My bkk line I call black dragon..with blue hues in a 29g planted tank with 3d background.
My biggest challenge... Daphnia (water fleas) contamination and eradication.
I'm not kidding these buggers have given me headaches, stress, and have made my life and my shrimp lives terrible. It started with bringing in a contaminated live plant that had some baby fleas attached to them and were not visible. I should have done a small bleach dip on the plants to kill any attached daphnia but I didn't.
After I neglected my tanks for a few months not being able to pick out any intruders... they quickly multiplied. Soon some of my tanks were infested to the point there was no turning back... no hope.
What happens is they burrow into the substrate crevices and even if you net out the big fat ones.. as soon as you whip out that net.. they know they have to hide and soon again their numbers have increased.
Now the reason I don't like them is because they bother the caradina shrimp and stress out their breeding. They crawl over the caradina and the sheer number of daphnia overcomes the shrimp population. They also eat their food and don't allow the shrimp to eat in peace.
I tried various methods to eliminate them which I will cover in detail .
1st method (Fish Predators) Take out all shrimp in the tank and place in a holding breeding box. I placed a few dwarf gourami fish and ram cichlids. The fish had a feast that lasted a few days. I left the fish in the tank for 2 weeks. The tanks looked good for awhile and it almost seemed that the daphnia were eliminated. To my suprise the daphnia slowly recovered.. the ones that hid in the substrate restarted the daphnia colony.
2nd method.. (Substrate removal) Temporarily relocate shrimp.. use a breeder box and place them in another shrimp tank. I actually took out the small tank and placed it outside in the garden allowing the sun to dry up the substrate and sponge filter. This took awhile since I had to turn the soil until everything was dried out. You basically restart your tank and cycle. However the cycle is much fas
Blackfishbone snowflake galaxy
Greetings everybody!
Big spots galaxy fishbone boa...time for culling
This is what happens when you mix advanced black nanancy with boa metallic shrimp and add a little purple nanancy for spice. These will be available soon on Shrimp studio Band...keep checking
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Shrimptopia at the Mountains