Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary

Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary Dedicated to offering a safe
and loving refuge to neglected
and abused farm animals.


Everything we do, we do it for them. ❤️ Life is so much more fulfilling with a purpose, especially when that purpose is to help make the world a kinder place.

Smoosh (July 2019 - August 2024) 💔🕊️Yesterday we said goodbye to our dear friend Smoosh. A few weeks ago she received th...

Smoosh (July 2019 - August 2024) 💔🕊️

Yesterday we said goodbye to our dear friend Smoosh. A few weeks ago she received the devastating diagnosis of leukemia — sadly there is no cure or even real treatment for pigs who have this disease. Smoosh is the third pig we’ve cared for with leukemia over the years so I knew when we were told that our time left with her was short — but I had really hoped for longer. With the help of our vet we tried a few things to lessen her discomfort and pain which allowed her to spend time with her family, wallow, and enjoy the sun before her body was ready to go.

Smoosh was born here 5 years ago during a huge hoarding case we were working on. From the very second I met her she demanded to be held and would launch herself into my lap — her name comes not only from her adorable smooshy nose, but also the way she’d smoosh her face into my chest when she jumped in my lap. From that moment on we’ve been best buddies and seeing her face every day was always one of the highlights of my day. She was so incredibly sweet and I’m finding it hard not to be angry that she had such a short time on earth with us. It’s not fair. We take comfort knowing she was loved and cared for not only by her human caregivers but also by her huge family of pigs. Smoosh was loved. Her life matters. And we will honor her by making sure her mom, siblings, and friends continue to have a beautiful life. Love you forever dear Smoosh❤️


A warm summer day + a surprise grape popsicle = a really, really good day for Rocco ❤️

Hard to imagine he was suffering in a research lab just a few short weeks ago. He had no idea what a beautiful life awaited him. Thank you for supporting our work so we can provide the best for sweethearts like Rocco.


🐷The adventures of Rocco and Max🐷

Today was a big day of trying a new treat— strawberries! Max was immediately a fan but Rocco will need some more convincing — he’s more of an apple kinda guy so far. It’s been so fun watching them come out of their shells little by little these last few days. We’ve only known them such a short time but we love them so much already❤️

note about the ear tags: yes, we will 100% be removing them but we want them to settle in and get a little more comfortable first. 😊


Friends, please help us welcome the two bravest boys: Rocco and Max! 🥹

Rocco and Max arrived today at the sanctuary after spending the last two years in a research lab. While we don’t know for sure what tests were performed on them — we know for certain that they were cruel, unnecessary and incredibly scary for them. We also know that when they weren’t being tested on they lived isolated and alone — kept in small cages deprived of sunshine, fresh air, and opportunities to engage in normal social behavior. What has happened to them is NOT OK!

We’re grateful to have been able to offer them a forever home. Here they will have all the space and care they need to become the happy pigs they deserve to be. They will make lifelong friends, go on adventures, try new foods, and experience a beautiful life full of love and friendship. We can’t wait to watch them blossom. And it’s only possible with your support. ❤️

A special thank you to New Life Animal Sanctuary and Animal Legal Defense Fund for securing the legal release of these babies! Rocco and Max would have never gotten their freedom if it wasn’t for them.

We have some big news to share tomorrow! I can hardly wait to tell you but for now all you need to know is that two very...

We have some big news to share tomorrow! I can hardly wait to tell you but for now all you need to know is that two very special someones who need a whole lot of love are about to experience the magic of sanctuary life ✨🥹 Stay tuned! ❤️

UPDATE! As of right now we’ve reached $2,000 of our $6,000 monthly donor goal. That’s incredible! Just $4,000 left to go...

UPDATE! As of right now we’ve reached $2,000 of our $6,000 monthly donor goal. That’s incredible! Just $4,000 left to go. The momentum has definitely slowed though.

The stark reality is that we will go WEEKS without a single one-time donation which means we rely solely on our monthly supporters to ensure our 350+ rescued friends get the care they need. This month alone we’ve racked up over $2,500 in vet bills as well as unexpected expenses to fix both the farm truck and our gator (life without the farm truck has not been fun 😭)

As scary as it is to live constantly on the edge of not having enough funds, we know that our wonderful community will make sure our rescued friends have what they need. Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far! We love you. ❤️

If signing up to be a monthly donor is out of reach right now, one-time donations are always welcome and appreciated.

