When the fedex girl comes in and says “Omg! When you call on your people they really jump into action” you know you’ve got a lot of boxes delivered today...64 boxes to be exact of kitty litter, cat food and dog food!!!
Some days are tough. The amount of phone calls and messages about animals in dire need of a safe place just about tears me apart. Most people either tell me that they are going to kill them, dump them in the country or take them to “the pound” if I don’t take them. What most people don’t know is that if I could take them I would. Most people don’t donate food, toys, beds, etc. when they drop off an animal. Most don’t volunteer to help care for that animal. It’s all on me and each animal costs hundreds of dollars to care for while they are here…and I have hundreds of animals as it is.
But today….today brought tears to my eyes. All of the heartache from days and weeks of saying no and worrying about if I can just take in one more, can I feed just one more for weeks and/or months, well you all are absolutely amazing!!!!
The amount of love and support for the animals I rescue is astronomical. I truly love each and every one of you. Thank you!!!! ❤️
Ps. I always say you save on a gym membership working for me. Lol! Thankful for my daughter and my two dear friends that are also my vet and vet tech. I would still be there opening boxes and stacking all of it if it weren’t for them.
Definitely feeling very blessed today 🥰