weekly Standings based on their cumulative weekly scores.
Handlers can play with multiple dogs to form multiple Teams (handler & dog), but only ONE (1) Team per handler will score and count towards League Points -- the Team with the highest final point total for any Handler. All teams will be scored and tracked in the Standings.
To level the playing field so that all skill levels are competitive and have a chance to score Club Points, we award Handicap Points for each week played based on the Handler’s skill, ability and experience as follows:
Junior Handlers: +10 points per week played
Handlers: +10 points per week played
Master Handlers: +5 points per week played
Expert Handlers: none
Mulligan Rule: At the end of each five-week League Season, the lowest weekly score (plus any handicap points for that week) will be dropped to establish each Team’s Final Score & Final Standing.
The Final Team Standings will determine Final League Points earned for each Club. Teams that Rank in the top 40% of the Final Standings (based on the number of unique handlers) earn League Points for their Club.
For instance, if a League Season has 800 Handlers competing;
1st = 320 points; 2nd = 319 points; 3rd = 318 points; . . . 320th = 1 pt.
Tied Teams share points for all placements that tied.
Clubs will be ranked based on the number of points their teams accrue with the highest scoring Club declared that League Season Champion.
Club Tie Breakers: The Club with the highest placing Team between them wins any tiebreaker. Any ties keep rolling down till broken.