One day with a Labrador Retriever puppy is all you need to see why these lovable pups are the most poppy breed in the United States. Labrador Retrievers are famously kind and adore playing with children.
Labrador Retriever puppies are also incredibly adaptable and well-suited to a range of living environments. Though Labrador Retriever puppies are known to be calm when inside, they have a tendency to “cut loose” when outside.
That’s why it’s always a good idea to ensure your Labrador Retriever puppy is fenced in or on a leash when outside. Labrador Retriever puppy owners should also begin house training early and take steps to puppy-proof their home to the best of their ability.
💗How to Puppy-Proof Your Home?
Like all puppies, Labrador Retriever puppies are very likely to sniff out food and anything they think is food and chew on it to see if they can eat it. That’s why it’s incredibly important that new Labrador Retriever puppy owners take the necessary steps to puppy-proof their home.
Keep toilet lids closed
Remove any choking hazards
Move all poisonous houseplants out of reach
Fence in yard, if possible
Install cabinet locks
Install puppy gates
Keep all entrances to home closed
Labrador Retriever Puppy Supplies
One of the biggest mistakes new puppy parents make is picking up their new puppy before making a trip to the pet store. Below is a list of supplies you’ll need to purchase before your scheduled puppy pick-up appointment:
Nail Clippers
Crate (large enough for puppy to comfortably sit, stand and lie down)
Chew Toys (puppy-safe)
Food Dish (Non-Plastic)
Water Dish (Non-Plastic)
Puppy Pads
Puppy Food
Puppy Treats