Salem Wildlife Rescue

Salem Wildlife Rescue CLOSED AUG 1-SEP 7, 2024!! Wildlife rescue in Salem MA accepting injured/sick/orphaned small mammals ONLY. We do not work with birds! Located in Salem, MA.

Salem Wildlife Rescue is a registered 501c3 tax deductible nonprofit. I accept wild rabbits of all ages, eyes open baby squirrels, and other small mammals. I do not accept birds or rabies vector species such as raccoons, bats, foxes, or skunks. Registered Public Charity in MA and 501c3 nonprofit organization. All donations go towards the costs of caring for the animals in need including medical ca

re, medications, food, shelter, enrichment, and anything else the rescue needs to provide care. Physical mail/donations may be sent to: PO Box 4, Hathorne, MA 01937 (Not "Hawthorne", but Hathorne!)

We save, protect, and care for orphaned, injured, sick, or otherwise debilitated wildlife in the state of Massachusetts and prepare them for release back to the wild, independent of human aid and sustenance. Our charitable goals include rescuing animals in need and providing quality care, raising awareness of environmental issues in our community, providing education in the community about wildlife.

— Jess Reese, MA permitted wildlife rehabilitator

I hate sounding like a broken record, but I know not everyone sees every post I make! Just a friendly reminder (since I’...

I hate sounding like a broken record, but I know not everyone sees every post I make! Just a friendly reminder (since I’m still getting calls, texts, and tagged in FB posts despite the state map, my voicemail, and my page bio saying I’m unavailable😭), I am CLOSED until September 8th! My flight leaves on Sunday, so I unfortunately cannot take animals right now due to the fact I’ll be away this weekend and I’m busy doing extra work for my full time job to prepare for leaving, on top of packing and getting things situated for the people who are watching my personal pets. I also will not be able to provide phone/FB message advice in that period as I will be overseas, in a different time zone, and busy! Hopefully getting a little much-needed rest too, but let’s not get our hopes up 🤣

If you or someone you know finds an animal in need, you must utilize the state map of licensed rehabilitators. Do NOT attempt any care or feeding yourself as it is illegal and will harm the animal. If an individual is not listed on the state map, they cannot possess a wild animal, so make sure you are only giving animals to licensed wildlife rehabilitators! Just their word is not enough (as I personally have dealt with people lying about being certified/“experienced”), they must be on the map!!

Enjoy this picture from last night of adorable little Benny, and I can’t wait to see you when I get back! As I do the wildlife work overseas, I’ll try to post some pictures if I can so that you can see what I’m up to! I’m so excited to learn so many new things and do some really cool rehab work! ☺️

And with that, the last of the cottontails are released! My flight is coming up this weekend so I was starting to feel t...

And with that, the last of the cottontails are released! My flight is coming up this weekend so I was starting to feel the pressure! Since the rest of this week’s weather is nice and clear, this sweet baby ran free today. He zoomed right out of the carrier to a patch of grass to nibble 🥰

Benny had such a great time at the Topsfield Library tonight! We talked about wildlife, wildlife rehab, and his story of...

Benny had such a great time at the Topsfield Library tonight! We talked about wildlife, wildlife rehab, and his story of how he ended up with me (with a little touch on responsible exotic pet ownership and not dumping your pets outside). There was a great turnout with lots of really good questions! More library visits are definitely in our future, and we hope you can join us for the next one! 💕

Friendly reminder that this is TONIGHT at 4pm!! Come meet Benny the bunny and learn about wildlife things! 💕

Friendly reminder that this is TONIGHT at 4pm!! Come meet Benny the bunny and learn about wildlife things! 💕

The Topsfield Town Library is excited to host Jess, from Salem Wildlife Rescue, on Monday, August 5th from 4-5pm, for a discussion about wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife safety, co-existing with wildlife, and how to help animals in need in the wild. All ages are welcome!

This absolutely adorable baby bunny is loving munching on a cool, crisp baby kale leaf on this hot day! 🥹🥰

This absolutely adorable baby bunny is loving munching on a cool, crisp baby kale leaf on this hot day! 🥹🥰

Biiiiiiig bunny stretch 😍😍🥰(Featuring the roommate p*eking out from behind)

Biiiiiiig bunny stretch 😍😍🥰
(Featuring the roommate p*eking out from behind)

Please make better choices in rodent control that is actually humane!! 😭 poison and glue traps are absolutely horrific m...

