K9 Sniff Club Dog Training

K9 Sniff Club Dog Training Let me help get your dog started in the sport of nose work. I can also help coach you through the various levels of competition in this sport.

A hint of October fun?!?!?

A hint of October fun?!?!?


Just sad to see there were things that lead to the need for NACSW to send this announcement to their members:

NACSW has seen tremendous growth in K9 Nose work trials, ORTs and other events since its inception in 2009. As the premier scent work organization, we have developed a unique and appealing format for competitive scent detection. We are inspired and amazed by the culture of support, enthusiasm and professionalism by all those who have been involved, from our NACSW staff to the hosts, volunteers and competitors.
We take enormous pride in the care and consideration given for the overall well-being and experience of the dog. That care and consideration extends to the experience of all participants in our events. Many people contribute their time and energy to NACSW in order to provide these enriching experiences and we want to see that support and dedication continue. Unfortunately, we are starting to see an increase in unsportsmanlike conduct at NACSW events which is negatively affecting the experience for people and dogs. The NACSW does not condone unsportsmanlike conduct at any NACSW event.
Therefore, as an organization, we will be taking a firmer stance in how we respond to unsportsmanlike conduct which may result in disciplinary action.
Any reported instance of unsportsmanlike conduct in association with the event will result in an incident report to be reviewed by the trial disciplinary committee. Additionally, score sheets will include a check box for unsportsmanlike conduct that happens during a search and will result in a fault.
Unsportsmanlike conduct: not characteristic of or exhibiting good sportsmanship; not sportsmanlike
Unsportsmanlike conduct includes, but is not limited to:
● Verbal and/or physical abuse towards people or dogs
● Derogatory remarks or gestures
● Profanity
● Inciting or engaging in disruptive behavior
● Showing disrespect to officials, teammates, volunteers and staff
● Flagrant disregard for event and/or site rules
● Harsh treatment of dogs

Below are some examples of unsportsmanlike behaviors by competitors that have been happening at NACSW trials. These experiences have negatively impacted the good will of hosts, volunteers and participants:
● Yelling at/insulting/chasing other competitors, volunteers, officials, hosts
● Being rude to a trial site employee
● Arguing over score sheet results
● Harsh treatments of dogs
● Excessive and continuous nuisance barking by entered and non-entered dogs in the parking lot or staging areas (in one case, neighbors actually called the police to complain about the barking, and the host could have lost the trial site for future events!)
● Putting hides on a competitor vehicle in parking lot to practice before a search
● Walking dog in off-limit areas on trial site (on or off leash).
● Eliminating in inappropriate areas (other competitor vehicles, building corners, designated no-pee areas and objects)
● Holding up a sign with profanity content in front of the trial site (school) at the awards ceremony
● Talking about searches with other people in the parking lot (incl. hides found and locations) where others can overhear them (this undermines the integrity of the searches by sharing key details and interferes with other participants’ searches)
● Refusing to confine dog when requested

NACSW includes language in the rule book regarding unsportsmanlike conduct (p. 5 and 6):

“Sportsman-like behavior is expected from all attendees, towards each other, and towards the judges, volunteers, and trial organizers. NACSW rules are in effect during the entire trial or ORT from the time you arrive until the time you leave the trial grounds at the end of the trial day. All attendees are expected to follow the officials’ instructions and show respect to the officials and their decisions. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.”

“The just causes for which a Dismissal may be issued to a person on the trial grounds include, but are not limited to:

● Abuse towards another person or dog.
● Unsportsmanlike conduct including but not limited to disrespectful treatment of volunteers, officials, or fellow competitors and intentional disclosure/knowledge of the hide locations prior to the competitor completing the search.
● Acting in a manner that could endanger another person or dog, including not having control of their dog(s).
● Dog(s) acting in a manner that could endanger another person or dog.
● Acting in a manner that could cause the loss of an event site or hotel including pretrial visits to or contact with the location, and excessive/sustained vocalization in the parking and/or crating areas.
● Not following NACSW rules or event rules set forth in the premium.”

