A down is a down, right?! 😍 Saint is growing up so fast (although her people would love for her to go through this challenging teen phase a little faster, I'm sure!) and she is soooo cute. She's a leaner, I love a leaner! I love this girlie. Reminder to all my teen dog parents, it's a temporary phase, and it's normal for your teen dog to be extra WILD. Be patient, be kind, give them extra mental and physical exercise and remember you will get to the other side.
#giantschnoodle #teendog #adolescentdog #adolescenceishard #rewardsbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #dogsofinstagram #snackleadernotpackleader #cutedog #ilovedogs #sillydog #teendogsarefun
From the archives! Desensitization & Counterconditioning to help Daisy feel better when people approach while she has a treasure. Daisy doesn't have to do anything for the food to appear & notice the lack of guarding or concerned body language. Desensitization means the dog feels safe, relaxed, there's no concern. Alex approaching while Daisy has a benebone = food from the sky. If we mess up & get too close for her comfort resulting in any guarding, Daisy will STILL get treats, that's Counterconditioning.
Resource guarding, especially when directed towards humans, is a widely misunderstood & heavily mistreated issue. Many people are offended & take it personally if their dog guards from them; whether it's a toy they guard, the other person in the house, a resting area, or their special treats. I have good news for you! Your dog doesn't like you any less just because they growl at you over a treasure they don't want you to take. Growling is communication. Nor does it mean anything about respect or who is the top dog. Resource guarding is normal dog behavior & who can blame a dog for protecting their favorite resources? Whether a dog freezes over their treasure or snaps/bites, they are not being naughty or trying to be the alpha, they are simply asking for space. We don't need to deny them access to any of their favorite things anymore, and we don't need to teach them who is boss by forcefully approaching & taking away whatever they are guarding (good way to get a bite!).
Resource guarding does not always need to be "fixed." Sometimes the solution is to leave your dog in peace when they have something high value. If the guarding is more serious, for safety & the dog's emotional health, we can help dogs feel way better about people approaching, walking past, or even taking away an object (if it's something dangerous or something inedible that they might ingest).
#desensitization #counterconditioning #behaviormodification #resourceguarding #dogtrainingshouldbefun #aggre
Freddie and Cleo wait by the open door
From the archives, and actually a much older one! A 2022 throwback.
If you want your dogs to perform behaviors (which most of the time, the behaviors we expect from dogs are NOT natural behaviors for dogs), you have to teach them, and you have to practice (incremental training steps and a LOT of reps).
Cleo and Freddie are super lucky and loved dogs who go on lots of adventures. An issue back then was when they'd arrive somewhere exciting, the younger humans might open the door and jump out of the van, which of course was exactly what the dogs would do, too! For safety, I taught the dogs a foundation wait at the door first, and then I added me bolting out the door and taking off running. I wanted Cleo and Freddie to wait until they heard a release cue to jump out and start their adventures.
Dogs don't care WHO goes out the door first. This isn't about them learning they are lesser beings and some big human is the "alpha" dominant leader macho jerk. Everything we teach dogs should be about their safety, their wellbeing, improving their quality of life, improving our relationship, connection, communication, and about enriching their lives through FUN and stimulation.
#rewardbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #dogtrainingshouldbefun #trainforwhatyouwant #cutedogs #doodles #sweetdogs #trainwithkindness #fearfreetraining #dogsofsantafe #ilovedogs #nodogneedsaheavyhand #dogtrainer
Group training for multi-pet households
From the archives!
In multi-pet households, one of my favorite things to teach is how to take turns. Taking turns getting treats, attention, playtime, grooming, or training so when one pet has their go, the others will wait patiently. I love to use mat training with this, but you don't have to (I'll post a basic sit stay for this later with another group of cuties). This is especially helpful in households where one dog or cat is getting chased off or trampled when they get attention, or if they just walk by! Rufus and Roxie often thought Cleo the cat was great to chase, and they also REALLY always wanted it to be their turn to get attention/training/treats (they are both very young and this is normal). They're learning here that it's actually way more fun to stay on their beds and watch while Cleo moves around in front of them and even (GASP) gets pets from trainer Erica!
