Arvana getting in on the fun. This is a spicy little filly.
Ice Struttin his stuff. Available
Ice man running off morning zoomies
The oldest horse here eating a nice warm mash. Later this month my wife will cut off a portion of his tail and signal to the vet she is ready. Buddy had a hard time last winter. He had several layers to help him stay warm but still got sick. This summer, no matter what we did to help him gain weight, he just never gained any. This horse came here for end of life care. He was way under weight and was depressed. No smile or life in him. Once he got some weight on and energy back he began to come out of his shell. We let him out of his pen and he jump and kicked and started running around like a brand new pony. It was amazing seeing such an old horse come alive. He has had a lot of attention here and many wonderful days. The winters here are pretty hard. My wife and I both agreed that it would better to let him rest while he is still in good spirits. Today is a good day to enjoy some extra time with him if you want to come over and give him some treats. He is not scheduled to go to the vet till the 28th.
One of the horses here because they were labeled dangerous by others. They were hit by a car from behind while pulling an Amish buggy. Then sent to auctions where they moved from place to place by complete strangers. Totally scary experience for anyone. When they first arrived they were scared. They needed time to learn they were safe and we wouldn’t hurt them. Some times even a dangerous horse just needs the right home. They were just scared. I am standing in front of 2 horses that no one wanted because they were labeled dangerous. Sure we take precaution. We would be idiots if we didn’t. It’s still amazes me how far these two have come. We know they will never be harnessed again and likely never under saddle but that’s ok.
Just giving Buddy a hand getting his winter coat off.
Here is our gelding Chance with a student out in the round pen for a lesson.
Ash is playing with his favorite toy. This is our stallion. Very well behaved and has great manners.
Here is a short video of our expecting mares. From left to right as they come into view….Whiskey, Diamond, Prim, Blue, and Fallon. Whiskey is bagging. Getting excited!
The first horse (War) just had his 30th birthday and is running for morning feeding. 33 degrees out with some frost on the ground just as the sun is coming over the mission mountains. Everyone gets excited for breakfast.