Please make better choices in rodent control that is actually humane!! 😭 poison and glue traps are absolutely horrific methods of torture. Live traps where the animal can be set free, rodent birth control, or even electric traps that kill quickly without suffering are better alternatives!!! Snap traps aren’t great if they don’t work properly, and you risk other animals getting stuck in them as well, like the opossum I had a few months ago that miraculously did make a full recovery of his arm!!

Announcement Time!1. As some of you know, I will be away next month volunteering overseas again at another amazing wildl...

Announcement Time!

1. As some of you know, I will be away next month volunteering overseas again at another amazing wildlife rehab. The plan was, regardless, to be CLOSED to all new intakes as of August 1st (it’s listed on my state map listing!). So because I’m closed and because the bunnies I have currently will all be released by then, I’ve decided to change my trip a tiny bit. Instead of leaving August 23rd as planned, I will now be leaving August 18th to have a few extra days for myself before working! To make a long story short, and because I don’t want to think/talk about it more, I lost a member of my group of personal pet animals over the weekend and I’ve been nothing short of a devastated mess ever since. I was able to swing leaving a few days early to have a little bit of self care in this difficult time. So I will be away August 18 through September 7 and unable to take new intakes or give any phone/message assistance! Please utilize the state map of rehabilitators for all animal-related needs. I will see you when I’m back open on September 8th to new critters! 💕

2. Monday August 5th, I will be doing a free wildlife presentation at the Topsfield Town Library from 4-5pm! All ages are welcome! The plan is for Benny the bunny to accompany me, so come on by for a chance to meet and pet the one and only Benny! Can you believe that Benny came in as an unexpected rescue intake almost ONE YEAR AGO now?! Wow!! (Benny is a domestic holland lop rabbit, if you didn’t know, not the adorable cottontail in this picture!) I hope to see you there!!

If you are free next Monday, come on down to the Topsfield Public Library for a free presentation on wildlife rehab! If ...

If you are free next Monday, come on down to the Topsfield Public Library for a free presentation on wildlife rehab! If he isn’t moody and is in a good enough mood for a trip, Benny the bunny may even be there too! 🤣

The Topsfield Town Library is excited to host Jess, from Salem Wildlife Rescue, on Monday, August 5th from 4-5pm, for a discussion about wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife safety, co-existing with wildlife, and how to help animals in need in the wild. All ages are welcome!

Just a pile of cute fuzzy bunnies 🥰💕 I absolutely adore them!

Just a pile of cute fuzzy bunnies 🥰💕 I absolutely adore them!

One of the things I’ve gotten to really love about rehabbing, besides all of the amazing animals, is interacting with an...

One of the things I’ve gotten to really love about rehabbing, besides all of the amazing animals, is interacting with and helping other rehabilitators both locally and abroad. Acquiring supplies, simple advice, best practices, we all help each other so much in this industry.

Here in the US, a huge problem we are facing is secondary rodenticide poisoning of our raptor and predator species. In Sweden however, their major issue with birds right now is lead poisoning. Timely testing and treatment is what is between life and death for these animals, which is the same issue with our rat poisoned birds. Having to deliver samples to a vet, wait for lead level results, etc, that takes time that these ailing birds honestly don’t have. Overseas, this equipment is extremely expensive for rehabilitators and facilities to acquire. Importing it, ordering additional test kits, customs, that’s also a huge expense. But being able to have the equipment to run the tests themselves saves so much valuable time!

The machine that Fågelcentralen desperately needed to test for the lead in these birds is something I was able to order here in the US for a few thousand dollars LESS than they could. This significant savings allows them to use the difference in price towards other things these birds need, like their expensive food! And for no shipping cost to them, as I will just stuff these into my suitcase when I go work at their facility next month and hand-deliver it myself 🤣

I’ve even been able to ship necessary supplies to the rehab facility that I worked at in Germany last year that, again, we are fortunate to have access to in the US that other countries may not be able to get as affordably or even at all. We are all working for the one same cause: helping wild animals have a second chance at life. It is not a competition, we are all partners with the same mission. Being able to help out rehab friends all over the world to be able to better help their own animals is such an amazing feeling!