We’re currently on the third day of a six day triple digit heat wave and when I say we’re over it…whew boy we are OVER I...

We’re currently on the third day of a six day triple digit heat wave and when I say we’re over it…whew boy we are OVER IT. These extreme weather situations are becoming increasingly more common and it’s very scary — a lot of our older rescued friends struggle in the extreme heat (and extreme cold) and this time is no exception. We have frozen towels, electrolyte popsicles, fans, and misters on hand to help anyone having trouble. It’s been a very long and stressful 3 days.

It’s these situations that really have us dreaming of having the funds to afford a few staff. It’s just so much work for the two of us and extreme weather like this really takes a toll when we’re scrambling around all day in the heat trying to take care of everyone. But I can’t even think about hiring anyone until we make up our monthly deficit for basic necessities. We need just $4,000 more a month! We’re so, so close. Thank you to everyone who has signed up already. We love you! ❤️

Sweet elder pig Kevin had quite the scare earlier this month. We noticed a fresh wound on his stomach that was bad enoug...

Sweet elder pig Kevin had quite the scare earlier this month. We noticed a fresh wound on his stomach that was bad enough to warrant immediate emergency vet care. It turns out that he had an invisible cyst or tumor that burst — I’ll spare you the details — suffice to say it required a pretty serious surgery which meant a complicated recovery. Since he’s definitely an old guy now we were worried about how he’d heal but in just a few short weeks he’s back to grumping around and laying in the sun. He’s not particularly fond of being touched so this was a scary moment for him. We’re so proud of him for being a brave boy! Forever our little grumpy, wrinkled potato. ❤️

Kevin’s situation is just one of 350 reasons why we rely on monthly support to keep our rescued friends happy and healthy. Thank you to everyone who has signed up in the last few days — we’ve made it to just about $1700 in new monthly gifts out of the $6000 we need. We’re getting close!

Before and after (Judy and Chickpea) 💅 The sheepies got their summer cuts this week just in time for warm weather.Almost...

Before and after (Judy and Chickpea) 💅 The sheepies got their summer cuts this week just in time for warm weather.

Almost all of our sheep are over the age of 8 which means they require extra care as they age — more frequent vet appointments, special diets, supplements, and medications to keep them comfortable. This is just one of the many expenses we incur monthly to keep our rescued friends healthy and happy.

We’ve made a ton of progress so far (in just 24 hours!) towards our goal of $6,000 in new monthly donors to help cover basic costs like these — but we still have a ways to go. Let’s keep momentum going ! ❤️

Friends, we’ve found ourselves in an uncomfortable position. Over time we’ve unfortunately lost more monthly donors than...

Friends, we’ve found ourselves in an uncomfortable position. Over time we’ve unfortunately lost more monthly donors than we’ve gained resulting in a $6,000 deficit each month to cover the most basic necessities.

We’ve been able to cobble together what we need by dipping into a small savings and cutting costs as much as possible — but it’s no longer sustainable. If you know us you know we do everything we can DIY to save money. We have no paid staff. And we never ask for more than we need.

I know getting to $6,000 in new
monthly donors overnight is unrealistic, but we’re going to be trying to reach small goals over the course of the next few months to get where we need to be. We’d love to reach 20 new monthly donors by the end of June.

Over 300 rescued animals need your support to continue living safe, happy, and free in their beautiful forever paradise. Please help if you can. We’re so grateful for the community of people who love our rescued friends and we know that we’ll be ok because of kind folks like YOU. ❤️

PS: if you can’t sign up to be a monthly donor, one-time donations are always appreciated.

Smilin’ cause life is so good when you’re loved and valued just for being you. ❤ (Bruno️ and Cashew)

Smilin’ cause life is so good when you’re loved and valued just for being you. ❤ (Bruno️ and Cashew)

Longtime volunteer Rich writes the sweetest behind the scenes blogs for our patrons. They are not to be missed! 💚 Join n...

Longtime volunteer Rich writes the sweetest behind the scenes blogs for our patrons. They are not to be missed! 💚

Join now for as little as $1 a month to help us care for over 300 rescued animals.

Happy Mother’s Day! We’re incredibly grateful to have been able to keep hundreds of families together over the last two ...

