Big Buzz About Bees booking for San Diego and the Bay Area is open for the 2024-2025 school year! - Try our “reverse” field trip - we come to you! Save costs on travel funds and trip planning, we put together a lesson plan and schedule that works around your school day! - Grades TK-5 will enjoy interactive and exciting lessons all centered around bees 🐝 the best part? We bring our live viewing hive full of over 5,000 busy bees to your class, students can enjoy and safe and up-close view of a working hive 🍯 - Want to book a Bug Buzz About Bees visit at your school? Click the link in our bio for more information! Or visit ........#fieldtripsandiego #fieldtripbayarea #sandiegoschooldistrict #classvisitssandiego #sagerfamilyfarm
Seen any monarchs in your garden recently? They’re migrating! Flying all the way from North American to warm Southern California and Mexico for the winter 🍃 Who else has been stocking up on milkweed and native plants for our Monarchs to enjoy?
The bees are busy collecting pollen from the Pygmy Date Palms this morning! Check out their pollen pants, it's a pale light yellow pollen 💛🐝
#sagerfamilyfarm #bigbuzzaboutbees #pollinatorweek #educational #bees
In honor of Pollinator Week, here is a unique view of a honey bee with red pollen in her pollen baskets! ♦️ A Pollen Basket is a special flat spot on a bee’s hind legs fringed with long curved hairs and is used to carry pollen. When a bee collects pollen, it uses nectar or honey to create a Pollen Pellet. The pellet is brought back to the hive and used to create "bee bread" in order to feed developing larvae! Why would this pollen pellet be RED? Flowers are known to create all sorts of different colored pollen, including yellow, orange, white, green, red, or even purple pollen pellets (say that three times fast!) 🌺 This red pollen comes from Rock Purslane (Calandrinia grandiflora)........#PollinatorWeek #Pollinator #bigbuzzaboutbees #fieldtripsandiego #NativePlantsCalifornia
A hot day to be in the bee suit, but it's always a good day in the @_filoli Gentleman's Orchard.
#beekeeping #Filoli #rainbow
Honey is coming soon! The bees have been hard at work 🍯🐝
We're at the Pollinator Festival at Native West Nursery today! Stop by our table to smell the pheromones that bees use to communicate, see flowers how bees might see them, and maybe even spot our queen!
#learning #educational #bees #pollinators
It’s World Bee Day! Today’s the day to give some much deserved praise to BEES!
Bees have such an huge impact on our environment - from the beautiful plants that surround us, to the food on our plates! Without these industrious pollinators, our world would be a lot less colorful.
Here at Sager Family Farm, we’re doing all we can to help our bees thrive, and teach explorers of all ages how important they are! Celebrate World Bee day by planting some flowers and exploring the nature that bees help create 🪻🌷🌻
#savethebees #worldbeeday #WorldBeeDay2024 #sagerfamilyfarm #bigbuzzaboutbees