With that, please try to do something nice to help someone in your own community today! Have extra clean towels or blankets? Donate them to your local animal shelter. A few extra dollars? Buy a sandwich or a bottle of water for someone in need. Maybe even just lend an ear to a friend who needs to talk, compliment a stranger, or give your pet an extra treat! When we work together and help our fellow living beings, the world becomes a much better place ❤️

Earlier today, Thor’s roommate (the one he had after his sibling passed) went free!  I wish more than anything that Thor...

Earlier today, Thor’s roommate (the one he had after his sibling passed) went free! I wish more than anything that Thor survived and that they could have been released together, but I’m glad that this big guy did so well and now gets to feel the cool grass under his fuzzy paws 💕

I aspire to one day be able to sleep as well as this little newborn bunny is sleeping 🤣😍 the little paws in the air are ...

I aspire to one day be able to sleep as well as this little newborn bunny is sleeping 🤣😍 the little paws in the air are ABSOLUTELY MELTING ME!!!!!

This sweet little one came in a few hours ago after being found all alone with no nest in sight. Welcome in sweet little guy 💕

If you remember months ago the little newborn squirrel I took in who was on the brink of death and I had to use my body ...

If you remember months ago the little newborn squirrel I took in who was on the brink of death and I had to use my body heat to keep her alive until we got her home and to Haddie’s, this is her now! ❤️

Editing to add: thank you all so much again for all of the donations towards Haddies Wildlife Rehabilitation Center the other month also! Susan already got the check for all of the generous donations. She takes all of my squirrels for pre-release AND will even be watching my precious Benny while I’m away for a couple of weeks later this summer, so we are so so so grateful for her! ❤️

Edit: OWNER FOUND!!! She has been missing her baby for a month and searching everywhere for her. She was found at a home...

Edit: OWNER FOUND!!! She has been missing her baby for a month and searching everywhere for her. She was found at a home down the street from where she came from! So the tortoise will be reunited with her momma soon ❤️


This Russian tortoise was found wandering in someone’s backyard on Marlborough Road (near McGrath Park) here in Salem. According to a reptile rehabber, he/she appears to be in good shape and body condition. It is possible that this little one escaped during some outdoor time and hopefully wasn’t just dumped outside to fend for themselves!

Is this your or someone you know’s tortoise?? This little one will be hanging out here at Salem Wildlife Rescue until Sunday, when he/she will go to a reptile rehabber for placement at a reptile rescue. After work I’ll be buying some more fun things and a heat lamp and whatever else this little one needs for their temporary stay. Please send me a message with some sort of proof that this is your baby so this little tortoise can make their way home ❤️

Please share so we can hopefully find the owner!

It’s been bunny-central over here! My group of oldest bunnies finally got released yesterday, my middle group graduated ...

It’s been bunny-central over here! My group of oldest bunnies finally got released yesterday, my middle group graduated into the bigger cage this morning (here’s two of them looking super cute!), and my group of littles is still hanging in there!

I’m still closed to rabbit intakes for now but tomorrow I am planning to open back up again! I had started a new medication a few days ago and have been feeling pretty darn fatigued, nauseous, and overall crummy from it, so I am hoping that I adjust to it more soon and feel better to where I can take on more adorable bunnies again. With all of the bunnies I already had, I didn’t have surface space to put more cages on; and with how my body is reacting to this new medicine, I knew I would struggle to care for any animals outside of my capacity limit because I’m already struggling to get through each day with these side effects. I had to put my rescue voicemail as full for a few days to get my bearings again. It’s only uphill from here, and seeing my baby bunnies thriving is so wonderful ❤️

Happy early 4th of July everyone, don’t forget that fireworks scare wildlife and are very dangerous for them, so please think of these critters when making the choice to buy them or not! There are so many alternatives to have a safe and quiet 4th that doesn’t scare those who are sensitive!

It is with the most heaviest of hearts that I have to say this. At some point overnight, Thor crossed the Rainbow Bridge...

