Nick is best friends with the next door neighbor's dog, Tank. Every time we are on the side of the house where the minis are, Nick (with the bandana) anxiously watches the house next door to see if Tank is coming. Today was really happy as he didn't get to see him yesterday.
I know the wind sounds awful but it really wasn't very strong. It was also very warm which was a pleasant change from the cold winds of late. Kirby was just enjoying the smells blowing around him. He is getting around really well with his pants and his leg isn't bothering him as much as it was before his outfit. He is also on antibiotics for an infection that is clearing up nicely.
I posted this same video yesterday evening under the assumption more of you would see it. FB "tips" tell me that videos get more attention. That is obviously not correct because, out of over 5000 followers, only 331 of you saw it with 75 engaging in some way. FB's algorithm is really hurting us. I am posting it again this morning as a test. Please comment below and share if you can see this video. 🤞
Roscoe loves running with the neighbor's herd. I just got done dropping off the big bale this morning when I saw them coming.
NOTE: That is my land the herd is running on. Once the fence crew comes back in better weather, OUR horses will be running back there. 😊
I am doing chores and fighting this crazy wind. I still have to get hay off the back of the GMC. This wind is rocking my truck.
UPDATE 11:48 a.m: The driver for Roswell Livestock & Farm Supply could not get down the road. He said he will call me later and see if the wind died down or, if necessary, he will deliver tomorrow (above and beyond as they are closed on Sunday). I really appreciate him trying and, hopefully, he will be able to get through tomorrow. I do not think today is going to work out as the wind is still going. As I said before, I have enough grass hay for a few more days, just not the Senior and alfalfa so the horses will not go hungry.
UPDATE 9:20 a m: they are going to try to make the delivery! Let's keep our fingers crossed! 😊🤞
The wind is yucky this morning so I am sure there are drifts on the road. I put in a call to Roswell Livestock & Farm Supply and am waiting for a return call. Hopefully they have a driver available to deliver the feed we need. We have enough grass hay for the next several days but we are extremely low on Senior and Alfalfa. I am hoping one of their heavier, taller, diesel trucks can get through the snow drifts that I cannot. Thank you to Carol Hallacy for donating the delivery fee!
I tried to get out just a bit ago. As you can see, the road is almost gone under the drifts. For the first three miles, it was fine but the farther out I got, the deeper the drifts. If it was just the amount of snow it wouldn't be a problem. But the drifts were becoming impassable for my truck. I made this video AFTER I turned around and headed back home. The tracks I am following are mine. There weren't any there when I headed out. So, needless to say, I cannot get bagged feed or alfalfa today.
I'm just going to put it out there. If there is anybody in the Roswell area that has a REALLY lifted 4x4 truck, you will be able to get through. I was starting to bottom out and was afraid if I went any further. I was going to high center and get stuck. IF there is anyone out there who has that type of truck and would not mind bringing me some bagged feed and alfalfa, I will pay you for it.
If not, the horses are just going to have to eat grass hay only and be fine for a couple of days. Of course, if they're only eating grass hay they're going to go through it a lot quicker so I may have to get more next week.
Roscoe was excited because the neighbor was moving cattle in the distance this morning. After I moved the truck and trailer in, he left his food again and started running after me and cutting in front of the truck. Then he would take off across the pasture again. LOL. He was having a good time.
The wind has been bad the last few days but today is the worst yet. I have been out all morning feeding and filling water tanks while the wind tries to push me around. It's a workout. LOL
I have been having trouble posting but you all saw the one this morning so I hope this goes through as well.
Our sweet Buttercup's pending adoption is complete. She has been adopted! She has a vet appointment this Friday to update her Coggins and the Livestock Inspector will be meeting me to do hauling papers. I will then be delivering her sometime after Friday. I have to work that out. So excited for her!
****She has a salt block. She is just a licker. Lol****
And the wind is back.....