In this clip, Roxie the Rottie was still under 5 months old, and Rufus was under 2. Katie they Greyhound is always miss perfect, but it's important to remember that NO DOG is too young or old to learn through force-free, rewards based training, even very advanced ideas like a down stay while your kitty toy does tricks.
Training your dogs and cats can improve the relationship between them and helps everyone live in harmony together! Mat training is such a fantastic and versatile thing to train, as long as it's safe and fun for your pet (no using leashes to drag your dog onto their mats and force them to stay while something scary happens near them, PLEASE!). Choose kindness, train with food, keep it light and fun. While you're at it, TRAIN YOUR CAT! 😁
#snackleadernotpackleader #dogtrainingshouldbefun #rewardbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #dogsofsantafe #dogtrainer #trainforwhatyouwant #cutedogs #sweetdogs #nodogneedsaheavyhand #trainwithkindness #fearfreetraining #ilovedogs #dogsofinstagram #rewardbaseddogtraining #dogtraining #smallbusiness #mattraining #trainyourdog #downstay #forcefree
I have so many training videos, training tips, and introductory posts that I'm behind on posting, but instead here's puppy Paddington flying. 😂♥️
#empoweredpuppypackage #cutepuppy #puppysocialization #snackleadernotpackleader #rewardsbasedtraining #forcefreetraining #softcoatedwheatenterrier #wheatonterrierpuppy #dogtrainingshouldbefun #flyingpuppy #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofsantafe #socializationismorethanjustexposure #socializeyourpuppy
I'm very happy to be back working with Tabitha and her big dog crew. She is always so funny and "extra" in everything she does (including her herding and guarding she does with the other dogs 😁). For example, here she is going to her mat from a distance 🤣 we never said she had to back up to it but why take your eye off the food source?! Tabitha is learning to go to and stay on her mat to help with her resource guarding and herding tendencies with the big girls. The mat can be used in so many awesome ways! That's Astrid on the left and Sigi on the right at the end, Astrid has my heart after recently welcoming me into her circle of trust. 🥰
#rewardsbasedtraining #forcefreetraining #cutedog #smalldogbigattitude #toyaussie #toyaustralianshepherd #herdingdogsgonnaherd #mattraining #snackleadernotpackleader #germanshepherd #greatpyrenees #ilovedogs #resourceguarding #dogtrainingshouldbefun
Dorrie learned the most dramatic play dead through capturing in about ten minutes! This video shows three play deads, keep watching! Capturing means marking and reinforcing (saying, "yes!" or clicking if using a clicker then giving a treat) a full behavior a dog offers. It's one of my favorite ways to teach new tricks and all kinds of other behaviors. It can also be used to teach tricks that you can't really lure, like sneezing or showing teeth. And it allows dogs to be super creative, because we are just rewarding behaviors dogs throw out and come up with themselves! I believe wholeheartedly that reinforcing a dog's creativity empowers them.
Dorrie loves this silly on her back behavior, so it was easy to start giving treats every time she offered it, and then put it on cue for a fully formed and repeatable trick. Dorrie is a super intelligent dog, but any dog out there can do trick training and learn really flashy, dramatic tricks through capturing (or other techniques like luring and shaping)!
#tricktraining #playdead #dogtricks #tricksarefordogs #rewardsbasedtraining #forcefreetraining #dogsofinstagram #dogsofsantafe #snackleadernotpackleader #cutedog #ilovedogs #cutedogtricks
Last weekend I did a trick training workshop at @sfanimalshelter and Baby (who is adoptable and SUPER fun to trick train!) was very curious about the goings on outside her training zone. 🤣 She kept cracking us up doing her little prairie dog peaks. Someone go adopt Baby! She has a lot of energy but is happy and smart. She can be barely towards other dogs but who doesn't have big feelings about things sometimes? She just needs someone who can provide her with an active and fun life! Thanks @___birdie_leigh___ for this video, I'm still laughing!
