🛑 I would like everyone to meet Roman!🐕🦺👋🥰🐾
Roman is a young pup that I have been working with for just over a month now, and I can not express enough how proud I am of him and his parents, Taylor and AJ👏💪 Roman is fear reactive and not only did he have 0 trust in other people, he also did not know yet, that he could trust his humans to keep him safe (despite their love and passion for him and his success).
7/14/20 The first time I met Roman, he greeted me at the fence of his home with teeth baring, hackles up, growling, barking, snapping, spitting and could hardly be redirected by his parents. After entering the yard, standing in the same position (about 10’ from his parents), he repetitively lunged at me and punched with his muzzle (had he not been muzzled, he would very clearly have bitten). He was so fearful 😧 he went into attack mode instantly. Roman was a heavy puller and extremely reactive on leash. He would lunge if he came within 15/20 feet of another person or dog.
8/15/20 Roman made a HUGE break through👏🎉🤩After letting me walk him away from his dad, following all of my direction and commands on his walk, sitting in front of his biggest trigger (two dogs right by his side in a fenced yard - barking and jumping at the fence) without any reaction, ANY REACTION!, I was able to remove his muzzle for the first time, give him pets for the first time, and enter his home for the first time!!!
8/21/20 Roman is a rockstar🤩🙌👌🏼 Today Roman not only let me handle him without trying to “protect” his humans, I was also able to pet him while next to his humans, in his own yard, without his muzzle!!! As his parents walked him out of the yard, I was standing right where I was the first time we met, and he had no reaction to me and focused completely on his handler and commands!!! WOW!!! He also had NO react AT ALL to a dog on a lead about 7/8’ away, three little kids in their driveway 7/8 feet away or any of the cars passing by!!! This is incredible!🎉👏🎊🐾
Roman has completed only 4 hours of training over the last month and is already much more confident, much less reactive, and overall much happier and content with his wonderful sister, Prim, and incredible humans❤️ I am so excited and thankful to be a part of this families journey🤗🤩 Stay tuned for more progress updates for Roman, Taylor and AJ!