We are grateful that the activity and sport of nose work has grown and expanded so much over the years. Please help us promote good sportsmanship and an enjoyable experience for all participants, both human and canine. We hope that this notice establishes the seriousness of the situation, and that disciplinary action will not be needed. Kindness to one another and our dogs should be first and foremost.
For any questions about NACSW trials, please visit our website https://nacsw.net/ or email mailto:[email protected]
For questions about the K9 Nose Work® Education Division, please visit our website at https://k9nosework.com/, or email mailto:[email protected]
Amy Herot and Jill Marie O’Brien
Co-founders of K9 Nose Work® and National Association of Canine Scent Work®

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Went to Bloomington, IL to play in a C-Wags scent trial with Gibbs. Hoping to get a bit more familiar with their rules a...

Went to Bloomington, IL to play in a C-Wags scent trial with Gibbs. Hoping to get a bit more familiar with their rules and search set ups. I highly recommend C-Wags. It is a great starting organization for scent participants and continues with fun challenges for more experienced teams. Plus, teams can get a "No" in a search and keep searching! Town and Country Kennel Club also held a well-organized and fun trial (always with a theme - this time was a fiesta and the photo backdrop was great.)
We earned Qs in 8 out 8 searches with no faults. This helped finish up our titles in Scent Ranger Level 1, Scent Patrol Level 1 and Scent Detective Level 2. We also started working on our Scent Ranger Level 2 title. Although he works a bit slower now, he still continues to amaze me.


The dog’s face is priceless…

Clean Run, mostly known for agility training equipment, has just started offering scent work items.  Liked the training ...

Clean Run, mostly known for agility training equipment, has just started offering scent work items. Liked the training belt and plastic food pouches.

Nose work is an activity that allows your dog to use their natural desire to hunt. It harnesses your dog's unique ability to detect scent and determine the source. Clean Run has designed scent vessels and containers to facilitate your nose work and scent training and offers a number of other produc...

Just a little scientific fun fact sniffing info…

Just a little scientific fun fact sniffing info…

The next time you’re in your dog’s mouth (you do brush his or her teeth, right?) notice the bump on the roof of his mouth just behind the two front middle teeth? It’s called the ‘incisive papilla,” and near the center of it is a hole that leads to a duct that leads to the “Jacobson’s organ.” The Jacobson’s organ is a very cool thing. Put in “See Spot Run” terms, it allows your dog to literally taste the air by combining taste and smell.

Dogs use their Jacobson’s organ to experience sexual markers (pheromones) left behind by other dogs via urine, or when coming across the scent of a bitch in season. While dogs don’t have a Flehmen response seen in many other animals (throwing back the head, and raising or curling the upper lip which helps open the entry slits into Jacobson’s Organ), dogs will “chatter their teeth” instead. A dog might hold his mouth in a quasi-open position that looks a little like a grin, or he might even lick the air. And you thought he was just happy to see you.

One theory holds that the Jacobson’s Organ could account for a dog’s ability to identify and recognize other animals and people. It’s also believed that it’s this organ that enhances a newborn’s ability to find its mother.

Just discovered that Gibbs was the 43rd dog (of all breed types) and 1st Belgian Tervuren to obtain a Super Elite Title ...

Just discovered that Gibbs was the 43rd dog (of all breed types) and 1st Belgian Tervuren to obtain a Super Elite Title (an Elite Title in Novice through Master AKC odor levels)! Not bad since I was also chasing our NACSW Elite-CH during the same time period. And, the 25th dog of any breed type and 1st Belgian Tervuren to earn the Super Elite and Detective Titles!

**Edit - I want to add that along this journey we have also gotten hundreds of “no”s. We are not perfect but are persistent and constantly learning.

#43 - 05/24/2023 DN35285302 GCH CH Kindred Special Agent Gibbs RN FDC OA OAJ OAP NJP CAA DCAT SWD SWME SHDA RATM CGCA TKN - Belgian Tervuren, B Steely


Shout out to my students for being so flexible during this crazy summer weather!!! They have been open to alternative scheduling and ready for any crazy bonus search I throw at them, from a hot exterior search to a rainy vehicle search, they were all in! Nice job teams. I appreciate all of you. 🐾❤️👏🏻

Treat recall:

Treat recall:

See a complete list of all dog food recalls and FDA warnings since 2009, as tracked by the editors of the Dog Food Advisor.