#tricktraining #cutedog #adoptabledog #dogsofsantafe #dogsofinstagram #santafenewmexico #dogs #trainingismentalenrichment #santafeanimalshelter
Trick training is way too much fun! Just ask Clementine, who learned to string two new tricks together, sit pretty into (her all time favorite) play dead! She is working while Gatsby practices his advanced down stay. Both dogs are learning to stay while other pets in the house train and get attention. Such wonderful pups! Trick training is GREAT for your teenage dogs. It helps you connect and engage with them while burning off some of that excessive energy adolescents have, and it primes their brain to learn new things faster int he future. And, LOOK at it!! It's flashy and fun!
#tricktraining #dogtricks #dogtrainingshouldbefun #frencbulldog #bernesemountaindog #adolescentdogs #trainingismentalenrichment #snackleadernotpackleader #rewardsbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #tricksarefordogs #mattraining #downstay #sitpretty #playdead #dogsofinstagram #dogsofsantafe
Ffion is a lovely girl who doesn't appreciate when dogs she doesn't know run up to her or get up in her business. When loose dogs run up on a walk, or dogs suddenly appear around a corner, it upsets her. We're helping her feel differently about these situations through desensitization and counter conditioning. We want her to feel safe and relaxed every step of the way, and look how fantastically wiggly she looks when Diego suddenly appears and starts approaching her around a corner! She is doing so great. I guess I never welcomed her and her brother to A Matter of Manners, so belated welcome to Ffion, Jambo, and family!
#desensitization #counterconditioning #forcefreedogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #dogtrainingshouldbefun #dogsofinstagram #dogsofsantafe #rewardsbasedtraining #cutedog #freedomharness #trainwithkindness
Very convincing sleeping, Wilbur 🤣❤️ Jennifer is demonstrating how to add the verbal cue (and a fun hand signal) absolutely beautifully! We taught the "down and on your side/back" hand signal first, so Jennifer is saying, "Go to sleep!" and doing sleep hands first, then waiting a couple seconds. Then, she helps Wilbur by doing the learned hand signal. By the end of the session, Wilbur was going to sleep on just the verbal and fun signal. That's how it works! Great training here. @jennwynnephotodecor
#tricktraining #englishspringerspaniel #sweetdog #happydog #rewardbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #learningshouldbefun #snackleadernotpackleader #dogsofinstagram #ilovedogs #dogtricks #trainforfun #trainingismentalenrichment
Practice, prep, set you and your dog up for success (which includes feeling less stressed out for a vet visit). We have some routine vet visits coming up so we spend little bits here and there running through the vet visit. Here we are from a few days ago and this morning. We use Cooperative Care at the vet, so we practice our chin rests for face exams, getting vaccines, and listening to the heart. We practice our blood draw position a LOT as this is the toughest one for my dogs (of course, I don't blame them!). Cooperative Care is something I encourage my clients to make a regular part of their lives. Not something you expect your dog to be able to do one or two times a year during a scary vet visit. It takes practice and upkeep! Even if you don't use Cooperative Care at the vet, you can and still should prep your dog for vet visits. Visit the vet for happy visits ahead of time, just to get treats, sniff around, go home. Practice any restraint your dog might need at the vet. Will you or the vet be holding them for a blood draw? Practice it!
Help your dogs and cats by preparing them ahead of time so they know what to expect. Predictably is key to confidence.
#cooperativecare #vetvisitsdonthavetobescary #fearfreecertified #rewardbasedtraining #forcefreedogtraining #dogtrainingshouldbefun #snackleadernotpackleader #usefood #dogsofinstagram #muttsofinstagram #cutedogs