Frustration is the number one issue we have when it comes to training. Frustration is an issue of both ends of the leash. Making the most of your training sessions means setting yourself up for success and training when is most ideal for you and your dog for a length of time that you both can be productive. A lot of times we get hung up on ending on a good note, getting it right just one more time, or hitting a specific number for each session. Sometimes it’s better to keep things short and sweet and end while you’re ahead or end before frustration sets in. Sometimes the time we do the training sessions matters. If your dog is prone to jumping up and getting excited, perhaps when you first get home from work isn’t the time to practice your sit stay, but that may be the perfect time to practice four on the floor. Keep in mind that you have the “map” so you get to choose the path. Perhaps you get intimidated when your dog reacts to strangers. After a long day of chores a walk around the neighborhood may not be the best option, try focusing on recall or retrieval behaviors in the backyard to decompress. Use your time in the way that’s best for you because it’s YOUR time!