IBOK Foster's, Brody and Vinessa, watching patiently for squirrels to come for peanuts.
Honey Bonding with Daddy and Sharing a Lap
Update on Thursday, for Belle and Honey, 4 days with their new mom and dad, Nadine and Negad. Are now couch potatoes, and enjoy watching TV.
"They have bonded with both of us. Yesterday Honey rested on my lap while watching TV. They are both couch potatoes! They love TV. I admit, I let them watch it because that's when they're more agreeable to being held and resting near us. Nadine tells me that Belle laid down on her earlier today while I was in court. Here is a video of Honey from last night."
Honey enjoys her new daddy's lap while watching TV. If you look closely in the upper part of the video, by Negad's feet, you will see, Honey's sister, Belle, casually walking around on the coffee table.
Jamie - "Kneading Attention"
Jamie is IBOK Rescue's only remaining Cat/Kitten from 2019 that is still in Foster Care as of 03.05.2020
Jamie - "Massage Therapist"
Jamie is IBOK Rescue's only remaining Cat/Kitten from 2019 that is still in Foster Care as of 03.05.2020
23 adorable Kittens on display today available for adoption.
"Wishing They'll Be Home for Christmas"
Most of these Cats & Kittens, ranging in age from 6 Months to 1 Year & 8 Months, have been in IBOK Foster Homes since they were only days old, and have been waiting for their Furrever Home
Won't you help them make it "Home for Christmas"?!!
Peter Pan's surrogate brother, Finnley, teaches him how it's done, chexks with him and assures him everythings OK!!
Thanks to all our IBOK Rescue Followers and friends who had contributed financially to fund Peter Pan's specialized surgery at SAGE Campbell.
As you can see, 2 weeks after undergoing Perineal Urethrostomy Surgery by Dr Staatz at SAGE Campbell- Centers for Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Care, 3-1/2 Month old Peter Pan, a kitten currently in foster care with IBOK Rescue (and yes he is available for adoption), is elated to hear from Dr Staatz today, that after 2 weeks of recovery, that stupid e-collar, and restricted activity, he is clear to resume his normal activity, with no restrictions. No more e-collar, and he's got his toys and scratching post back.
The scratching post was removed because he spent more time climbing and sitting on top of it, rather than scratching on it!!
IBOK Rescue is forever grateful to Dr Staatz, the Surgery Nurses, and all the Staff: doctors, nurses, technicians, front desk, at SAGE Campbell, as well as all the other locations, for doing what you do for for all the animals like Peter Pan, and doing your best to make them well again.
11 week old kitten, Peter Pan, after several minutes of introduction, and with some hesitancy, finally gets enough courage to go after his "Hexbug" toy!!
Meet Jasmine, Violet, Kensington, Remington, Sunshine, Moonlight, Calabay, Sammy, Willow and Peter Pan