Intersections usually have a lot happening around them; cars in motion, people and dogs crossing busy streets, bikes, scooters and skateboards too.
It can be a stimulating place so I prefer to hang back a bit when waiting for the light to change. This allows more space for everyone to get where they are going, it also gives Bailey and I more space to practice waiting.
I don’t have a specific cue or behavior I’m looking for, sometimes I reinforce standing, when Bailey chooses to sit I reinforce that. The most important thing to me is that Bailey and I are comfortable and successful.
1/2 Green Apple 🍏 sliced
1/2 Avocado 🥑 on Lick Mat
Rabbit Ear 🐇
Sprinkle of Freeze Dried Raw wrapped in paper
15 min of awesome food enrichment (not that length time matters)
Learning “settle on a mat” behavior today with Carmina and Ty, and adding a cue, “mat”!
So beautiful to see their connection andcommunication! 👏 👏👏 🥹
Force free positive reinforcement training is amazing!
These foundational behaviors from Karen Pryor Academy @clickertraining are a great starting point for most of the teams I work with.
Touch a Target
Respond to a Cue
Give Attention to Handler
Offer Behavior
Settle in a Crate or on a Mat
Learning loose leash walking in small steps with Cooper 💛
Working on settle around meal time distractions with Hammy!!
Rainy day session with 10 week old Cooper!! 💛
Woohoo!! Baileys first delivery from @yosh*to_treats !! We love them, thank you!! 🦗 🍿 🥩 🦴
Macaroni is making great progress with fetch! 🐿
City snacks!
When we walked passed a box of fresh produce spilled on the sidewalk this morning Bailey investigated and chose to walk away. So I let him go back and eat his favorite, apples!
The sweetest reinforcement for both of us!
We have worked a lot on leaving yummy things over the years and we have both come a long way. Me from using commands (implies a threat) to now using cues (says there’s an opportunity for reinforcement). And Bailey from being stressed out and confused to being relaxed and having a sweet time with lots of success and of course reinforcement.
I almost said leave it at the end there and caught myself, I mostly use his recall cue these days which is “come” and he always gets a treat :)