It was not just another day at a dog show yesterday…..  At our breed’s National (American Belgian Tervuren Club), Gibbs ...

It was not just another day at a dog show yesterday….. At our breed’s National (American Belgian Tervuren Club), Gibbs took home a High In Trial award. So proud of what he has done. Never dreamed scent work would be his sport (especially since I didn’t even know it existed as a dog sport until 2019). 😊🐾❤️

We headed to Bloomington, IL for a new venue (for us) in nose work, C-Wags.  Entered Gibbs in 3 different elements in ea...

We headed to Bloomington, IL for a new venue (for us) in nose work, C-Wags. Entered Gibbs in 3 different elements in each of the two trials and he had a fun day!! One of the elements, Scent Ranger, is a distance challenge with the handler not being able to leave a defined space while the dogs works the search area. It could be run on leash (with a long leash to keep the distance) or off leash. I decided to try the off leash option and Gibbs really worked the search well. All levels of searching allow for a "no" and be able to continue searching. There are no placements, just "Pass" or "Fail". The club hosting the trial was great. Plus, appreciated the available indoor crating on a warm day. They also had a fun raffle with a lot of really nice baskets and gift cards.


Yay!!! Just got all of my paperwork submitted to the AKC for my AKC Scent Work judge application!! 🤞🏻

Had several students out trialing today at a CPE trial (with several at their first trial!) and there were a lot of succ...

Had several students out trialing today at a CPE trial (with several at their first trial!) and there were a lot of successes and titles/placements earned. So proud of them - for trying, learning and having fun with their dogs. Nice job everyone. Best part, hanging out in the parking lot and talking about their searches and their dogs.

Oh, my!  This does describe this week..  Thanks, George Carpenter for the wardrobe coaching.

Oh, my! This does describe this week.. Thanks, George Carpenter for the wardrobe coaching.

Why do I keep trialing an older dog?  Because he still loves the work and the challenges. We headed to Davenport, IA for...

Why do I keep trialing an older dog? Because he still loves the work and the challenges.
We headed to Davenport, IA for a CPE trial put on by Quad City Dog Club. (It was well-run and very organized.)
I am also trying other venues to help my students be fluid with the rules and quirks of each. Plus, for them to be able to have more trialing opportunities closer to home. Gibbs came home with 9 out of 10 qualifying runs, a new title (CPE Level 2) and now just need a couple of Qs to earn his Level 3. Even had a “Perfect Day” today - finding all 15 hides!! We played in some crazy windy and wet weather but with the pressures off and the only goal to have fun. We succeeded.


Friday at 11:30 am class is meeting at The Clubhouse (and possibly moving to the school behind the business).

NASCW - How to Read the Trial Premium:Once a trial site is approved, the trial is announced to the NACSW membership and ...

NASCW - How to Read the Trial Premium:
Once a trial site is approved, the trial is announced to the NACSW membership and added to the NACSW trial calendar at https://nacsw.net/calendar/trials.

The host then completes a trial premium template that is reviewed by the assigned Trial Coordinator, before it is also posted to the host’s website and to the NACSW membership google group.

Why is it important to review the trial premium before deciding to enter a particular trial?

The trial premium contains a lot of information, incl. some basic details like:
• Trial location
• Trial dates and levels
• Trial host name and contact information
• Names of the Certifying Official and Judges
• Cost of each trial entry, and number of entries per trial level
• Entry requirements and selection, how trial spaces will be awarded, etc.

