Fur and Feather Farm

Fur and Feather Farm Welcome to our farm.

We are a family owned and operated farm we raise show and pet quality rabbits, various breeds of chickens, we also have Call Ducks and Big Ducks Raising Quality animals is our goal.

*** Leys try this again with the correct numbers ***Sweepstakes points are in. Very happy with how we have doneJohn fini...

*** Leys try this again with the correct numbers ***

Sweepstakes points are in. Very happy with how we have done

John finished #4 in Brokens
#10 in Blues

Steven and Jen #14 Brokens
#12 Blues
Could not be happier with how are rabbits are doing on the show table. Look forward to this next season !!

We have been a little busy the last week or so getting ready for kids to go back to school, doing a vehicle swap fromNor...

We have been a little busy the last week or so getting ready for kids to go back to school, doing a vehicle swap from
North Dakota getting a small mini vacation in Dr appointments and taking care of the farm so I have not posted a lot lately. Our schedules should even out here before long we will be back on a regular routine so I will be back to posting daily farm life lol

We are excited show season is approaching and also breeding season too we have a few does we plan to breed here before the end of the month

Lots of things going on right now hope everyone has had a good summer. It's back to the grind for us this week !!

Couple rabbits looking to hop out. White New Zealand Doe 4 mo old. Would probably make a better brood doe than a show do...

Couple rabbits looking to hop out.

White New Zealand Doe 4 mo old. Would probably make a better brood doe than a show doe

Black New Zealand Doe 3 1/2 mo old. She does not like to pose but isn't a bad doe. When I can get her to pose she has a lot of depth and will hopefully grow in to the width she is very young still. She has been kept in the ac and will need to stay in ac until the weather cools off.

Blue New Zealand buck. I kept this buck for a while he is 6 mo old he is a big stought buck but he isn't gonna make a show buck for us. He has really good blue color and has no DQ's He would make an excellent meat breeder he has been in the ac with the show rabbits so he will need to stay in the ac until the weather cools off.

All have pedigrees that will go with them. More coming that will be ready to go soon.

Happy Friday Everyone. Hope you all have a great weekend. Looks like some cooler weather for a few days. It's been reall...

Happy Friday Everyone. Hope you all have a great weekend. Looks like some cooler weather for a few days. It's been really nice today here I was able to get a few things done outside I have held off on because of the heat.

I decided to make another batch of pickled quail and eggs the first ones
Were so good and didn't last long. Our quail are quite the producers.

More broken babies and a couple blacks getting close to some first Evals on them they are 9 weeks old I love to look at ...

More broken babies and a couple blacks getting close to some first Evals on them they are 9 weeks old I love to look at them lined up at the feeder lol

Gonna be another hot one today but I am enjoying the breeze in the shade at the moment !

Well looks like the heat is back it sure is hot today. Rabbits are making good use of their water bowls by getting in th...

Well looks like the heat is back it sure is hot today. Rabbits are making good use of their water bowls by getting in them to cool off. Also put frozen bottles out today and probably will be doing that for the rest of the week looks like. Before it got super hot I have been going through the young grow outs thought I would share a few these guys are super young around 12 weeks still have a lot of growing to do but they have a good start. I have another round of culling to do and then we should be set with the ones we want to show and a few we will be offering for sale

Hope everyone has a good week and stay as cool as you can !

It's been a very low key weekend here my back and arthritis decided it needed to flare up so basic chores is about all t...

It's been a very low key weekend here my back and arthritis decided it needed to flare up so basic chores is about all that's been going on this weekend....but when I went and checked on everyone yesterday evening I was so excited to find our quail that we hatched from our original breeders have started to lay and they are laying blue eggs!!!! Very excited. We raise Celadons but with the blue gene being recessive you don't always get blue eggs they will have a blue tint to them and some speckles but looks like these guys are gonna be solid blue egg layers.

I don't know who is more ready for the break in the heat me or the rabbits lol most likely they are as they do not get a...

I don't know who is more ready for the break in the heat me or the rabbits lol most likely they are as they do not get a reprieve until the sun goes down.

Misters have been going since about 9 this morning and I just got through putting frozen bottles out which they seem to be enjoying it is a bit cloudy at the moment however the heat index is 112 here today and it feels like it 🥵

With the weather cooling down the rest of the week I am going to start going through Jr's I am pretty excited to see what we have we have been watching them grow and I am anxious to get my hands on them again to see what we have now

Hope everyone is staying cool. Oh snapped a pic of our turkeys. We had a few casualties early on they are not ducks although they seem to think they can act like them and it doesn't end well for them unfortunately but we have some beautiful blue slate , royal palms and Narragansett ones left that seem to be the smarter ones lol

It was rather hot today and supposed to be same or hotter tomorrow and it's not gonna cool down much tonight. Animals ar...

It was rather hot today and supposed to be same or hotter tomorrow and it's not gonna cool down much tonight. Animals are doing fine though they have all been troopers so far.

