Hey all! Let me introduce myself! Im Nicole I was in the healthcare field for about 8 years and taking care of animals on the side as well! but I wanna dedicate myself full time to helping you and your furry friends out while your on vacation or just have things to do! I have open availability! I provide: DROP•INS & OVERNIGHT STAYS ( in your home) Feel free to reach out to me on my social media platforms @peace_love_and_licks and my 📞 is listed in my profile info if you’d like to call or text me! Always feel free to reach out!🐾🐕🐈⬛❤️ #petsitterlife #fulltime #sayvilleny #local #longisland #suffolkcounty #letmehelpyou #doglover #catlover #allanimalsmatter #petlover #animalcaretaker #petnanny #animalsrule #doglife #walkswithme #itsalifestyle #entrepreneur #getthewordout #reelz #peacelovehappiness #dogswithtoys #playtime #dropins #overnightstays
Hey everyone! Let me your pets favorite sitter! I still have availability in the up coming summer months! Send me a DM, Call or text me! My info is listed in my profile peace_love_and_licks 🐾🐕🦜🐇🐈⬛🧶🦴🐾 #petsitter #local #sayvilleny #ads #smallbusinessbigheart #petstagram #Labrador #summertime #petnanny #longisland #suffolkcounty #letmehelpyou #petsbestfriend #suffolkcountydogs #itsalifestyle #doglove #catlove #allanimalsmatter
Let me become your pets favorite sitter 🐕🐈⬛🐇🦜Schedule a meet & greet with me! My contact info is listed in my profile! @peace_love_and_licks feel free to DM me on there or feel free to call 📞 or text 📱me! I’d love to get to know your furry friend(s) so that way you can have a peaceful time away ☮️ I have open availability! 🗓️ #petsitter #goals #lifestyle #iloveanimals #local #sayvilleny #suffolkcountydogs #longisland #petnanny #allanimalsmatter #doglover #catscatscats #walkthewalk #meetandgreet #petpreneur #vacation #letmehelpyou #animalcaretaker #trustinme #peacelove #animalsmakemehappy #smallbusiness #petbusiness #gethewordout
Need a reliable pet sitter? I do DROP-INS • OVERNIGHTS(in your home) & WALKS • I have open availability! DM me to schedule your meet & greet so I can sit for your pet(s) follow me @ peace_love_and_licks to see my pet adventures! #petsitter #longisland #sayvilleny #doglover #catlover #allanimalsmatter #petadventures #letmehelpyou #smallbiz #peaceloveanddogs #petnanny #imlocal #suffolkcounty #bookwithme #openavailability #iloveanimals #animalreels #followmeplease
Let me hang out with your furry friends while your at work, vacation, day trip ETC! OVERNIGHTS🐾DROP-INS🐾 WALKS🐾 DM me peace_love_and_licks to schedule your meet & greet with me! I am also CAT FRIENDLY 🐈 #petsitter #local #sayvilleny #smallbiz #getthewordout #petnanny #doglove #letmehelpyou #itravel #overnights #dropins #walks #allanimalsmatter #dogfriendly #catfriendly #peaceloveandhappiness #animallove #doglicks #yorkie #labrador #petlove #allpetswelcome
Hung out local yesterday! Ask me about my availability on drop ins for your furry friend(s)!! Set up a meet n greet today! peace_love_and_licks⬅️ Send me a message anytime! #petsitter #local #sayvilleny #suffolkcounty #longisland #petnanny #iloveanimals #austrainshepard #afternoon #dropins #playtime #dinnertime #doglover #letmehelpyou #doglife #peaceloveanddogs #smile #getthewordout #petcare #meetandgreet #animalcaretaker
Let me hang out with your furry friends! Schedule a meet and greet with me! I’m local to Sayville! I’ll travel to: 🚘 Bayport, Bohemia, Oakdale, Holbrook, Ronkonkoma, Patchogue & All Islip areas! DROP-INS• OVERNIGHTS• WALKS• 🐕🐾 I’m also CAT FRIENDLY! 🐈🧶 Always feel free to contact me peace_love_and_licks about availability on my services! Can’t wait to make new furry friends 🫶🏽🐾 #petsitter #doglover #petstagram #reelz #petnanny #local #sayvilleny #suffolkcounty #smallbiz #letsmeetup #furryfriends #iloveanimals #letmehelpyou #alllivesmatter #petlove #peaceloveanddogs #animalsrule #getthewordout #overnights #dropins #dogwalks #petcare #alldogsmatter #summerlove #doglicks #kittylove
I hope you’re having a WAGTASTIC WEEK so far! Always free to free to reach out about any of my services peace_love_and_licks⬅️ I’d love to chat about caring for your furry friends in the future!•DROP-INS, OVERNIGHTS & WALKS•🫶🏽🐾🐕🦴🐈🧶#petsitter #iloveanimals #dogfriendly #catfriendly #letschat #longisland #local #suffolkcounty #sayvilleny #meetandgreet #petcare #animallove #peaceloveanddogs #getthewordout #letmehelpyou
Let’s schedule✏️ afternoon/evening drop in visits or overnight stays for your furry friend(s)! I’m also CAT FRIENDLY!🐶🎾🐱🧶 #petsitter #longisland #imlocal #suffolkcounty #sayvilleny #letmehelpyou #animallove #playtime #dropinvisits #afternoon #overnightstay #evening #furbabylove #petnanny #peacelovedogs #canipetyourdog #smallbiz
Business cards are coming your way ‼️🔈🫶🏽🐾🦴 #petsitter #local #suffolkcounty #longisland #canipetthatdog #peaceloveanddogs #petnanny #letmehelpyou #smallbiz #getthewordout #iloveanimals #onedogonelove #catfriendly #allfurryfriends