It is with the most heaviest of hearts that I have to say this. At some point overnight, Thor crossed the Rainbow Bridge to join his sibling. I regret not taking any photos of him yesterday when he was being extremely cute and looked so much different than the photo below. For days, we were battling diarrhea that wouldn’t resolve no matter what I did. Yesterday I thought things were finally turning around as he was starting to show interest in nibbling some fresh clover. I really did not expect to come in this morning for the feeding and see my little guy laying there in his bed, but at least his expression did not seem to show any obvious sign of active discomfort nor his body showing any of the GI distress. I don’t know what happened, but I hope he felt peace and no pain.

He came in with such horrible injuries, but I can confidently say that at least those did resolve and heal over the 13 days we spent together. I put so much effort into keeping him alive, healthy, and happy for those days. He seemed like such a happy bunny, always hopping over to sniff and lick my hand when I would open the door to clean the cage or something, and I would always indulge with a few scratches on his fuzzy little head as he would lift his chin, enjoying it.

But I will continue to use what I learned in treating and healing Thor’s internal trauma for future critical babies. Until we meet again Thor, you were and always will be so loved 🖤

There really are some truly amazing and caring people in this world sometimes. It’s really easy to lose faith in humanit...

There really are some truly amazing and caring people in this world sometimes.

It’s really easy to lose faith in humanity in the animal field. People can be so nasty and rude to not just rehabbers, but to veterinarians and vet techs. No matter how much rehabbers preach to not feed animals, people still feed babies they find and then expect a rehabber to fix the fatal damage they caused. It’s exhausting to have to constantly explain that the baby bunny is not a baby goat/cow/puppy/kitten and therefore should NOT get goat/cow/puppy/kitten milk.
No matter how much we say to check the yard before letting dogs out and to keep dogs on a leash, I still get multiple messages every single day about dogs who have hurt yet another animal. It’s easy as an outsider to say “it was just an accident” or “they did it because they care, they didn’t know better”… It’s exhausting and it’s hard to feel like what you do doesn’t matter when people don’t listen. All of the work we do to write posts and educate people on top of trying to save these dying animals feels like it means nothing if it just keeps happening over and over and over again.

But sometimes, something happens where you have a glimmer of hope in humanity again. Where someone makes you feel like a human being. I met this amazing woman named Donna yesterday, who was referred to me by a mutual friend with a bunny she happened to find with what seems like head trauma. He can’t stand, and just rolls around and thrashes, hence the hay strewn about in this photo! She drove over an hour during Friday afternoon summer traffic to bring me this poor bunny. Not only that, but she surprised me with a Dunkin gift card. Like WHAT?!?! WOW 😭💕 I honestly fought back tears and hugged her immediately, and happy-cried my whole way home.

✨Fun fact: if you know me, you know I LOVE Dunkin. I’m in the office for my full time job on Thursdays, and my coworkers once said that it isn’t a Thursday if I’m not coming in with Dunkin cold brew in hand, complaining about feeling sick and bloated, but still drinking the coffee anyway 🤣🤣🤣

When taking animals from people, the monetary donations obviously go super far! Rehabilitators don’t get funding and rely on donations and their own money to keep caring for these animals out of our personal homes. Food, medicine, supplies, it adds up fast. A lot of finders don’t donate at all. This is the first time in my few years of rehabbing that someone brought along something for me and even though it was never expected, I was caught off guard for a minute that someone saw me as a human… wanted to do something nice for me so I could take care of myself. Donna, you are truly a beautiful, thoughtful; and kind human being and your act of kindness made my heart feel so warm, THANK YOU!! ❤️💕 I really appreciate all of the kind words people always say every time I make a post on an animal, the support and love really keeps me going on the hard days. Thank you for all of the positivity!

I just wanted to make this post because I was truly in awe of the kindness I was shown yesterday. It caught me off guard and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Please know that one small gesture of kindness goes so far for people; you never know what someone is going through. I always live my life trying to do nice things for people, even if it’s just complimenting a stranger’s outfit or letting someone merge in front of me on the highway. Do something nice for someone today, you never know who could need it ❤️ Be the change you want to see in the world.

This is absolutely horrific. THIS IS JUST ONE REASON WE SAY NOT TO FEED BABY WILDLIFE YOU FIND!! It’s not because we are...