However, it is important to pay specific attention to the following parts in the premium:
• Trial entry opening and closing period (so you don’t miss the entry deadline!), how to enter a trial, how you will be notified if you get in and payment information for your entry
• Cancellation policy
Note that the cancellation and refund policies apply to handlers that must withdraw for any reason including but not limited to injury, illness, emergency, and personal or work-related reasons!
• Location details, incl.
• ADA site specific conditions, e. g. long walking distances to search areas, uneven ground, hill, stairs to reach search areas, options (or not) to drive to search areas, elevators available, etc.
• Parking, e. g. (no) parking available for RVs, running cars/generators allowed or not, reactive dog parking available or not
• Other information incl. regulations about unentered dogs and smoking
• Dog policies
• All dogs must be on 6” leash at all times when not searching
• Red bandana option for dog-reactive dogs
• Potty areas and picking up waste (and how to dispose of it)
• Dog containment when not searching
• Females in season
• Other pertinent topics include:
• COVID-19 information
• Rules: the NACSW trial rulebook is available here: https://nacsw.net/trial-information/trial-rule-book
• Liability
• Sportsmanship
• Trial results
• Spectators
• Videotaping and photography
• Volunteering
• Local Emergency Veterinary Hospitals
• Where to direct your trial-related questions

As a member of NACSW, you also have access to our Trial Basics video series (you must be logged in) at https://nacsw.net/ort-trial-information/nacsw-trial-basics-video-series
This one specifically addresses the ORT and trial premiums: https://nacsw.net/video-series/trial-and-odor-recognition-test-premiums

We hope that this quick overview of the trial premium is helpful and will encourage you to read the premiums before you commit to signing up for a trial.

If you are a current member or have already purchased the series, please log in to your account and find the Video Series under the Trial Information menu. We are pleased to offer an online video series covering many basics relating to NACSW trials. These videos are short overviews meant as a comple...

This is where I got my custom leather 10’ leash. Wonderful, quality work.

This is where I got my custom leather 10’ leash. Wonderful, quality work.

The new spring colors🐾🐾🐾🐾🐕🐩🐕‍🦺


If you’re thinking of an NW2….

April 14, 2024 NACSW NW2 in Michigan City Indiana still has opennigs.
Link to enter is on the website.
Volunteers needed! Please sign up.

4411 Inn and Suites in Michigan City. A special code will be included in your entry email for a special pricing. https://4411innandsuites.com

NACSW trial opportunity in MO!!Columbia Canine Sports Center has been approved to host an NW3/ELT trial on June 29-30, 2...

NACSW trial opportunity in MO!!

Columbia Canine Sports Center has been approved to host an NW3/ELT trial on June 29-30, 2024 at Fayette High School, 510 N. Cleveland Street, Fayette, MO 65248.

Please Note: It is not appropriate to visit or contact the trial location prior to the trial date, nor should training take place on the trial grounds once an event is approved/announced. Our locations are real life search environments where people live, work, go to school, etc. Pre-trial visits risk the host losing the opportunity to use the trial site in the future.

Premium details and information, including opening date, will be available at http://www.columbiak9sportscenter.com
Questions can be sent to Kathy Echols at mailto:[email protected]

Columbia Canine Sports Center offers dog training, with small personalized classes. Puppy classes and pet manners. Private Lessons offered.


Creating my April schedule and would like to see if there is interest in training starting between 9 am - 1 pm on weekdays, besides the Friday times I already offer... Just respond with what day(s) you might be interested in. Thanks!

Sometimes you just need a fun nose work day to relax and just enjoy watching your dog work!!  Great searches, thanks Nat...

Sometimes you just need a fun nose work day to relax and just enjoy watching your dog work!! Great searches, thanks Natalie and Michael McManus! So enjoyed catching up with scent work friends in the parking lot and hanging out with new. Best fun was when Vicki and I got to play dog and handler team sniffing boxes for odor and distractors. Here’s a picture of me playing “dog” and Vicki Daugherty was the smartest “dog” I have ever teamed with! Easiest to read “alert”, ever🤣! Great pics, Kris Thompson. Somehow, we were both able to locate the odor and distractor. Have never laughed so much. Weather was great and just an all around perfect day. Yay, Tactical Tervs!!!!


NW3 level with unknown number of hides - we were the LAST dog to run it. And, last dog to run for the trial.

Not dog related but…

Not dog related but…

I may have a lawsuit coming.....hopefully, they don't have any witnesses.

I may have a lawsuit coming.....hopefully, they don't have any witnesses.


7519 Mexico Road
Saint Peters, MO






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