Guuuuuyyyyys…dat udder news??? I fink dat we met my AXE CHEW-ALL BABY SISTAH!!! Okay maybe furst cuzzie ‘ccording to Momster but we bowff fink sissie. She has black pyjammies and flutter bye spotty ears like moi!! Momster fweeked at her furs ‘cuz dey felt just like mine which ‘parently is berrrry soffff and unyousual. I wouldn’t gnough ‘cuz she made like a dwagon wiff me so no touchy! Scoutty Pouty just mooved from Bakersfield to live wiff HER mommy a few homes ‘way from us! I fiwst smelled our Dee and aye fwewbda door so had to tell Momster dat sumtimg was up sum way. I can’t splain butts I wuv her so stwongly alweady!! 😍🐶🐒💕👶🏻🐶