This is absolutely horrific. THIS IS JUST ONE REASON WE SAY NOT TO FEED BABY WILDLIFE YOU FIND!! It’s not because we are big horrible meanies who want all of the fun of feeding adorable babies for ourselves, it’s because of things like this. Droppers cause pneumonia. Rehabbers use supplies that aren’t as easily available to the public. Do these baby bunnies look like baby goats? No. Don’t give them goats milk. Do they look like cows, puppies, or kittens? Don’t give them those milks/formulas either!!!! Pet stores don’t usually know anything about wildlife; the only correct info on wildlife care is to keep them warm, don’t handle them, DO NOT TRY TO FEED THEM, and get them to a rehabber somewhere in the state immediately. It is the busy season and a lot of rehabbers, myself included currently, are full so you need to call all over the state and not just who is the most local to find help. Be willing and able to transport!

These babies were in agony and suffered needlessly before their death and that is so beyond cruel and inhumane. Not only is providing the wrong care harmful, but it is also ILLEGAL to possess a wild animal with the intent to provide any care without a valid state permit! Do what’s right for the animal and do not try to feed them on your own! Ugh.

Another case of people trying to raise wildlife themselves turning out bad.

First off, a pet store told this girl to feed them “goat milk with an eye dropper”. So now they all have severe diarrhea and aspiration pneumonia. They are horribly dehydrated and malnourished which can cause lifelong issues and the pneumonia can kill them.

Second, baby bunnies cannot p*e or p**p on their own and require stimulation after EVERY feeding. These bunnies bladders were so full one actually died from a burst bladder (horrible, painful way to die) and the others were so full of urine it could have caused permanent damage to the kidneys. And the pain is unimaginable.

These babies are now fighting for their lives and have lived in horrible discomfort for no reason. This could have all been avoided if 1- they were left in the nest for mom to care for and 2- not kept for 2 days before contacting a rehabber and fed all the wrong things in all the wrong ways.

LUCKILY a very responsible teen alerted her mother, who alerted Lawrence Animal Control, who referred them to me. This amazing family intervened when they saw abuse, got the animals, and drove over 2 hours to get them help. Restoring my faith in humanity.

Always speak up and report animals in danger and NEVER FEED OR KEEP WILDLIFE!

THOR UPDATE!What a surprise to come in this morning and see his eyes are open and his ears were beginning to stand up! 😍...


What a surprise to come in this morning and see his eyes are open and his ears were beginning to stand up! 😍 His sibling (on the left in the second photo) opened their eyes yesterday so I knew that Thor wasn’t too far behind. But still, seeing open eyes on a baby bunny for the first time is always a treat! They grow so fast!

He didn’t want to eat much today and his p**p was a little weird/concerning, so I am monitoring him closely to be able to try and take immediate action and give medicines if needed. I gave him some fluids under his skin as a precaution though. Hoping this is just a one-off thing and that my little guy isn’t becoming sick with something!

In other news, check out my last post if you didn’t see it!!! The exciting rehab-adventure update was revealed and pretty sure that it was s h a d o w b a n n e d for some reason since not many people saw it 🙄 gotta love FB and their al-gore-rhythm… NOT! LOL!

Fingers crossed for Thor and his sibling to keep doing well 💕

I am excited to finally say that towards the end of August, I will be joining my friends at Fågelcentralen and volunteer...

I am excited to finally say that towards the end of August, I will be joining my friends at Fågelcentralen and volunteering in the rehab of many types of birds such as waterfowl and birds of prey! Getting to know this facility and seeing their work over the past year has been nothing short of amazing, I can’t wait to join their team! It has been a long year of waiting! 😂 That means INTAKES WILL BE PRETTY MUCH CLOSED AFTER JULY 31st, I CANNOT TAKE ANIMALS WHO WON’T BE RELEASED OR TRANSFERRED BEFORE AUGUST 23rd! I will be back open and accepting new animals again on September 9th!

Even though I cannot accept birds presently here at the rescue since I can’t have them inside where I currently live, this experience and education will be invaluable in me learning more about birds and being able to at least more comfortably help triage and stabilize if I am able to until the bird can get to another rehabber. My time volunteering at a rehab in Germany last summer was such an amazing and life changing experience, and I’m SO grateful to have the opportunity to do it again in Sweden… and this time will be even better because I can actually communicate with and understand people unlike while in Germany 🤣

I did stick a donate button on this post as a mini-fundraiser towards the expenses of this rescue-related internship/volunteer work (like I did last year since people insisted I do it even though I felt bad doing it🤣), but there is ZERO PRESSURE OR OBLIGATION!!! It will only go towards any expenses directly related to this work while I am there, anything personal will be paid for by me only and any extra funds will go back to the rescue for the continued care of animals upon my return! But things like airfare and other travel expenses and such do add up!

