Today, we were honored to attend the SA 110 Memorial Climb and bring our @firstrespondertherapydogs Indigo and Enzo.
This was the boys' first outing representing First Responder Therapy Dogs. It was Enzo's first time visiting as a therapy dog. For Indigo, this was a return to his happy place!
It was an honor and privilege to be at this memorial event. There was such a sense of emotion in the air. It was a profoundly moving event.
The boys enjoyed every opportunity to greet anyone who would say hello!
Thank you again, SA 110 Memorial Climb, for having us.
#sa110memorialclimb #therapydog #therapydogsofinstagram #firstrespondertherapydogs #goldenretrieversofinstagram
Olive had a training session today with Stephanie from @puppupandawaysa
We wandered around the shops at La Cantera. Olive had the opportunity to go in and out of lots of stores, say hello to people, and even get a treat from one store!
Thank you, Stephanie, for hanging out with us! I think Olive had a great time.
#therapydogintraining #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram #trainyourdog #trainforlife
Out and about with Olive! Being the youngest, she gets the most attention right now in training. Everyone else is still being cared for, walked, loved, etc... I promise! Olive needs more work to reach our goal of therapy, dog! I think she'll get there with time, training, and some more maturity.
#training #goldenretriever #goldenpuppies #therapydogintraining
Nutmeg always finds the little sunny spots to nap in..if there is a comfy, soft dog bed in the same location, all the better.
#nutmeg #queen #rulerofall #kittycat
Olive enjoyed another walk to our local garden center. It's a nice walk from our house, with a few challenges Olive has been needing to work on. The traffic on the road is much busier/faster than what we are used to walking in the neighborhood, so that's been an adjustment. She's handling it very well! A very loud vehicle can give her a little startle, but her recovery is immediate.
From our walk last week, she's already much more relaxed with the traffic noise. As long as the heat stays reasonable, we will try to do this at least once a week.
Everyone is very friendly and generous with water to fill Olives' travel bowl. She can always find people willing to pet her!
#walkyourdog #goldenlovers #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram #goldengram
Olive has been working on walking around moving traffic. I love how our dogs always show us what they need! Olive hasn't been exposed to walks with a lot of cars, only a few slow-moving vehicles in the neighborhood. So, we decided to start doing walks outside our neighborhood, slowly adding more difficulty. Today was the most challenging day as the traffic we walked near was moving much faster and at a much higher volume. She handled it very well. It gave her small startles a couple of times, but nothing she didn't immediately recover from.
The garden center was a great destination! It offered lots of shade, water, people attention, and low noise. Once we had a nice walking rest there, we walked back home. She got the ultimate reward near home when she spied our very dog friendly mail carrier!
He always stops, gets low, and gives the dogs lots of attention!
We will definitely be doing this walk again. As long as it's not too hot, we can manage it. The garden center doesn't open until 9 am, so it works on days we can still walk at that time.
#training #trainforlife #walkyourdog #goldenlovers #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram
Afternoon playtime/ throwdown. This pretty much happens every day in various combinations of dogs. They're having fun, that's all that matters.
#goldenretrieversofinstagram #goldenlovers #goldensofinsta #goldengram
I thought this posted this morning at the same time it went up on Instagram. Here it is now!
Happy birthday, Yetti! Words can not express how much you are loved and appreciated. You are one of a kind! Truly, one of a kind in a home filled with golden retrievers. You are a unique and amazing addition. I can not imagine a life without you. You love, protect, and play with a fierce heart. You are a friend to all and a hug I look forward to every day.
Our lives are better for having you in it! We wish you many more healthy years to come!
All those who have had the privilege to know Monroe know how special he is! He has his own fan club! When Monroe loves you, you know it! โค๏ธ
#happytenthhbirthday #greatpyrenesse #pyrenees #yetti #bumble #lovemydogs #bestdog
We are trying to get to the park a couple times a week. It means getting up early ๐ด....but the dogs love these walks, so I'm really trying to get out the door!
We do walk several times a week, just shorter walks around the neighborhood so I can get more dogs walked in a day.
#walkyourdog #goldenlovers #goldensofinsta #goldenretriever #goldengram
Olive has been working on wearing boots indoors (while finishing her heat cycle). Today, we took the show on the road! We are wearing front boots only, but the back will be added soon.
Olive has hated the sound of velcro since she was really small. Since being in heat and wearing a diaper for short periods of time each day, she has gotten much more tolerant of that sound! The velcro on the boots is hardly noticed now.
It's funny the random things a puppy might be afraid of. I actually take notes on these things and will add them to our list of things to introduce to litters.
#trainggoldens #trainforlife #train #bootsforhotweather #goldenretriever
Olive is still in heat. Why do these three weeks always feel like three months? Almost done. Things should be less crazy next week. Hopefully ๐ตโ๐ซ๐ต๐คฏ
#training #walkyourdog #trainforlife #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram
Another fun Adventure Workshop with @puppupandawaysa
We have one more next week. It will be sad when they are over. We've enjoyed these weekly outings. We are looking forward to when they are offered again.
#adventureworkshop #goldenretriever #training #trainforlife #trainasyoulive
Happy birthday, Olive! She turns one today, along with her eight brothers. Olive was the only girl in a litter of nine. We haven't come across any litter mates here on Instagram, but you never know! Thank you, @foxridgegoldens, for this stellar girl!
#happyfirstbirthday #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram #goldengram #goldenlovers #goldensofinsta #lovemydogs
Indigo @mrprancypantstherapydog passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test (again)! We have a new adventure we are working on. Stay tuned for the update on that in June sometime.
Thank you to @puppupandawaysa
for facilitating our test!
#therapydog #therapydogsofinstagram #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram #goldengram #dailyfluff
Olive is racing into the week! Have a good one, friends!
#goldenretrieverpuppies #goldenretrieversofig #goldengram #goldenlovers