This is a PSA to everyone with ferel cats. Please be sure to deworm them!!
Cats can carry a specific parasites called Besnoitia that can travel to wildlife through shared food/water and fecal matter. While treatable in cats, unfortunately it is deadly to opossums.
This is a last goodbye to sweet Thistle, who passed from this tragic condition. She will not hurt anymore and was given comfort and luxury in her last days 💔
If anyone sees an opossum showing these symptoms please reach out to a rehabber near you.
Symptoms: Stumbling, appeared blindness, drooling, pimple like bumps on ears/belly, and disorientation.
Honey loves her smoothies!!!
Everyone meet Rockie! He will be staying with us for a while. Unfortunately he was raised more as a pet and he is now very friendly so we are going to try our best to wild this baby up!!! If anyone has any extra blankets/towels or old baby toys lmk! We could use them!
Annie is all fattened up and super friendly! She is ready for her new home, will have a certificate of health before leaving! She would do wonderful for someone who wants a pocket buddy 🥰
Come see us at the new nature center!! Open now!!
Definitely didn't sneak some snacks in 👀
Eva blessed me with a gorgeous shed 🥹
As seen before we had a sweet red ear slider come to us after being nicked by a car! We actually had a 2nd one come in as well! So after cleaning them up, patching their wounds and an observation period they were ready to go home! With the bigger girl had been more gentle with her escape 🤣 she was not as friendly as the smaller male we had! He did eventually take off and the female was ok!
My failed attempt to catch Steve hunting.