Happy Mother’s Day! We’re incredibly grateful to have been able to keep hundreds of families together over the last two decades — something that is so rare especially for farmed animals. Read about some of the beloved moms who currently reside at the sanctuary: Betsy, Cupcake, and Tilda. ❤️

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, we thought it would be an excellent chance to introduce you to some of the mothers who are lucky to spend their time, safe and loved, at Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary. And the best part? They get to live out their lives in the…


Beautiful moments like this — two rescued friends enjoying the safety and freedom to simply be — is possible only because of your support ❤️

It feels harder everyday to continue to connect with our community on here for reasons that are so beyond our control. It’s frustrating and scary because we count on these platforms to help us raise awareness and funds for the animals. We appreciate all of you who have stuck around and continue to engage. We ❤️ you!


Handsome Ferd reminding you to take some time to slow down and breathe. Cows are so good at taking it easy — when the weather is nice they will sit and meditate in the sun for hours. I think we could all learn something from them. ❤️


A little story about Linus 🐷: When we rescued him as a piglet he had a bad limp. We immediately took him to the vet for x-rays and were shocked when we were told we should amputate his leg. A surgery of that magnitude is not something we take lightly — especially knowing that Linus would likely grow to be at least 600 lbs.

We decided to hold off on amputating and instead implemented a pain management program, supplements, and stall rest — just to see if we could avoid a painful and life altering surgery — and within a month he was walking pain free and without a limp. Fast forward to our little rainy nature walk today (5 years later) it’s clear that his leg causes no pain (and of course we keep a close eye on him) and he’s loving his life exploring the forests of his home. He’s a happy boy.

It’s such a huge responsibility to make medical decisions for our animal friends without their implicit consent—we have to do what’s best for them, always and for us that means taking in every consideration possible before doing anything invasive. ❤️

So many beautiful days in a row — we all feel a little spoiled!Fiona and Gandalf are enjoying every second of it. ☀️❤️

So many beautiful days in a row — we all feel a little spoiled!Fiona and Gandalf are enjoying every second of it. ☀️❤️


Elio’s day consists of 50% exploring and 50% sleeping — just the way it should be ❤️


Amelie doing what pigs do best - digging around in the soft soil for delicious roots! 🌿

Amelie was rescued years ago from a research lab. So many years ago in fact, that it’s no longer a really important part of her story — she’s made it out of the darkness and has lived a beautiful and full life for much longer than she suffered in that terrible research facility. Obviously we acknowledge her past, but our focus is on her present and future. Of how far she’s come, our brave and adventurous Amelie. She has endless days of freedom, love, and safety to look forward too.❤️

Gobo and Alsea enjoying a sunny day 🌞. These two have been a part of our sanctuary family for many, many years. Gobo lov...

Gobo and Alsea enjoying a sunny day 🌞. These two have been a part of our sanctuary family for many, many years. Gobo loves to welcome visitors and make sure volunteers stay on task and Alsea loves a nice long nap in the sun more than anything in the world. ❤️

We had a great weekend! The sun was shining and on Saturday we welcomed Center for Animal Law Studies students for a lov...

We had a great weekend! The sun was shining and on Saturday we welcomed Center for Animal Law Studies students for a lovely workday. The animals loved the extra attention and we got some cleaning done, too. Thank you .aldf for all of your hard work! See you again soon ❤️🐷


🚨EMERGENCY🚨We woke up to one of our barns completely flooded with freezing cold water. Parts of the water are so deep that it reaches our shins — ducks are swimming down the middle of the barn. It's so bad. This barn houses our elderly sheep and goats as well as half our pigs, some with special needs. Right now they have nowhere to go that's dry and to make matters worse it just started snowing outside. If we don't fix this NOW we risk having some very sick animals. We need to rent equipment to dig trenches and scoop out the wet straw, buy gravel to raise the floor of the barn, and replace all of the straw that has been lost. We're looking at over $4,000 in extra expenses to fix this. That's money we don't have. If you can give anything today to help us with this very unexpected and scary expense, it would mean to much to us and the animals. Links to donate in comments.


Happy love day from our love bugs ❤️

Italo ❤️ Happy in his peaceful kingdom without a worry in the world — as it should be.

Italo ❤️ Happy in his peaceful kingdom without a worry in the world — as it should be.

Agnes and Joni checking in from their cozy barn to see if you’ve ordered your Valentine’s Day e-card yet❤️ Check the com...

Agnes and Joni checking in from their cozy barn to see if you’ve ordered your Valentine’s Day e-card yet❤️

Check the comments for details!


PO BOX 451
Scio, OR


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