Please be aware of this danger!
The last day of 2024 ended sadly for this grieving family who lost their Pitbull Mix puppy on 12/31/24 when he suffocated in a Cheetos chip bag. Angi Allen writes, "We just endured this God awful pain on losing our beloved fur baby to a chip bag! I like many others who have had to experience this didn't have the slightest idea of how something like this could even happen until it happened. Then to research after and see how common it is is devastating. I've came across a lot of your posts, unfortunately now it is too late. Jet suffocated after getting his head stuck in a Cheetos bag that was left unattended for mere minutes. It’s a loss that has deeply affected our family.
If only I would have seen a poster at one of my dogs' wellness checkups, social media, or anywhere prior this could have been avoidable. I'm still distraught and hurting at the moment. Our goal in sharing Jet’s story is to raise awareness so that no animal has to die, no family has to suffer, and no one experiences the heartbreak that we have endured."
Sweet Jet was not even a year old yet. Please visit our website below to learn all the information and safety tips to keep your pets safe from suffocation. There are also infographics posted you can share with your friends, family, vets, rescue groups, and pet sitters. Thank you!