Somewhat big announcement. Well a few actually. We finally have the draft of our outdoor small animal pen. We will eventually have two split down the middle to make four. For rabbits and guinea pigs. For now we are only working on the rabbit pen. As of course most know we are under Lil' Wiggles Small Animal Rescue which is a full small animal rescue.
NOW for the second. As many know we haven't been able to take in Guinea pigs. Starting on the 1st of July. We will finally be able to reopen our doors. We are gonna need a pick me up with supplies like food and hay.
For a slightly smaller announcement we will have a email soon. We will make an announcement when that is up and going too.
If you would like to help fund us to help get indoor and outdoor pens built, fill with the good things and all the yummy hay and vegetables you can always do so through PayPal [we are currently experiencing issues with cashapp we will fix soon.]
Send us supplies directly https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/5XIWM9EC5EZY?ref_=wl_share.