Getting into good habits.
Loki gets to spend chill time chewing his rope, we are interacting, and Izzy is role modeling good behavior.
A dogs life should be about hanging out with his p*eps and playing with doggie friends.
The more time that you are able to spend with your puppy, interacting, playing & learning: the more he will look to you for direction ; the more he will “ care what you think “. He will look to you for approval or not. He will look to you for what he should be doing. It helps to be pro-active and have chewy things, cookies, a solid crate schedule, and practice obedience skills that can re-direct him from any behavior that is inappropriate.
Dogs have needs for exercise, entertainment & potty schedule. When those needs have been met- all they really want is to spend time with you because you provide all of those things for him. It’s not an Alpha dog scenario. It’s the people ( all people ) in Loki’s life that provide for his needs and also let him know that he is doing good when he is making good choices.
Simply: behavior that is rewarded (calm stuff) is repeated.
At the same time, if Loki doesn’t get enough exercise & play opportunities- his naughty behaviors will get the most attention ( stop, no, leave it, chase, tug) and he will keep doing the things that get him the most attention.
Make it be that he gets attention for being good as much as possible. And direct him toward behaviors that are acceptable for you and your family.
Puppies want you to approve of what they are doing, and to make good choices. If you can be clear what it is that you like ( chewing a rope- for me- in this case) they will keep doing that same thing. It will become a habit. 😊💙😀