Aside from checking on everyone through out the day and re watering every couple hours I decided to make use of some of our quail eggs we get quite a few a day and we are not hatching anything right now so pickled quail eggs it is!! Found a recipe for some Cajun ones husband likes them the best so I will make a batch of them. We have really enjoyed our quail !

So here is our newest acquisition. Blue Bibbed Call ducks !! Super excited about these guys  we have wanted some blues f...

So here is our newest acquisition. Blue Bibbed Call ducks !! Super excited about these guys we have wanted some blues for a while and lucked in to them !


Happy Sunday everyone. We have had a productive weekend so far. Quite a few rabbits moved out yesterday opening up several cages and giving us some breathing room. This week I will be sorting through what's left and hopefully getting some much needed tattoo work done

We do have a new addition of the feathered kind we picked up yesterday pretty excited about these guys I will get some photos today to share we have been wanting a set of these for a while and managed to snag them up yesterday so stay tuned for some pics!!

It's been a rainy Monday here much needed rain though and cooler temps. After doing chores and a bit of house cleaning a...

It's been a rainy Monday here much needed rain though and cooler temps. After doing chores and a bit of house cleaning and a couple errands in town the pups and I decided a nap was in order while it was storming out lol but after that I got the stackers all cleaned and the garage cleaned up and ready for the week. I do need to get all the cages power washed soon we try to do that every couple of months but we have had a lot going on this summer they have just gotten spot cleaned until we can actually get them Powerwashed but the trays get cleaned out every couple days

Caught a pic of our momma ducks and their babies out they have been playing in the water all day lol

Hope everyone had a great week !!

Meteors babies say Happy Sunday everyone hope everyone has had a great holiday weekend !!

Meteors babies say Happy Sunday everyone hope everyone has had a great holiday weekend !!

Happy 4th of July hope you all have a safe and happy holiday !

Happy 4th of July hope you all have a safe and happy holiday !

Got some of the Asils moved out to their new pen today these are a few of our grow outs

Got some of the Asils moved out to their new pen today these are a few of our grow outs

We took a break today and enjoyed a little fun in the sun and swimming. We stay dedicated to our farm 24/7 especially in...

We took a break today and enjoyed a little fun in the sun and swimming. We stay dedicated to our farm 24/7 especially in the summer but it's always nice to get a way for an afternoon if we can. We watered and fed and put out frozen bottles for the rabbits before we left had the misters going as well and happy to report all was well when we got back this evening it got a little hot today and I was worried about leaving but sometimes you have to take a mental break for a bit and enjoy a little bit of the summer as well.

We got some storms this morning cooled things off for a while rabbits have definitely enjoyed that it is starting to hea...

We got some storms this morning cooled things off for a while rabbits have definitely enjoyed that it is starting to heat up again but enjoyed it while it lasted. Lots of wind and rain which I got caught up in this morning while feeding that was fun trying to make it back to the house lol not a dry spot left on me 🤦‍♀️ we did need the rain so thankful for that.

Pic is some of our quail we have raised we bought some hatching eggs several months ago and hatched those they grew up and started laying and so we incubated their eggs and these are those. We get lots of quail eggs a day and we now have about 20 total quail these guys should be laying before long. They lay beautiful blue speckled eggs.

Hope everyone has a great day !!


We have only lost a hand full of rabbits in the summer over all the years we have raised rabbits but this is the first time we have lost rabbits in June 2 young kits today couldn't take the heat despite all efforts taken to attempt to keep them as cool as possible. We have a long way to go until the end of summer hoping we survive this year


Man it was hot today. 🥵 rabbits did good though they toughed it out but I fear this summer may be the worst yet.

Productive day though I butchered 8 rabbits today and salted all the hides I am going to start my tanning again if I can fit the time in. I am sorting through litters and making cuts I have quite a bit more to process this week took a look at some and pretty excited about a few I found that I like for fall show prospects although they are bucks 🤦‍♀️ we have been very buck heavy this year still looking to hopefully find some does to grow out so we will see.

Our rabbits serve many purposes we enjoy them and breeding and raising them to show and to help others out with quality stock but we also feed our family from our own stock and that is a blessing to us.

Hopefully we all stay as cool as possible through this summer it's a lot of work to ensure all of our animals stay healthy and can endure the heat with the temps we are having and about to have

Temps are not looking to good for the next week or so it was rather hot today but we survived

Temps are not looking to good for the next week or so it was rather hot today but we survived


Cleaned duck pools today they always love to play in the water from the hose while I am cleaning their pools.

Life has been a little crazy lately. We have had a lot of family things going on and summer and hot temps are here so th...

Life has been a little crazy lately. We have had a lot of family things going on and summer and hot temps are here so that makes extra work making sure everyone has water all the time fans running on the rabbits I have also had the misters going this week to cool the barn roof down so it's just been a little hectic and I have not posted much hoping to pick that back up now.

