Richard is all smiles 😊
We had a little sun today and when you live in the PNW that’s something to be happy about. ❤️
Pumpkin party! 🎃❤️
Huge thank you to Salem Harvest for donating a huge pile of pumpkins for our rescued friends to enjoy. It was perfect weather to enjoy a delicious, nutritious snack before the rain settles back in.
What is fall without a delicious pumpkin snack? Max and Rocco tried their first pumpkin ever and it’s safe to say they’ve found a new favorite treat. ❤️ They’ve come a long way from the sad, barren cages of a research lab. Watching them become the individuals they were meant to be is such a joy.
To witness the joy of a rescued animal in sanctuary is to see the world how it should be❤️Support sanctuaries not slaughterhouses.
Is there anything sweeter than piglet kisses? 😍
These sweeties are getting bigger and stronger every day. We’re so grateful to the universe for bringing them to us and we can’t wait to see them thrive in their new sanctuary homes soon! ❤️
Piglet Update! Sorry for the delay — caring for piglets is exhausting and all consuming work 😅
We’re still in need of funds to care for these cuties before they go to their new sanctuary homes next month (we’ll be sharing details about their new homes soon!). Thank you for supporting them and to everyone who donated already or shared their story. We appreciate you all so much! ❤️
Last night we got an urgent visit from some neighbors who found 7 piglets on the side of the road and didn’t know what to do. These sweethearts are badly sunburnt, dehydrated, and covered in scrapes and wounds. Even though we are struggling so bad right now we couldn’t say no. 💔 They are safe now and that’s all that matters. I’m so glad they were brought to us yesterday and not today — it’s going to be 103 and I don’t think they would have survived.
I need to make this very clear: we are not in a position to provide long term care for 7 more farm pigs. We are not bringing in enough donations for the 350 rescued animals already in our care. Right now we need donations to cover the piglets immediate needs — vet care, milk replacer, and materials to build them a temporary, safe structure (they are currently in our special needs bird coop because we have nowhere else to put them).
We also need forever homes for them! If you or anyone you know wants to open your heart and home to a piglet please get in touch. We really truly do not have the resources (both time and financially) to care for them long term. Sanctuaries preferred.
Happiness is a ✨magical apple tree✨
The absolute joy Max and Rocco radiate when running to the apple trees — never in their wildest dreams did they imagine such a thing! They are a long, long way from the cold isolation of the research lab where they spent their first years. Life is now a series of happy adventures with an apple tree to discover around every corner ❤️
There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing a pasture full of happy, healthy rescued animals and knowing YOU have a part in making their life so wonderful.
As an all-volunteer organization we literally can’t do this work without the dedication and hardworking of volunteers. And right now we need help! If you want to do something really special and important — sign up to be a volunteer!
See if you meet the requirements and to fill out an application:
Hope to meet some of you soon! ❤️
Everything we do, we do it for them. ❤️ Life is so much more fulfilling with a purpose, especially when that purpose is to help make the world a kinder place.
A warm summer day + a surprise grape popsicle = a really, really good day for Rocco ❤️
Hard to imagine he was suffering in a research lab just a few short weeks ago. He had no idea what a beautiful life awaited him. Thank you for supporting our work so we can provide the best for sweethearts like Rocco.
🐷The adventures of Rocco and Max🐷
Today was a big day of trying a new treat— strawberries! Max was immediately a fan but Rocco will need some more convincing — he’s more of an apple kinda guy so far. It’s been so fun watching them come out of their shells little by little these last few days. We’ve only known them such a short time but we love them so much already❤️
note about the ear tags: yes, we will 100% be removing them but we want them to settle in and get a little more comfortable first. 😊