Had the pleasure of creating more cake magic this week for a special milestone! Happy birthday! The review from our client says it all… “Girrrlllllll….. the cake is amazing!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!”
(We added an additional rose after boxing because it needed just a tad bit more magic) happy Sunday friends.
We were asked to donate some tasty treats to Grand Parents breakfast this morning at Stevensons Elementary in Elk Grove Village! ❤️
Extra special cake magic!
Who’s feeling like a magical D🍩nut delivery in February? We’re thinking for the love filled occasion!❤️ (standard pricing/no up charge) give us your feed back. We filled lots of bellies at our holiday market booth and think it’s time for more.
Hello lovelies! Miss Kitty is back and ready to bake up some magic for you. We’ve been busy with life stuff and am now back and feeling inspired. Here are some treats I’ve made over the last few months, including a wedding and a birthday at a camping event!❤️
CHICAGOLAND kittens! Miss Kitty has decided to deliver holiday cake donut magic to your doorstep, a friends doorstep, a family members doorstep, a business in the community’s doorstep…you get it! Christmas Eve delivery! Donuts will keep for Christmas morning when stored properly. Will include storage tips in your box! Menu tonight! ❤️🍩🎄
Extra spooky decorations for some super fun cake magic !
🍩 magic test kitchen! ❤️🍩🎃
Prepping the magic with all the fresh ingredients!🍓🍩🌿
Some like it hot! Bringing you the Chocolate Heat this Sunday! Get your orders in.