I can’t wait for this exciting adventure and to learn more about these beautiful birds at Fågelcentralen, and I can’t wait to share it with all of you! ❤️

This morning after feeding the many many young babies in care and before I had to start work, my 3 oldest bunnies got to...

This morning after feeding the many many young babies in care and before I had to start work, my 3 oldest bunnies got to be released! Their release was held off for days due to the rain and storms, but now that we finally have a break in the inclement weather, these babies were more than ready! One hopped right out and took off, but the other two hung back a little bit to nibble grass and take in their new surroundings before making their way into the brush as well.

Releases are always so bittersweet; I’m thrilled that these babies succeeded in their rehab and survived unlike a lot of baby bunnies do in human care, but it tugs at my heart because of the love I have for each one. You really grow to love these little ones after spending many weeks together! I will miss seeing their little faces in the rehab room, but hopefully I catch a glimpse of them this afternoon when I walk back down to the release site after work ❤️

This weekend I did go above my capacity limit and I was up to TWENTY baby bunnies for a bit. Unfortunately a few did end up passing away yesterday and overnight last night, but I am still pretty full and swamped! Intakes will be paused for a few days while I care for those I have right now, but I will be open again soon until I close intakes again in August in preparation for my trip. I will be making an announcement on that today or tomorrow, as I am so excited to tell you what rehab-adventure is in the works for late August!!

I’m making another post to really highlight how far this amazing little bunny has come; I am just so in awe of him! As h...

I’m making another post to really highlight how far this amazing little bunny has come; I am just so in awe of him! As he isn’t fully healed and grown yet, it’s a little too soon to truly say this is a Before and After, but his improvement and growth from intake to this morning is amazing! On the top middle, you will see the photo from the finder that I totally forgot was sent to me. He gently cleaned up the neck wound before the photo, but you can see some of the fly eggs that were all over his little body and how swollen and bruised he was from internal trauma.

Six days later, this little one is making what seems like a miraculous recovery! Last night he even drank every drop of his formula, where as every feeding before, he was only taking 50% or less of what he should. He is putting on weight, growing fur, and healing.

I will say this again as I have before, I have never yet had a baby survive injuries like this before. The fact he not only survived the first night but almost a whole week now is incredible! I am so in love with this little bunny 💕 I don’t often name my wild patients (especially bunnies!!) as it makes me get more attached to them, but a bunny this strong, brave, and determined to live deserves a name that is just as fitting.

Welcome Thor, I hope you keep improving and growing on this positive trajectory ❤️🐇

The injured and swollen little bunny is doing AMAZING 🥰  He is defying all of the odds! In my original post a few days a...

The injured and swollen little bunny is doing AMAZING 🥰 He is defying all of the odds! In my original post a few days ago, I said that he probably wouldn’t even survive the night…. But here we are!

The gash on his neck is healing nicely (you can kind of still see it in this photo right under his ear) and the abdominal swelling has gone down SIGNIFICANTLY to being almost resolved! Babies this young have to be stimulated to relieve themselves since they can’t p*e on their own yet, and we were having some difficulties with that probably due to the internal trauma. But this morning he has made such good progress and is relieving himself much better. And even this morning he’s been eating more! He hasn’t been able to eat too much for the few days he’s been here, but he’s been getting better and better every day. And to top it off, his fur is coming in and he’s no longer a naked little bunny!

As I said in a previous post where I mentioned pretty much only taking bunnies for the rest of the season due to an upcoming trip in two months, I would be focusing on working on my rabbit protocols even more and working to improve my success and survival rates. I have never had a baby bunny survive injuries similar to what this bunny had, but with implementing these new things, his survival and improvement really makes me feel like I made the right choice ❤️

Two days ago I took in another bunny with slightly less severe internal trauma but still had a lot of abdominal swelling. I have done the same protocols as I have trialed with this bunny and he is also healing and less swollen as well!

