Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas today!!
Cinnamon is another one of our sanctuary residents AND our very first mini we ever brought into the rescue 🩷 not to mention she makes a great unicorn all dressed up. We just love our sweet girl 🦄🥹 #AAHRS #rescue #horse #rescuehorse #minihorsesoftiktok #adoptdontshop #lawnmower
The ladies enjoying their mash 🥰 #AAHRS #rescue #horse #horserescue #horselife #seniorhorse #love
Waiting on his nightly granola bar… yes the gates are being replaced soon. I think we see the culprit and the cause 🤣 #AAHRS #horse #rescue #horserescue #horses #horselife
Alf the mustang waiting patiently for his daily treat from his human servant 🦄🤍 #AAHRS #horse #rescue #horserescue #horselife #mustang
I was running late with breakfast this morning so I had to go down into the pasture to find everyone. Glad to see them exploring a bit and grazing on what little grass we actually do have left! I wish we could get one more big rain to settle all this dust and bring back some of the grass🥺 we feed year round to begin with, but having a little extra grass in the pasture always helps.
We LOVE getting updates from our adopters! Seriously, nothing is more rewarding than watching these horses get the happy ending they deserve 🥹 Gal is living her absolute BEST life with her new mom, and adopted four legged siblings 💕
I will post a picture in the comments of what Gal use to look like! We saved her a while back from the horse trading pipeline when she was skinny, beat up, and sick…. That seems like a distant memory now 🥰 so very thankful for amazing adopters!!!
Yall check out this AMAZING video of Melissa working with Liz!! Seriously, I’m in awe of how amazing this filly has been taking all the new aspects of training. Of course, it’s not always this easy- there are the blow ups and not so easy parts too… but I’m just in shock how well she has been doing. Keep in mind this is the first time she’s ever seen or been introduced to a tarp. She has SUCH a good mind 😍
Liz is approximately 4 years now and just beginning her journey to start riding. I couldn’t be more happy about how she’s progressing! Not to mention all the work that Melissa has been putting in to make this happen. I can’t wait to see where this girl is another month down the road 🥰
Verdun has officially started halter training! He’s growing up so fast and turning into such a handsome little colt 🥹
Pearl (his mom) was starting to lose some weight, and she also has some suspicious bumps on her rear end we are suspecting may be cancerous- so we also went ahead and decide to wean Verdun. He was already eating mare and foal feed as well as alfalfa REALLY well, so it was definitely time. I didn’t want him nursing off mom anymore or dragging her body condition back down. Especially after it took so long to get her to the current condition she is in 💖
I wanted to do a slow weaning from across the fence with him and mom… but honestly, moving him to a different location was in the best interest of both him and his mom, Pearl. We are happy campers and everyone has settled in nicely! LOOK at how well this sweet boy already leads!!! He is a handful, but he is SO smart. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Also a big thanks to Melissa for working with this spicy little turkey as he continues to grow and blossom 💙
I think baby Bunny has figured out butt scathes! What do yall think 😂 also, ignore all the mud. We got more rain in a few days then we do all year 💀 #AAHRS #rescue #horse #rescuehorse #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #foal #foalsof2024 #horselove #foal