To all our friends and family here on Facebook, I thank you for all your patience while we make this move to Tennessee. During this time I have been given much thought and prayer as to how we move forward in our ministry. i know that many of you enjoy my daily thoughts and verses,but in retrospect i feel that I have done you all a great disservice.
It's kind a like this, when you go somewhere to eat, you expect a full meal, something that will sustain you until your next meal. I feel that my giving you these short piece's of the Word on a daily basis, is not giving you all that you need for your day. Much like many of the churches of today, these little tid bits are not the life changing words we need, they dont bring about true change in our life. So, for that reason i am going to begin to change the way, and the depth, in which the Word will be delivered.
We teach our members that we are not bikers, we are Deciples, and as a Deciple, we are commanded to Go Forth, and make other Deciples. So, my goaled for the future is to get back to teaching true Decipleship, and teaching the tools neccessary for others to Go Forth, and make Deciples. We have as a general rule, about 3 min. to make a difference in a persons life. I tell people, we can either talk about motorcycles, or we can share our testamony about how CHRIST changed our life, and encourage others to follow after JESUS the same way, and thus becoming a Deciple also. BUT, we cannot forget that we need to continue to help and encourage those around us so that they don't slip away, or get caught up in a denominational rutt.. we all need to stay true to the Word of God, and put aside the idea's my man made denominational seperation, to truly be a Follower of JESUS CHRIST and nothing else, lead by the Holy Spirit, and Not by the spirit of man.
Go Forth my Friends, Teach others about how JESUS has changed your life, forever ! Amen........
Pastor JT