We, the Founders and right now only volunteer staff of Piney Woods Animal Sanctuary have a serious question for all of you.
While we wait for the Formation Approval and 501(c) 3 number we have been hearing an under current of conversation that is less than supportive. Its beginning to sound like the Community wants (and desperately needs) a safe place for abandoned, dumped, surrendered animals BUT the Volunteer base is not there. Over and over we've been told "we can keep you loaded up" with dogs and cats but that is where the interest ends.
Volunteering to WORK at the Shelter, clean kennels, feed and water animals, walk animals, give meds or whatever is needed to support the animal is less than appealing. When we begin discussing THAT aspect of the Shelter interest drops right off. We get it! We are housing 29 dogs in a range of ages in 1300 square feet which is also our home. We work all day, every day taking care of these animals who quite literally have no one else.
Before we invest any more time, energy and money into this endeavor; before we build kennels and runs and all the things we SERIOUSLY need to know how much Community involvement/support in the area of working Volunteers we can count on. We CANNOT do this by ourselves, we cannot. We pastor a church in Oakhurst, full time and work part time to feed the ones we are housing now. We need you! Please comment below or DM the Shelter page if you would be willing to Volunteer to work at and in the Shelter. It doesn't have to just be cleaning kennels and feeding animals. We need intake people (Admin) who know computers, we need grant writers to fund this endeavor, we need the support of the Community of Trinity and the surrounding areas.
Thank you so much! We appreciate all of those who have already stepped up to help and support us.