Will be losing these two(Katniss, the darker one , and Pepper Spice , the lighter gray one) in the next day or two , going back from there spays and Katnisses Right eye removal! She’s recovered well and they have been raised as a bonded pair! Pepper Spice takes care of her little sister and doesn’t stray too far from her at all! These two precious baby’s were left , unattended in a car and that’s how we became fosters for them! It is nice that the Salt Lake Animal Services do assist Fosters with some food and litter, but there are other necessities that we have to purchase on our own to make sure they are cared for properly! We also are starting up a care bag for each foster cat , so they get to take their own blanket, toys , and other niceties with them to help with there adjustment to their new home and parents! So we have started a Go Fund Me to accept donations for these precious little kittens , as well as upcoming future fosters as well ! Any amount you can spare would be much appreciated by our kitten families! Thanks again for taking your time to read this and the kittens and our family greatly appreciate It!