Wanted to share these guys they were born after we got back from Wichita Falls they are Meteor x Legacy New Zealand babies. Meteor is one of our foundation does I share a lot about her she is an amazing producing rabbit she always gives us show babies whatever buck she has been bred too. Her daughter Black Mamba is one of our black does that's been doing well for us on the show table that cross was with our Blue buck DJ so we bred meteor this time to his son Legacy so we shall see how they grow. This is the last litter of the season Meteor has never really handled the heat well so she has a special place in the ac with the show rabbits for the rest of her life

I am slowly getting through rabbits we have ALOT of grow outs right now so soon as we make some decisions on what we will be keeping back to grow out I will begin posting what will be available. If anyone is looking for anything in particular please feel free to reach out to us !!

2 New Zealand Bucks would make good meat bucks 4 mo old.

2 New Zealand Bucks would make good meat bucks 4 mo old.

***NO LONGER AVAILABLE ***These are the last of the Tris and Harlequin Mini Rexes until fall. These are from 2 different...


These are the last of the Tris and Harlequin Mini Rexes until fall. These are from 2 different litters but all out of our Tri buck. I did pose each of them to see how they are made however it is hot and I was not fighting them for perfect pics these are all does !! All are pedigreed as well

Love this stage they are starting to explore out of the nest box. This is Felicity's litter of New Zealand's. She was br...

Love this stage they are starting to explore out of the nest box. This is Felicity's litter of New Zealand's. She was bred to Riddick our black buck gave us some beautiful broken and a couple solid blacks. This was one of John's show does so kind of excited to see how these guys grow out.

So we attended the Walt Gibson Classic show in Wichita Falls TX this weekend. Great show and a huge show at that. We had...

So we attended the Walt Gibson Classic show in Wichita Falls TX this weekend. Great show and a huge show at that. We had a great time always love visiting with our rabbit fam and talking with fellow breeders. Our new rabbit show ride made her maiden voyage this weekend and I can say we can haul a lot of rabbits lol. John and I hauled the rabbits and Ron and Jim hauled our stuff (tables, totes, carts etc) worked out great rabbits stayed nice and cool on the way down and it was rather hot in Texas this weekend.

No big wins for us this weekend however this trip we had some very young New Zealand rabbits with us all ones we raised and while they need to grow and mature a lot we are still pretty happy with where they are at and with some of the judges comments on them

Black Mamba
6/8 Black doe
This is a doe we raised and she has gotten better and better with time. This weekend she was 2nd in several shows and then she was 1st place in show C out of 6 each time. Very pleased with this rabbit

Broken Jr buck
This little buck is coming along he is made really well but needs to fill out and grow he is just 4 months old. Some of the judges liked him and some didn't His daddy is Jax our broken blue buck that we showed a lot and is now granded so hoping he continues to mature

Jr broken doe
This is another young 4 month old Doe still needs to mature a lot as well she was 1st in her class in one show and second in the rest.

Jr broken blue buck
This little buck is one that only time will tell for him we like the way he is made could change a few things about him again just 4 months old. His coloring could definitely improve for a blue he is out of our broken blue buck Jax and so in the end he may work better in a broken program

Johns rexes went up against some tough competion at this show he doesn't have a lot to report except his homegrown white doe got some great comments I am not sure how she placed in all the shows I know in show C she was 2 or 3rd I believe.

We were able to Register and Grand his white buck "Bubba"that has done so well for him so far so that's a major accomplishment for him

This is it for us for the season we will pick back up with shows in the fall with a whole new group of rabbits that are growing out

*** NO LONGER AVAILABLE***We are downsizing some of our commercial does. We are offering these two does. They are nice b...


We are downsizing some of our commercial does. We are offering these two does. They are nice big does both have had 2 litters with us with no issues are excellent mothers and make nice meat babies. they are around 10 months old we also have a couple buck that can go with them for a trio or pair.

We will have a couple more to go as well just need to get them weaned from their current litters


Happy Saturday everyone ! Hope you all are having a great weekend. We haven't taken the time to welcome all of our new followers to our page in a while we are at 988 followers and we want to say welcome to you all. We thank you for following our adventures !!

It's beginning to get warm so we are getting ready to brave the heat coming but right now not a lot going on at the farm hatching season is over we do have some some chicks but most of them will be ones we grow out for later in the year. We do have quite a few rabbits coming up I will try to get them posted as soon as possible

Again thank you to all our followers and welcome to our page !!

Broken Black mini Rex Doe and Broken Chin mini Rex buck Looking to hop out. 12 weeks old. Pedigreed.

Broken Black mini Rex Doe and Broken Chin mini Rex buck Looking to hop out. 12 weeks old. Pedigreed.

***Update All are pending except Broken Black doe and Broken Castor Buck ***Couple mini rexes looking to hop 11 weeks ol...

***Update All are pending except Broken Black doe and Broken Castor Buck ***

Couple mini rexes looking to hop 11 weeks old

Broken black Doe
Broken black Buck
Tri Doe
Broken Magpie Buck
Broken Castor Buck


2990 W Cherokee Avenue
Sallisaw, OK





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