My little miracle bunny ❤️🐇💕

Last night’s injured bunny (swollen baby on the left) was finally reunited with his sibling a couple of hours ago! His c...

Last night’s injured bunny (swollen baby on the left) was finally reunited with his sibling a couple of hours ago! His caring finder came back all of the way from Gloucester to bring the single remaining survivor to join the sibling. I just came to check on them now and found them snuggling like this ❤️ The injured one did surprisingly survive the night but as with any seriously injured animal, particularly a fragile rabbit, things can change in the blink of an eye. Hoping for the best for these sweet tiny babies! 🐇

Tonight I was really looking forward to going to bed early (as in like 8/8:30pm) for once. Work has been busy and I have...

Tonight I was really looking forward to going to bed early (as in like 8/8:30pm) for once. Work has been busy and I haven’t been sleeping well. All of the bunnies and the opossum were fed on time, pajamas were on, everything was on track for an early night. I was getting settled into bed and ready to put on a show on Netflix when I got a message about an injured baby bunny. Of course I will drop everything without a second thought and gladly take the little guy in! The baby desperately and critically needed help. The poor baby had a gash on his neck (that’s what the white cream in this photo on his face is for!), he was covered in fly eggs which I removed before the photo, and his abdomen is very swollen from probably some type of internal damage. I don’t have high hopes of this baby surviving the night, but I am hoping that maybe, just maybe, nature will work a miracle! His sibling is alone in the nest so the caring finder will be bringing the baby in on heat overnight and getting him to me in the morning as well. Single bunnies this young will not survive in the nest alone as they need the body heat from the siblings to thermoregulate and stay alive. Keep this sweet nugget in your thoughts! 💕🐇

If you see fly eggs on a baby (they look like whitish yellow tiny grains of rice), promptly remove them and call a rehabilitator! If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, ensure that they get to a rehabilitator or wildlife vet right away. They hatch within 24 hours and will cause damage to the baby 😞 we don’t want the eggs to get wet and sp*ed up hatching, so don’t wash the baby. Use a flea comb, or your gloved fingers if the baby is hairless like this one and they’re easy to remove then, and remove the eggs. I like to drop the eggs in rubbing alcohol to ensure that they are D E A D!!! But you can also lightly sprinkle cornstarch over the eggs to dry them out and kill them until they can get to a licensed rehabilitator or veterinarian.

The heat wave is going to be upon us for the next few days, so please put out a shallow dish of clean water for our wild animal and insect friends! Make sure to refill it too as the hot day evaporates it! All of the critters will be so grateful! And also make sure you, YES YOU, drink water too! Typing that also as a reminder to myself to drink water; cold brew coffee sadly doesn’t count as water according to my doctor, no matter how many ice cubes I put in it 🤣 stay cool and safe everyone!

VERY IMPORTANT!! Never give an animal you find to someone who isn’t a licensed rehabilitator. The individual(s) in quest...

VERY IMPORTANT!! Never give an animal you find to someone who isn’t a licensed rehabilitator. The individual(s) in question are actually the same ones I made a post referencing a couple of weeks ago. People frequently post in town pages looking for help on animals they find, and there are people claiming to be experienced/licensed/volunteers/work with rehabbers WHEN THEY ARE NOT! That is illegal and you can and will be reported for making these claims and taking animals without a license! Never ever ever give wildlife to someone who is not listed on the Massachusetts department of fisheries and wildlife map of licensed rehabilitators!

WARNING: We have received several messages about an individual who is falsely stating they work with us. This person currently goes by the name of Rick and is commenting under multiple Facebook posts of people looking for placement for orphaned wild animals.

He is offering to take these animals and bring them to us - except he isn’t bringing us anything and we don’t know him. I have been sent several screenshots shots on multiple town pages where this has happened.

Please NEVER give an injured or orphaned wild animal to a member of the public who claims to work with a permitted wildlife rehabilitator. Please contact the rehab facility directly, to confirm. We have a public number and email address. You can always message us on this page too.

We are so thankful that many of you trust us and we are upset that the trust you have for us is being used for someone to illegally get a hold of orphaned wild animals for reasons we do not understand.

That being said - if you have already handed a wild animal to someone who claims to work for us - can you please contact us?

Pictures below are of our ACTUAL team members.


Salem, MA



Website, http://salemwildli


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