Emma’s journey with Green Mountain Pug Rescue began when she was surrendered in poor condition, a heartbreaking reality for many senior dogs. Our goal was to nurse her back to health and find her the perfect forever home. But life had other plans.
Shortly after arriving, Emma tested positive for Lyme disease, and then came another diagnosis.....diabetes. At ten years old, these challenges were a lot to bear, likely the reason her previous family could no longer care for her. Despite our best efforts to place her, it became clear that Emma had already found her forever family, us.
Now a cherished forever foster, Emma is surrounded by love and receives the ongoing veterinary care she needs to live her best life. Her sugar-dusted face may hint at her age, but her spirit is young. She delights in exploring the yard, keeping up with the younger pups during zoomies, and curling up for cozy snuggles at night. She greets everyone she meets with love and warmth, refusing to let anything slow her down.
Emma will remain in our care, treasured and adored for however many years she has left, hopefully many. Her foster family wouldn’t have it any other way.
Welcome home, Emma. You are loved.
To donate toward Emma's care:
PayPal: paypal.me/greenmtnpugrescue
Online Store: https://greenmtnpugrescue.square.site/ and scroll down to the Donate section.
Thank you for your support!